Wednesday, August 2, 2023

WWE NXT 8/1/2023

WWE NXT 8/1/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tony D'Angelo and Stacks arrive with the tag titles. Gallus jumps them and they fight in the parking lot. Stacks is thrown into a door then Tony is held for punches and a headbutt. Mark said it's Gallus Boys on Top always and forever and we cut away.

Jacy Jayne says she will finish what she started at the GAB and said Lyra won't have anyone to pull her off of her this time.

Jacy Jayne vs Lyra Valkyria

Jacy hits a nice running forearm as Lyra enters then rams her back into the apron. Jacy cannonballs her off the apron and the match officially starts. Lyra hits some awful windmill shots that miss then crossbodies her for 2. Jacy running back splashes her in the corner then kicks her in the back and chest while she's seated.

Lyra does a nice shotgun dropkick then plancha's her outside.  We go to a long break and return. Lyra facekicks her and they trade roll-ups. Jacy back elbows and sentons her. Lyra hits kicks. Jacy is thrown out and Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

Lyra top rope crossbodies her then hits a nice northern lights suplex for 2. Lyra hits chest kicks then JAcy superkicks her. Jacy spinebusters her for 2 and hits another superkick. Lyra spinning high kicks her then top rope splashes her for the win.

Aside from Lyra's bad windmill shots here, this was quick and wasn't bad at all. Lyra hit some decent kicks here and Jacy matched up well against her. I didn't like Jacy nailing her before the bell but that forearm shot near the entrance was good.

Trick and Melo are talking in the back. Trick says it was his best performance. Trick says he has to start doing this for him now that Dragunov is in his rearview mirror. Trick says he is no sidekick. Melo said he doesn't seem him as one, but Trick says the fans do. Trick says Melo's on track to be one of the best and says he's not champ, but Melo is. Trick says he's going to slay the mad dragon Ilja Dragunov. He said it's not a breakup, he just needs to be his own man. Melo tells him to shoot for the stars and he said he won't miss.

That's a pretty big move. We'll have to see how it works out. Trick has a lot of potential and maybe even more than Melo due to his size, but they've been a great pair together and I don't want to see them broken up.

Tony D and Stacks are in the back with the doctor. Tony says Gallus are dead men walking. He says he wants all of them and Stacks says it'll be 3 on 2. Tony says he will make a call to "who you know who". Tony then tells the doc he and Stacks are good as the doc says he's not done yet.

Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley come out. Rhea says Dom's more of a man than anyone else, including Ali and Wes Lee. Dom says he's the greatest luchador that ever lived. 

Dragon Lee comes out. He says he won't let Dom disrespect his name and heritage anymore. They call him Rey Mysterio Jr. Jr. Lee says he doesn't think he's the greatest luchador ever and said nobody believes it. Lee says Rey is the greatest luchador ever. Dom said he made the name famous. Lee says Rhea was the one who got him the title. Lee challenges him to a title match next week and Dom agrees. Lee said he won't come alone next week then Rey Mysterio gets on the tron. Rey says he will be in Lee's corner next week and calls him the future of lucha.

Melo is on the phone then Wes Lee comes in and is mad. Wes said he is mad that he lost multiple weeks in a row. He said he is fighting for his life and tells him not to pretend like he knows what he's fighting for. Melo said another person is going to step up to the plate to fight him then Drag will want a rematch too. He says Wes doesn't know what it's like. Noam Dar and Oro Mensah walk in. Dar says he's Heritage Cup champ, which is something neither of them will be. Wes says he's not champ and Dar said he was never beaten while Dom beat Wes twice. They shove each other and a fight breaks out that is quickly stopped.

Chase U is interviewed. Thea said she gave everything she had and was mad at Chase for throwing in the towel. Baron Corbin comes in and tells them to get it over with. Chase mentions how Corbin was thrown around by Gable and Corbin says he will handle Gable if he returns. Corbin tells Thea she tried and failed and should find something else to do. Chase calls him a piece of sh!t and says he won't let him talk to her that way. They then agree to a match.

Eddy Thorpe vs Dijak

Eddy avoids a facekick then hits chops in the corner. Eddy shotgun dropkicks him then crossbodies him. They trade chest chops and Dijak lariats him. Eddy spears the post then Dijak hits a sit out chokeslam for 2. Eddy hits a spin kick to the gut and an enzugiri. He then backdrops him for 2.

Dijak arm whips him down into the canvas then Eddy germans Dijak. Eddy elbow drops him then Eddy has his arm banged on the post. Dijak spinning facekicks him and wins it.

It was short and very rushed.

Tony D is on the phone and Stacks walks in. Tony says the person on the phone should understand business is business and says they will be even steven if they do this for him. Tony says the mysterious partner is in and they say let's get him.

Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan watch Dana hitting Cora with a stick. Dana said she went to a real dark place and KJ says that's a side people needed to see. Dana said she lost it and saw red when she hit Cora. Dana says KJ needs to find aggression and killer instinct. She tells her to go and call someone out. 

We see Lola and Elektra watching a video of the mixed 8-person tag at the GAB with Leon and Feroz.

Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon vs Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice

Lopez drops Leon on her butt then Leon takes her down and rides her. Leon springboard armdrags Lopez then armdrags her. Leon flips Feroz onto Lopez using the ropes. Lopez hits Feroz in the back of the head when she is distracted by Lola. Feroz has her head banged off the mat then Feroz is hit with Lola and Lopez's hips at the same time. Lola does her nice spin kick into Feroz's gut.

Lola hip attacks Feroz in the corner. Lopez high kicks Feroz for 2. Leon is tagged in and lariats Lola. Leon hits gutwrenches on Lola then michinoku drivers her. Lopez throws Feroz out then Lola spinning high kicks Leon for the win.

It was quick and rushed. Lola looked good in the little she got to do here with some great kicks.

Tiffany Stratton is on TikTok. She is putting on make-up. She says Thea pushed her at the GAB and said she will be back next week. Tiff says she will do whatever she wants and it will be fabulous.

Carmelo Hayes and Wes Lee vs Noam Dar and Oro Mensah

Meta-Four has a neat entrance video with different colors lighting up for each member. Wes tops his opponents as they enter. Dar hits Wes from behind then Melo hits a lariat off the steps. Melo sits on the middle rope to suplex Dar in. Melo armdrags Dar and hits a nice dropkick. Melo springboard corkscrew forearms Oro then hits a hard chest kick.

Melo tags in Wes then Wes hits shots in the corner on Oro. Wes and Melo hit a nice double dropkick on Oro. Oro rolls out while Wes is up top and we go to break. We return and Oro exploders Wes for 2. Oro catches nothing on a flipping koppo kick then Wes basement dropkicks him. Melo and Dar are tagged in and Melo hits shots on him.

Melo snapmares him then superkicks him for 2. Lash tries to hit Melo outside in full view of the ref and the ref could are less. Dar urakens Melo then Melo hits a la mistica drop. Wes goes up top and Jakara Jackson gets in the ring to block Wes. Wes does his spiral tap anyway on Dar. Melo pump kicks Oro down then Dar superman punches Wes.

Wes goes for his backflip kick but nails Melo. Oro botches a springboard rider kick and superkicks Wes. Dar then step up enzugiri's Wes and wins it.

The crowd chanted, "you f*cked up" at Oro and had to be muted. It was okay but Meta-Four having the women get involved and nothing happening was lame. I don't know if Melo and Wes is the best thing for Melo to be doing right now.

Wes and Melo argue after. Melo says it's cool then Wes says it ain't cool. Wes asks "where were you?" and says he is worried about this when Melo says he's not worried.

We go to Bron Breakker doing a video promo. He talks about Von Wagner. He says Von's story is touching stuff and mkes faces. Bron says Von is a nobody like his dad and calls him soft. Bron tells him to come find him if he doesn't like what he's saying. Bron says he will do something worse than the scar he had on his head if he thinks he can do anything to him.

Axiom calls Dominik a parasite in the parking lot. Dom says, "this guy again?" and confuses him for Dragon Lee. Dom then asks, "who the hell are you?". Mustafa Ali comes in and says they need to talk about Sunday. Rhea says he lost. Ax pulls Ali to the side and said he disrespected him. Ali says he's been disrespected for 6 years. Ali says the North American title is his and tells him to worry about Scrypts and the Heritage Cup.

Baron Corbin vs Andre Chase

Baron's graphic says "burn the ships" and his intro video has  pirate stuff on it, so he is some kind of pirate now I guess. Thea has zero energy for this and looks very upset. Booker mentions it and the other announcer says, "Miss Cleo is coming out again on a Tuesday". Corbin pounds on Chase to start then short arm lariats him. Corbin knee him in the gut then Chase rolls him up. Chase goes up and over with a sunset flip in the corner. Chase single leg dropkicks him out.

Corbin death valley drivers him on the floor outside. Corbin pounds on Chase's back. Chase is thrown out and puts him into the rails. Chase dropkicks him in the knee then russian legsweeps him. Chase hits C-H-A-S-E-U stomps then Corbin spinebusters him. Chase single leg crabs him (just like Tiff did to Thea at the GAB) and Thea throws in the towel. Corbin throws the towel back out and the ref doesn't see it. Thea walks away and Chase rolls up Corbin for 2. Corbin hits end of days on Chase and wins it.

The stuff with Thea was clever and well done but the match was basic. I didn't like Chase taking a death valley driver on the floor and not being out of it after that.

We see videos of Roxanne Perez in Texas during GAB weekend. Perez greets her family, we see her get ready for the match and see clips of the match.

We go to Meta-Four in the back. Dar says they are untouchable. Lash says Dar is the most successful champ of all time. Tyler Bate walks in and said he was on a retreat the last few weeks. Bate challenges Dar to a match next week and points at the Heritage Cup.

Schism is in the ring with tons of people in masks. He said two people here abandoned their values and posed a direct threat. Ava says the traitors will be found out and punished. She asks the people to step forward and reveal their faces. These are all PC guys so far then Jiro is the 3rd person to take the mask off. Ava says Jiro isn't part of this. Rip says this is serious business and kicks I think Quincy Elliot out. They then pull out the last two people and say they are The Creed Brothers. They jump them and take their masks off and it's not the Creed's. The Creed's are shown sunbathing at the beach on the tron. They laugh at the idea of being under the masks. They say UFO's fried Joe's brainwaves. They say they aren't in NXT and are having the times of their lives. They are sitting in front of a green screen and can't agree as to where they actually are now. Julius says they aren't in Orlando though and says they want to thank them for the vacation. Rip and Jagger grab the two people in the ring. Joe says he knows the Creed's are somewhere and says to find the Creed's and bring them to them.

This was a weird segment and I really don't know what to make of it. They obviously want us to believe and think The Creed's were under the masks.

We go to a clip from the women's locker room last week. Cora is mad about losing to Dana Brooke. She grabs her stuff and says she is leaving. She grabs fanmail and then throws it, saying they can find out that she's leaving. She tells everyone "good luck without me, you are going to need it".

Tony D'Angelo, Stacks and Santos Escobar vs Gallus

Tony said he called an old friend and brought out Santos Escobar. Tony got Santos kicked out of NXT after being him in a street fight, so I don't exactly get how they were friends. They all fight in the ring to start and Gallus goes out. 

Stacks flying euros Wolf then Tony running knee lifts Wolf. Tony lariats Wolf then Tony hiptosses Stacks into Wolf. Tony does a nice double leg takedown on Joe then Tony's team all does gut punches at the same time. Mark is lariated over the top and then Joe is thrown over the top too.

We go to PiP break and return. Stacks takes snake eyes on the apron from Wolf then Mark 2nd rope shoulders Stacks. Joe sidewalk slams Stacks. Stacks back body drops Mark and goes to tag Tony, but Tony is pulled down from the apron. Wolf slams Stacks then misses a 2nd rope moonsault.

Santos gets the hot tag in and flying shoulders Mark. Santos top rope crossbodies Mark then rolls him up for 2. All 6 men brawl then Santos rope hurricanrana's Mark. Santos double knees Mark in the corner then Mark takes a bada bing, bada boom for the Stacks/Tony/Santos win.

It was a decent trios match with the crowd being real into it. I liked Santos' top rope hurricanrana. Gallus didn't get a ton in here. Don't get me wrong, it was cool to see Stacks, Tony and Santos together again but it would have been better if it made sense storyline wise.

Ilja Dragunov does a video. He says Trick Williams is the reason he isn't NXT champ. Ilja says he's not finished with Trick either, just as Trick says he isn't done with him. He said he will feel his wrath and fury. He said he won't stop his retribution until Trick is entirely terminated. 

Overall thoughts: A lot of storyline developments this week and a lot of quick and rushed matches. The main was good. It could have been better, but it did keep my attention and interest.

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