Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Stardom 7/29/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 2

Stardom 7/29/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 2 

Thekla vs. HANAKO

Thekla kicks her in the gut to start then Hana rams her back into the buckles. Hana misses a corner charge and takes a running euro. Hana shoulders her over then Thekla hits gut punches and foot chokes her on the ropes. Thekla single leg dropkicks her for 2.

Thekla hanging chokes her over the top rope with her legs. Thekla top rope crossbodies her but is caught and slammed. Hana then hits nice running facekicks. Thekla guillotine clutches her then Hana suplexes her from that position. Thekla running facekicks her on the ropes then she buzzsaw kicks her. Thekla does a weird double underhook bladerunner style ddt and wins it.

This only went 5:17 and they didn't have much time to do anything here.

Queen's Quest (AZM & Hina) vs. Oedo Tai (Rina & Ruaka)

AZM's team is rushed at the bell. Rina sends her sister into the chairs and hits her with a fan on a stick. AZM is whipped into the chairs as Rina camel clutches her sister. Rina hair throws AZM then face kicks her. AZM suplexes Rina then Hina dropkicsk her sister. Hina hits both opponents with hip throws and does a backbreaker on Rina.

Rina puts Hina in an octopus stretch then facekicks her through the ropes. Rina does an interesting suplex on her sister then Ruaka sentons Hina. Hina hip throws Ruaka then AZM 2nd rope dropkicks Ruaka. Ruaka splashes AZM against the bottom rope then Ruaka takes corner flying kicks form both opponents. AZM PK's Ruaka and basement dropkicks her. Ruaka does a nice fisherman suplex on AZM for 2.

AZM high kicks Ruaka then Ruaka running lariats her in the corner. AZ headscissors and then rolls up Ruaka to get the win.

It was just a short 7:28 midcard match. No one did anything too crazy but it was fine for what it was. I loved Ruaka's fisherman suplex and it's always fun to see the sisters go at it.

Queen's Quest (Miyu Amasaki & Utami Hayashishita) vs. STARS (Hazuki & Momo Kohgo)

Utami Hayashita's Shocking Baszler

Miyu and Momo start us off. Momo rolls out of an armlock and hammerlocks her. Momo corner dropkicks her. Haz hair throws Miyu and facewash kicks her on the ropes. Momo slams Miyu twice then Haz slams her. Miyu cartwheel elbows Haz in the corner and pendulum ddt's her.

Utami running back elbows Haz and they trade forearms. Haz tornado ddt's Utami then Momo springboard dropkicks Utami. Momo 619's Utami for 2 then Utami sideslams. Utami sliding lariats her for 2 then Utami takes a double kick. Momo does a single underhook driver to Utami and tiger feint tornado ddt's her.

Momo and Utami trade forearms then Momo superkicks her. Utami hits a drop on her and Miyu ddt's momo. Utami does a gutwrench sitout dominator (shocking baszler) on Momo and wins it.

I thought this ended up being a fun match. It was very fast paced and the last few minutes were good.

Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Saki's team is hit before the bell and Yuna slams Saki. Poi ends up on Yuna's shoulders then Syuri kicks Yuna, making her drop her. Syuri knees Yuna in the corner and suplexes her for 2. Syur kicks Yuna in the back.

Yuna dropkicks Saki then Poi hits a hard forearm on Syuri. Poi forearm flurries her chest then Syuri spin kicks her in the gut. Syuri germans Poi and Poi no sells it. Poi hits a superkick then release germans her.

Yuna flying shoulders Syuri then hits lariats on the ropes. Yuna hits a big running lariat for 2 then Syuri backcrackers her. Syuri kicks her in the back then knees her through the ropes. Syuri top rope leg drops the back of Yuna's neck for 2 and puts her in a choke. Saki running chest kicks Yuna for 2.

Yuna takes a double boot to the chest then Poi jumps off her back into a crossbody on Syuri and Saki. Yuna sliding lariats Saki for 2 then lariats her for 2. Syuri high kicks Yuna and Saki rolls Yuna up for the win.

It was a short sprint. There was just not much time for anything here and there wasn't a lot to say about this.

Poi and Syuri stare down and then bump fists after.

Megan Bayne, Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki vs. STARS (Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida)

Kog = Koguma

Kog starts off with Megan and wants to do her pose. Meg grabs her by the throat and shoves her. Mayu kicks Meg, dropkicks her and is shouldered over. Mei gets in, unwantedly and puts Mayu in tree of woe. She footchokes her then Suzu sliding kicks her on the apron.

Mayu rolls her up and basement dropkicks her in the face. Kog shotgun dropkicks her then Kog splashes Suzu and Mei at the same time. She then stands on both. Suzu hits a stiff forearm on Kog and sliding germans her. Suzu top rope dropkicks her for 2. Mei dropkicks Kog over the 2nd rope and dropkicks her again.

Mei puts Kog in an stf that is quickly broken up. Kog takes running corner attacks then a double basement dropkick at 5 minutes. Mei spin kicks Kog in the gut then Kog ddt's her. Mei hits a codebreaker then rolls her up. Mei and Kog crossbody each other at the same time then Saya tries shoulders on Meg.

Meg shoulders her over easy then Saya forearm flurries her. Saya gets dropped by a single forearm and Mayu and Kog get whipped into each other. Saya climbs onto Meg's back and is thrown down hard. Saya dives on Meg from the 2nd rope and is caught.

Saya tries forearms on Meg and gets nowhere then Meg hits a stiff powerslam for 2. Saya bridge pins Meg for 2 and Meg throws Mei onto her partners. Meg then hits an F-5 on Saya for the win.

It wasn't a bad trios match at all. They protected Meg though they made Saya look weak. They didn't have a lot of time for all of the people involved here as this was short and Mayu barely got in on this one.

5Star Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Giulia vs Hanan

G = Giulia

They trade holds to start and Hanan dropkicks her. G trips her and goes for the chin lock. G throws her by the hair then footchokes her over the bottom rope. G hits a neckbreaker for 2 and drops her with a forearm. Hanan side throws her then jumps on her neck over the middle rope.

They trade forearms and G ddt's her. Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then hits a nice northern lights suplex for 2. G single leg shotgun dropkicks her then G falcon arrows her. Hanan running euros her then hits a fameasser for 2. G backdrops her then Hanan backdrops her.

G rolls her up then slides around her back and does an octopus in the air. Hanan ropebreaks then G top rope dropkicks her for 2. Hanan forward rolls her into a pin attempt then G flying kicks her for 1. G running knees her for 2. G does a glorious buster and wins it.

It was short and fast paced. They didn't do anything too crazy here and it was a decent match with Giulia winning as expected.

5Star Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars  - Saori Anou vs Mariah May

The finish

May offers a handshake and backdrops her. May then sunset bombs her on the floor. May hits some weak kicks ot the face then Anou dragon screws her. Anou then does a figure 8 figure four on her. Anou running stomps her leg on the bottom rope then pulls it around the middle rope. Anou then dropkicks the ropes with her leg wrapped around it.

May high kicks her from the apron then top rope dropkicks her. May hits machine gun chops in the corner and goes for a corner hurricanrana but is caught and leglocked. Anou top rope dropkicks her then May facekicks her. Anou step up enzugiri's her.

They trade forearms on their knees then stand up and trade forearms. Anou leg kicks her then May hits a sling blade. May puts her in a goliath bird eater then does a seated pedigree for 2. Anou release germans her and May blocks her pin attempt. Anoue does an interesting leg lock with an armbar and taps her out to win.

It wasn't bad. Anou mostly stayed consistent with the leglock and May brought some speed. They kept this one moving and I liked it more than I expected to.

5Star Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars  - Mina Shirakawa vs. MIRAI

They trade forearms to start and Mina wins the exchange. Mirai fujiwara armbars her and stomps her elbow into the mat.  Mina misses a basement dropkick thne Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her. Mirai shoulders her over and slams her for 2. Mirai hits a double sledgeahmmer shot then Mina flying clotheslines her.

Mirai rolls out then Mina top rope crossbodies her outside. Mina ddt's her on the floor then does it again. Mina spinning forearms her then takes a jumping flatliner. Mina backdrops her. Mina misses a high kick and they trade forearms. Mirai drops her with forearms.

Mirai slaps her and powerbombs her. Mina urakens her then hits slaps. Mina spinning punches her then high kicks her. Mina spinning forearms her in the back then bridging ddt's her from the ropes. Mirai jumps at her and does a grounded kimura. Mirai lariats her then Mina gets a 2 count on a pin attempt.

Mirai hits a big lariat then hits 2 more big lariats. Mirai airplane spins her and Mina turns it into a reverse ddt. Min does an odd running enzugiri for 2. Mirai hits a nice bridging hammerlock belly to belly then holds her neck after. Mina does a nice spinning forearm then lifts her for a ddt for 2. Mina does a figure four spinning reverse ddt and wins it.

Mina tries but she's just not that great of a worker. I felt it went longer than it needed to and it just didn't flow as well as it should have.

Overall thoughts: The semi main was maybe the best thing on the show. The show had a bunch of shorter matches though they all fast paced and didn't get boring. It wasn't a bad watch but it wasn't must see.

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