Thursday, August 31, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #29 4/1/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #29 4/1/2023 

Chainsaw vs Keta Rush

 Keta goes for the leg and Chainsaw doesn't budge. Keta hits a dropkick and tries to sunset flip her but Chainsaw doesn't move. Chainsaw grabs her by the throat and throws her into the buckles. Keta hits shots in the corner then is thrown. Chainsaw headbutts her then throws her by the hair. Keta triangles her from the mat but is lifted and put up top.

Keta guillotine chokes her then Chainsaw double arm chokes her. Chainsaw is disqualified and then Kandi comes to Keta'r rescue.

It was all squash and Keta running by DQ was not very exciting. 

The Tonga Twins and Tiki Chamorro vs Exile (Exodus and Genesis) and Ice Cold

Kona pushes Genesis early then Ice Cold gets on Kona's back and hits elbows. Ice is snapmared over then takes a double hiptoss into a double slam. Ice takes a double flapjack then a 619. Exodus is tagged in and pushed over.

Ex bangs Tiki's head into the buckles then chokesher in the corner. Genesis hits a cheap shot on Kaoz outside then Exodus slams Tiki. Ice misses a leg lariat on Tiki and Tiki takes a neckbreaker. The heels argue and Tiki tags out. The Twins hit double superkicks on their opponents then hit elbows on Ice and Genesis.

Ice is thrown out then the Twins hit a tonga twist on Ice Cold. The twins gorilla press Tiki onto Genesis and get the win.

This was just missing something. It was kind of slow, the crowd wasn't into it and the heels' offense wasn't good.

The Disciplinarian and GI Jane with Samantha Smart vs The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag)

Jane pulls down Holly, making her head bang off the mat. Betty backhands Jane then Jane hits a stiff face kick. Jane does push-ups on top of Holly. Disciplinarian sends Holly hard into the buckles. Samantha Smart chokes Holly on the ropes. Jane slams Holly.

Jane hits corner spears on Holly then Holly 2nd rope crossbodies her. Betty gets the hot tag in and back elbows Disciplinarian. She short arm clotheslines her and they hit each other at the same time. Jane puts Holly in the cobra clutch. Samantha Smart get on the apron with the ruler. The ref takes it off of her, Jane goes to help up then is rolled up.

This was fine. Betty was good like usual and the heels were solid as usual.

Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Princess Aussie

Aussie side headlocks her then hits a spin kick to the gut. Aussie spinning back elbows her then flying headscissors her. McCoy hits a knee to the gut and a lariat. Aussie's head is banged off the buckle then she is pulled down backwards by the hair. Vickie crossbopdies her against the bottom buckle.

Aussie hits some superkicks back then top rope crossbodies her. McCoy hits a stiff bodyblock. Aussie hits a bad backcracker then Aussie indian deathlocks her. Aussie hits a cutter then Lana gets on the apron and blocks her from getting up top. McCoy hits Aussie from behind then blue thunders her to win it.

It was decent early but slowed down. The finish wasn't any good and this was just not the best match they could have had.

Overall thoughts: I really only liked he semi-main event here. The opener and main both had potential but it just didn't pan out. Both had bad finishes too.

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