Thursday, August 31, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 6/18/1990 Battle Line Kyushu Day 4

New Japan Pro Wrestling 6/18/1990 Battle Line Kyushu Day 4

This is a TV episode of it.

Kantaro Hoshino, Shiro Koshinaka, Kuniaki Kobayashi and Takayuki Iizuka vs Blond Outlaws (Hiro Saito, Norio Hanaga and Tatsutoshi Goto) and Super Strong Machine

This is joined in progress. Hoshino nails Goto and shoulders him over. Goto then lariats him. Hoshino fujiwara armbars him then Goto takes a double headbutt. Goto is double lariated then Kuniaki elbow drops him. Shiro hits hip attacks on Goto and Machine kicks him in the head when he triesto camel clutch Goto.

Kuniaki single leg crabs Goto then takes a double headbutt. Machine hits a nice lariat on Iizuka then suplexes him. Iizuka takes a double suplex then takes a hard running back elbow by Saito. Hanaga drops him on the ropes stomach first and Goto hits a fast running lariat on him in the corner. Saito ddt's Iizuka for 2.

Hoshino's nose is busted open then Saito stun guns Iizuka on the ropes. Iizuka ducks a double lariat then hits a double dropkick. Hoshino gets the hot tag in and knees Saito in the gut. Hoshino punch flurries Hanaga and Machine in the head.

Kuniaki fisherman suplexes Machine for 2. Shiro hip attacks Machine and the heels beat him up for it. Machine top rope headbutts Shiro then hammerlock suplexes him for 2. Shiro rolls up Machine and the pin is broken up quick. Saito nails Shiro with a beer bottle right in front of the ref and then pins him for the win.

The finish was lame but what we saw of the match was good otherwise. It was fast paced and they hit their moves well.

Keiji Mutoh and Masahiro Chono vs Shinya Hashimoto and Kensuke Sasaki

Sasaki slaps Chono on the ropes then shoulders him over. Chono samoan drops him. Sasaki powerslams him. Has hand Mutoh get in. Mutoh flying shoulders him and gets nowhere. They greco roman knuckle lock and Mutoh is put down. Hash suplexes him then Sasaki dropkicks him. Chono gets in and Sasaki dropkicks him then bulldogs him. Sasaki puts him in a crab then Hash gets in and back elbows Chono. Hash slams and elbow drops Chono then puts him in a sleeper.

Chono neckbreakers Hash and Mutoh kneedrops him offthe top. Hash takes a double back elbow then Mutoh flashing elbows him. Mutoh armlocks Hash then Chono stomps Hash. Chono hits a nice enzugiri and throws him out. Hash is sent into the rails outside by Mutoh.

Chono dragon screw leg whips Has then STF's him. Chono flying forearms Hash and Hash spinning heel kicks him. Sasaki powerslams Mutoh then ipponzei's him. Mutoh germans Sasaki for 2. Mutoh bulldogs Sasaki then top rope moonsaults him. Sasaki lariats Mutoh then Hash chest kicks Mutoh over.

Hash spinning high kicks Mutoh for 2 then ddt's him. Chono hits Hash when he runs the ropes then Hash is double flapjacked. Mutoh top rope moonsaults Hash and wins it.

I wouldn't say it was great but it was a fun semi-main event style match. It was fast paced and everything looked good before the finish. The finish was random and not well built up to like most finishes at this time.

Stan Hansen and Riki Choshu vs Big Van Vader and Animal Hamaguchi

They fight before the bell. Vader throws chairs at the ring. When Choshu and Animal get in, Choshu hits elbow drops. Hansen knees and snapmares Animal.

Hansen chokes Animal on the ropes then holds him up for a Choshu lariat. Choshu suplexes him then Animal back elbows and elbow drops Hansen. Hansen headbutts and elbows Vader then Vader headbutts him. They trade chops for bolo punches then Vader hits a stiff lariat. Hansen headbutts him and elbows him out.

On the outside Hansen elbows him then lariats him over the rail. Hansen goes into the first row and pounds on him. Vader backdrops Hansen then hits a stiff lariat. Animal dropkicks Hansen and is brushed off. Hansen tries to hold him for a Choshu lariat but Animal moves and Hansen nearly gets it himself.

Vader hits a nice punch on Choshu then he bodyblocks him. Choshu suplexes him and Choshu rolls out off the pin attempt. Vader is sent into the rails. Back inside, Choshu suplexes Vader. Hansen puts his foot over the ropes and Choshu ends up going into it. Hansen breaks up Vader's pin and stomps him.

Animal clubs on Hansen's back and hits headbutts. Hansen knee lifts him. Vader and Choshu get in and Vader is double suplexed. Vader punch combos Choshu then corner splashes him.  Hansen accidentally nails Choshu in the corner. Animal flying neckbreakers him then piledrivers him. Choshu backdrops Animal then Hansen back elbows Animal. Hansen elbow drops him for 2. Hansen slams and elbow drops Animal.

Choshu goes for the scorpion deathlock on Animal. Hansen gets in and elbow drops Animal. Choshu lariats Animal for 2. Choshu and Hansen double shoulder Vader. Hansen gets hit by Choshu on accident and turns on him. He suplexes him then heads to the back. Choshu takes corner moves from his opponents then Animal covers Choshu for 2.

Choshu headbutts Vader then Vader slams him for 2. Animal top rope elbow drops Choshu and wins it.

This wasn't good. Animal was really too small to be believeable against his opponents. Hansen and Choshu were having issues and that lead to them turning on each other and  making this a handicap match. Choshu of course still didn't go down easy after it became a 2v1 either. This was just more an angle than a match.

Choshu and Vader fight after. Hansen returns and beats up Choshu then chokes him with his bullrope. Choshu takes a 3v1 then The Three Musketeers and Sasaki make the save.

Overall thoughts: The main was more of an angle than anything else. The opener was short but good and while the Three Musketeers and Sasaki tag wasn't a classic, it was a fun little match. I don't think I'd recommend this one though.

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