Monday, August 7, 2023

STARDOM 8/5/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 4

STARDOM 8/5/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 4

Saya Iida vs HANAKO 

They shoulder battle and Hana knocks her over. Saya hits chest forearms on the ropes then Hana slams her. Hana crabs her then Saya hits more chest forearms. They collide hard in the middle with shoulders then Saya hits machine gun chops. Saya does a flying double chop then takes a chest kick and falls from the top to the floor. That was a nasty bump.

Hana racks her then does a facekick. Saya 2nd rope shoulders her then takes a boot to the chest and a dropkick. Saya leg sweeps her and sliding lariats her for 2. Saya then taps her out with a dragon sleeper.

It was a good opener. The bounce on the shoulder collision spot was cool and that bump Saya took to the outside was wild. Hana is so much bigger than Saya that it was like she was fighting a kid here. 

Queen's Quest (Lady C, Hina & Miyu Amasaki) vs Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Rina, Momo Watanabe)  

Miyu misses a dropkick on Momo and gets stomped. Momo is flapjacked into a low doubl dropkick for 2. Miyu forearms Momo then Tora pulls Miyu out. Everyone fights outside and C is whipped into the seats. Momo beats Miyu with a lid or tray then chokes her with a towel.

Rina hair throws Miyu then Tora mists Miyu. Tora suplexes her for 2 then Miyu cartwheel back elbows her. C facekicks Tora and Rina then abdominal stretches Tora. C double russian legsweeps Tora and Momo then Tora crossbodies C. Tora sentons C then C blocks her sliding lariat and flying neckbreakers her.

Rina and Hina go at it by trading forearms and Hina hip throws her. Hina pumphandle backbreakers her for 2 then Rina does an octopus stretch on Hina. Rina shotgun dropkicks Hina. Rina takes triple kicks in the corner then takes a C facekick and a double neckbreaker. Rina is double ddt'd then Hina does a nasty pumphandle move where she bangs her head off the mat.

Hina takes lariats against the ropes and Tora cannonballs Hina against the ropes. Rina top rope double kneedrops her sister and bounces off of it then Hina rolls up Rina for 2. Hina takes a high kick then takes a gori drop. Rina picks up the win.

It was a good trios match that got enough time. They kept up a good pace and we got some fun double team spots here and a little brawling as well.

STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Hazuki, Hanan) vs God's Eye (Syuri, Ami Sohrei, Saki Kashima) 


Haz = Hazuki

Hanan and Ami start us off. Hanan side headlock takeovers her  and hits a nice dropkick. Ami is double hiptossed into a dropkick and double stomps. Ami machine gun chops Hanan then Saki slams Hanan. Syuri snapmares Hanan then back kicks her. Hanan hip throws Ami then Haz jumps off Ami's back to forearm her opponents. Haz 2nd rope dropkicks Ami for 2 then slides it into a crossface. Syuri breaks it up then Haz double armdrags and double dropkicks them.

Syuri's team takes triple stereo facewashes. Ami dropkicks Haz then haz ddt's Saki. Mayu hits a nice dropkick on Saki and is shouldered by Ami. Syuri shotgun dropkicks Mayu then underhook suplexes her. Mayu spin kicks her in the gut and headscissors her. Mayu then hits a basement dropkick.

Hanan gets in and hits Syuri over the middle rope. She then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Syuri hit an interesting STO on Hanan then armbas her. Syuri runs into a double kick  then is held up for a double facebuster. Hanan northern lights suplexes Syuri for 2. Hanan forearms Syuri then Saki facebusters Hanan. Syuri top rope legdrops Hanan over the neck for 2.

Hanan rolls up Syuri for 2 and is high kicked for 2. Syuri armbars her and does an armbar with a headscissors on Hanan for the win.

It was okay with a quick pace, but not as good as the trios match in the last match.

CV/ROSE GOLD (Mina Shirakawa & Mariah May) vs DDM/Mafia Bella (Giulia & Thekla) vs Megan Bayne & Mei Seira 


Meg = Megan Bayne
G = Giulia

They do a triple test of strength that becomes a 2v1 against Meg. Meg wins it easily and pushes both down. Meg lariats both G and Mina down then slams Mina. Mei basement dropkicks Mina then Mina chest kicks her down. May spinning backbreakers Mei into a Mina basement dropkick. May hits machine gun chops on Mei and Mei takes a nice bump on her slingblade.

Mei takes a headscissors over the top from Thekla then G and Meg stare down. Mei is caught on a double crossbody and Meg foot pushes her over. Meg takes a 4 person dropkick and is beat up by 4 people. She then powers out and shoulders over all of them.

Meg picks up Mei from the apron and throws her in, pushing her. Mei pushes G into Mina then does a nice double headhunter on both. Mina drops Mei with a forearm then takes a face kick from May. Mina kicks Mei using the ropes then Mina and G botch a headscissors spot. G stf's Mina while Thekla does an octopus stretch to May.

G takes a horrible double leg sweep from May and Mina and then we see Mei under the ring for some reason. May handstand headscissors Giulia on the ropes then May is lifted just to be dropped face first. May takes a sandwich forearm for 2. Thekla superkicks May in the face and they trade forearms.

Mega bangs Thekla and May into each other and they evade her lariat. Meg suplexes May and Mina pounds Meg's back. Meg double suplexes G and Mina at the same time then she throws Mei outside on opponents. Thekla has her crossbody caught by Meg then Meg F-5's her for the win.

It was an entertaining three way with the usual 2 people in, 1 person out format. There some bad botches though here. Mei and Meg's team is fun and they booked Meg strong here like a giant.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - AZM vs MIRAI

They do some amateur wrestling and eventually stand off. AZM trips her and basement dropkicks her. AZM does a springboard dropkick then a springboard armdrag into a rings of saturn. AZM gets hit while up top and then double stomps Mirai from the top while she hangs down. Mirai back elbows her and slams her. Mirai then shoulders her over.  

Mirai top rope dropkicks her then hits a half-nelson suplex from the wheelbarrow position for 2. AZM high kicks her the germans her while holding her leg. Mirai backdrops her and both are down. AZM rolls her up for 2 and Mirai hits a big lariat. AZM fujiwara armbars her then Mirai tries some pin attempts.

Mirai torture rack drops her then AZM hits la mistica into a rings of saturn. Mirai hits an upward knee to the head then does a cradle shock. Mirai jumping lariats her and wins it.

It was a fast paced spring. They only had about 10 minutes here but they didn't stop at all and kept it moving. These two could have had a much better match with more time.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Suzu Suzuki vs Starlight Kid

They lock up and kid dropkicks her in the knee. Kid then jumps off the top and crossbodies her. They fight on the floor and Kid bangs her knee off the outside mat. Kid grabs a chair and the ref tries to take it from her. Suzu runs into Kid from behind and Kids runs into the ref.

Kid is chaired in the back then Suzu standing moonsaults her in the ring. Suzu hits her while she's on her knees then foot chokes her on the ropes. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies her then standing moonsaults her for 2. Kid indian deathlocks her and Suzu ropebreaks.

They trade forearms and Kid dropkicks her in the knee. Suzu spears her and takes a worse fall than she does. Kid armdrags her then dragon screws her leg. Kid meteoras her in the back of the neck then does a 180 rotation splash from the top. Suzu hits a high german then does a nasty half-nelson slam out of the wheelbarrow position.

Suzu enzugiri's her then Kid does a unique fisherman's suplex. Kid springboard dropkicks her as she sits up top. Suzu gets her knees up on Kid's top rope moonsault and she lands hard. Suzu then hits a tequila shot for 2. Kid takes a stiff half-nelson bomb off the 2nd rope then Suzu germans her and rolls for another to win it.

It was good, fast paced match. The two worked well together and Kid took some abuse here by lading on Suzu's knees with the moonsault and the two nasty half-nelson slams.

Suzu sticks a sign with likely her name on it after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Maika vs Saori Anou

Anou kicks her away her handshake, turns her back and gets dropkicked. Maika does a weak lariat off the apron then throws her into the chairs. Maika is then thrown into the chairs. Anou footslaps her in the ring and axe kicks her back. Anou headscissors her and Maika hits a powerslam. Maika then sliding lariats her for 2.

They trade forearms and Maika shoulders her over. Maika hits corner lariats and another shoulder block. Anou jumps on her back for a sleeper then facekicks her. Anou is backdropped over the top rope. Anout grabs water outside and pours it on herself and Maika, then throws it at her. Anou then is backdropped on the mat outside and has water poured on her.

They throw more water at each other and grab each other by the hair outside. The outside mat has a puddle on it. Anou suplexes her with a bridge on the inside. Anou puts her on the top rope and suplexes her then Maika superplexes her. Maika hits a lariat and both go down.

They get on their knees and trade forearms. They trade facekicks and Maika step up enzugiri's her. Maika blocks her hurricanrana and turns it into a crab. Maika turns it into a single leg crab. Maika lariats and spinning lariats her then Anou germans her. Anou does a weird sell on a lariat and the time runs out after she takes an STO.

It was an entertaining draw. They brought the hate in the 2nd half of this and them being soaked from the water added to the theatrics.

Overall thoughts: It was a fun show. Nothing was bad and the main was pretty good. If you like fast paced wrestling, you should enjoy this one.

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