Sunday, August 6, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/6/2023 N-1 VICTORY 2023 Day 1

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/6/2023 N-1 VICTORY 2023 Day 1

They tried to hide it here, but there are a lot of empty seats at this show, which is a shame. I just saw the N-1 matches here.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Manabu Soya

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN side headlocks him and hits a facekick. Soya runs into him and gets another then shoulders him over. KN is thrown out and Soya runs at him but goes into the rails. KN facekicks him over the rail. KN facelocks him over the rail then puts him into the post and rail. KN eye rakes him then kicks him in the back.

KN knee dropkicks him and enzugiri's him. KN mockingly kicks him around and leg kicks him many times. KN stf's him and Soya ropebreaks. Soya finally gets something in with a flying shoulder then bulldogs him. Soya suplexes him for 2 and KN bats his lariat away with his a kick. KN dragon screws him then running facekicks him. KN drops him with a chest kick and poses for the camera's.

KN top rope dropkicks him then hits a jumping hurricanrana for 2. KN superkicks him and is suplexed. KN no sells it, backdrops him and Soya no sells that. Soya spears him and both are down. KN facekicks him and Soya chops him. KN hits chest kicks while Soya hits chops. Soya hits double chops then KN kicks the middle buckle as his jaw is on it. KN drops him with a kick then running PK's him as he's down.

KN drops him with a high kick then running PK's him. Soya headbutts him then does a TKO into a knee. Soya hits a stiff lariat to the back of the head then flips him with a running lariat for 2. Soya jumping ddt's him and shockingly grabs the win with it.

I thought KN bullied him around too much here and killed whatever he got from beating him. KN hit a bunch of great kicks here and both were really stiff with each other. The match was interesting and decent but did border on being a squash.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Yoshiki Inamura vs Jack Morris

Ina = Inamura

Jack arm wringers him then Ina armlocks him. Ina hiptosses Jack then shoulders him over. Jack enzugiri's him on the apron then plancha's him outside. Ina is pushed into the post then Jack moonsaults him off the 2nd rope. Jack frogsplashes his back then clubs on it. Jack runs into him and takes a big powerslam but Ina hurts his back off of it.

Ina hits a big slam and splashes him for 2. Jack moonsaults on him form the 2nd buckle then takes an oklahoma stampede for 2. Jack spinebusters him and they fight over a back body drop before Ina does it to him. Ina gordbusters him off the top and hits a nice shoulder for 2.

Jack flying knees him then Ina hits forearms. Jack cobra twists him then rolls him up with it for 2. Jack then taps him out with a grounded cobra twist.

Noah loves to book Ina to be weak and they suceeded in that here. It's hard to buy Jack as someone who could really handle Ina the way he did since Ina is so much bigger than him. The match made sense with Ina having his back worked over and ultimately tapping out to a move that affected it, but it would have been better if this was the other way around with Jack tapping out.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Lance Anoai vs Yuma Anzai

This is a match that only a round robin tournament could bring. Lance has put on weight since he's a smaller dude but most of it went to his backside.

Yuma slaps a side headlock on and dropkicks him after shoulders. Yuma then dropkicks him off the apron. They trade forearms on the floor and Lance is whipped into the rails. Lance basement dropkicks him and headbutt drops him for 2. Lance hits some chops then does a nice cannonball in the corner. They trade forearms and Yuma goes down for 2.

Lance misses a corner splash and takes a belly to belly. Yuma underhook suplexes him for 2 then Lance jumping samoan drops him. Yuma hits a jumping knee then does another jumping knee for 2. Yuma tries to go up and over in the corner but is superkicked then Lance top rope splashes him for the win.

It was an entertaining match with Yuma getting to fight someone completely different than usual. Lance got to do his samoan tough guy thing here and Yuma was good as the likeable youngster along for the ride.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Yuki Yoshioka vs Masa Kitamiya

Yuki's in from Dragon Gate. Masa's 34 now and his career has truly been wasted so far. Yuki ties his leg up then Masa facelocks him. Yuki goes up and over him in the corner then takes a back elbow. Yuki suplexes him and basement dropkicks him. Yuki runs the ropes to dive on him but Masa slides in with a back elbow.

Masa slams and sentons him. Yuki top rope dropkicks him then hits a tope con hilo. Masa is thrown into the post and they trade chest chops outside. They trade chest chops inside  and Yuki backdrops him. Masa stars to hulk up after shots, hits a back elbow then takes a dropkick.

Yuki forearms him then Masa hits a nice spear. Masa drops him on his knees then spears the back of his leg. Masa facebusters him then Yuki back body drops him. Masa spears the post and back body drops him for 2. Yuki headlock takeovers him and takes a forearm.

Yuki then hits a stiff jumping lariat then hits another for 2. Yuki comes off the top and catches him with a codebreaker on the way down to win it.

They didn't click that well and it was hard to buy Ina taking a beating from him. It was just not a very interesting match. 

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr vs Daiki Inaba

Doc = El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr

They lock up and Inaba gives him a weak double chop on the break. Doc chops his chest then walks up the ropes and springboard armdrags him. Doc superkicks him and is blocked on his tope atempt. Doc is thrown into the rails then Ina is tripped into the rails. Doc ddt's him on the floor then hits running chops. Doc then basement ddt's him in the back.

Inaba flying shoulders him then running forearms him. Doc chops him and throws him out then hits an apron flip dive on the floor. Inaba sliding lariats him for 2 then puts him in an octopus stretch. Inaba code reds him and Doc rolls him up for 2. Inaba rolls him up and they lariat each other down at the same time a little before 10 minutes in.

Inaba lariats him then does another octopus stretch then Doc kind of drops into the ropes to escape it. Doc does a neat step-up knee on him then does an electric chair sitout powerbomb. Doc then hits a michinoku driver and wins it.

It was a pretty average match. Neither guy really stood out, there weren't any super impressive moments and they just didn't click that well.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Kenoh vs Adam Brooks

Ken kicks him in the leg then is shouldered over. Adam does a neat double knee press then hits chops in the corner. Adam 2nd rope codebreakers him for 2 and kicks him from the apron.  Adam dives out on him but clearly stops as Ken is not near him then Ken kicks him. Ken kicks him while he's against the post then Adam has his head banged off the post. Ken then signals that he wants to kick him against the 4th post.

Ken spin kicks him in the gut and suplexes him. Ken double knees him off the 2nd rope and Adam blocks an ankle lock. Adam puts his knee against the top buckle and barely knees it. Adam knees him in the gut then springboard knees him as he hangs over the top rope. Adam topes him against the rail.

They forearm each other at the same time and Adam pump kicks him. Ken drops him with a chest kick then hits more chest kicks while he's on his knees. Adam blocks one and hits mounted forearms. Adam piledrivers him and does a near crossface with a cravate.

Ken high kicks him on the apron and dragon suplexes him on it. Adam flatliners him into the 2nd buckle then Ken bicycle kicks him. Ken kicks him from the ankle lock position and running PK's him for 2. Adam dropkicks him in the head in the corner and Ken gets his knees up on Adam's swanton.

Adam superplexes him and holds on for oblivion over the knee. Adam then picks up the win in a big upset.

Adam didn't have a good night here. They said something about his knee bothering him and most of his offense looked really bad here. He has a good look though. Adam sadly kind of brought this one down and it's a shame he wasn't able to show off when given the chance.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Go Shiozaki vs Saxon Huxley

Sax = Saxon Huxley

Go came out with flower in his jacket. They shoulder battle and Sax shoulders him over. Go is thrown out and goes into the rails on the fall. Sax whips him into the rails. Go works the leg and chops it. Go hits more chops to the knee between punches.

Sax back elbows and slams him. Sax shoulders him then bites him. Go hits machine gun chops and lariats him. Sax blocks a chop and bites his arm. Sax then hits a reverse ddt for 2. Go hits chops while being choked then Sax hits a weird chokeslam throw.

Go lifts him up and hits a deadlift go flasher. Go hits some stiff lariats then does a running lariat for the win.

I like Sax, but he works an unusual style and it usually leads to a styles clash. I didn't think it was as good as it could have been. He needed to be more of a hoss here so Go could make the big comeback and win it.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Jake Lee vs Timothy Thatcher

TT = Timothy Thatcher

TT does a kimura takedown then Lee takes him down through the leg. They break on a hold and Lee does this weird thing where he wipes him off and bows. TT then does an odd dance and charges at him. Lee headlocks him and shoulders him over.

They roll on the mat then Lee drops down and wants him to go to the mat with him. TT then lays on the mat and does upkicks to the leg. They go to the mat again then TT puts him in a bow and arrow. TT invites him to chop him but then ducks it and waistlocks him. TT hits euros then is dropped with a forearm.

TT armbreakers him over the top rope then arm whips him down.  TT goes for the kimura but ends up rolling it into a keylock. TT euros him then ties his arm up in the ropes and pulls. Lee running enzugiri's him then hits an atomic drop and shoulderblock. TT belly to belly suplexes him off the ropes. TT hits knees to the back.

TT guillotines him then hits euros. TT blocks a forearm with a headbutt. TT hits headbutts then Lee backdrops him. TT fujiwara armbars him then Lee running knees him. Lee running facekicks him in the corner and picks up the win.

I'm not a big fan of Thatcher. He put on various holds but that's really about all he does. Lee isn't a super exciting guy either and this was not a real interesting main event.

Overall thoughts: It was a night of styles clashes without any real great matches. Anoai/Yuma was the best here. The main didn't work and Adam Brooks didn't impress in his big win.

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