Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Stardom 7/30/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 3

Stardom 7/30/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 3

Queen's Quest (Hina & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka)

The heels jump the faces before the bell and throw them out. Miyu is sent into the seats as is Hina. Tora also sends Utami into the seats. Hina is sent into the post and Miyu is sent into the seats again. Tora hair throws Hina then suplexes her for 2. Hina dropkicks Tora then Tora no sells Miyu's dropkicks.

Tora splashes Miyu's back then shoulders her over. Miyu tornado ddt's Ruaka off of Tora then ddt's Tora. Tora samoan drops Miyu then Ruaka sentons Miyu for 2. Miyu cartwheel back elbows Ruaka then Hina dropkicks Ruaka for 2. Ruaka crossbodies Hina against the bottom rope then the heels lariat each other. Miyu double ddt's them both then Miyu and Hina double neckbreaker Ruaka. The faces double ddt Ruaka then Hina sto's her for 2.

Hina takes sandwich clotheslines then Ruaka hits a nice fisherman's suplex on her for 2. Hina rolls up Ruaka for 2 then Ruaka lariats her. Ruaka top rope splashes Hina and wins it.

It was a short and basic match with the heels picking up the win.

Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. Donna del Mondo (Giulia & Thekla)


G = Giulia

Thekla headlocks Yuna and Yuna does it back to her. Yuna flying shoulders her and Thekla kicks her while hanging on the ropes. Thekla suplexes her. G shotgun dropkicks Yuna then Thekla hits a nice dropkick on Yuna.

Yuna slams Thekla then Tam does some kind of headhunter on Thekla. Tam pumping knees her against the ropes then Tam hits a combo ddt + reverse ddt. Tam does a matrix bridge and slide out of a lariat on Thekla to roll her up. Thekla matrix bridges out of a Tam lariat then spears her.

G and Tam forearm each other then Tam backdrops her. Yuna shoulders and hits lariats on G then Yuna hits a nice dropkick. G forearms Yuna then octopus stretches her. Yuna butt drops G but is rolled up. Yuna cradle shocks G for 2. G is supposed to block a top rope splash with her feet but misses, so Yuna just splashes her. G no sells it and does a shining kenka kick.

Yuna gets a 2 count on G then Thekla superkicks Tam. G hits a stiff hammerlock belly to belly on Yuna and hits a glorious driver for the win.

Tam was barely in this one at all. It had some highlights as shown above but there were also some sloppy moments with Tam missing all kinds of kicks and the top rope splash botch.

STARS (Hazuki & Momo Kohgo) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa) 

May and Mina do intros for each other. Momo tries to dropkick May and falls short then she dropkicks her. May goes up and over her in the corner then Momo takes a sandwich dropkick for 2. Mina basement dropkicks Momo in the back for 2 then may spinning backdrops Momo. Mina kicks Momo while she's on May's knee.

May hits machine gun chops on Momo then Momo top rope crossbodies May. Haz top rope dropkicks May then codebreakers both opponents at once. Haz facewash kicks her then May kicks her from the apron. May top rope dropkicks Haz. Mina flying lariats then basement dropkicks Haz. Momo hits dropkicks on Mina.

May running facekicks Momo then Mina uses the ropes to kick Momo for 2. Mina and May take dropkicks then Momo 619's both at the same time. Momo springboard dropkicks Mina then underhook suplexes her for 2. Mina hits a stiff forearm on Momo and backdrops her. Momo hits a stiff superkick on Mina then takes a spinning forearm. Mina bridging twisting neckbreakers her for 2.

Mina and May do some bad looking double backdrop move and Momo rolls up Mina for 2. Mina elebated ddt's Momo and picks up the win.

Momo's team had no real chance here and there was some bad offense at times. Haz didn't get in too much and I wasn't a big fan of this.

Queen's Quest (AZM, Lady C & Utami Hayashishita) vs. STARS (Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida) 

Kog = Koguma

Saya catches an AZM tilt-a-whirl then hits machine gun chops on the ropes. AZM rolls her up then is rolled up. AZM then basement dropkicks her. C gets in and is rolled into various moves from STARS. STARS then triple basement dropkicks her. Kog camel clutches C and does her pose on her then messes up her hair.

Kog slams C then Miyu slingshot double stomps her. C takes a kick to the back then Saya sleepers her. C ropebreaks then giant swings Saya. AZM 2nd rope dropkicks Saya and is swung into a kick on Saya. AZM suplexes Saya then Utami sliding lariats Saya.

Saya 2nd rope shoulderblocks Utami then Mayu dropkicks Utami. Mayu basement dropkicks Utami then Utami dropkicks her. Mayu sling blades Utami then Utami schweins Mayu. Mayu and Utami german each other then Mayu superkicks her. Utami shoulders her over.

Kog trips C and baseball slides her. Kog stands and stomps on her and they mess up a triple team on Kob in the corner. C hits a bad lariat on Kog then Kog ddt's her. Kog sits on top and C facekicks her. Utami then samoan drops her. AZM gets on C's shoulders and hits a double knee drop on Kog for 2.

C chokeslams Kog for 2. Mayu is launched into a dropkick on C then Kog top rope splashes C for the win.

It went too long and C was in there most of this despite not being that good which brought down the match.

Maika, Megan Bayne & Mei Seira vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri) & HANAKO


Saki is put up against Meg and she backs off. Meg shoves her and hits a corner lariat and knees. Maika slams Saki then Mei gets in. Mei puts Saki in tree of woe and footchokes her. Saki hits a stiff facekick on Mei then Syuri shotgun dropkicks Mei. Syuri backcrackers Maika then underhook suplexes Mei for 2.

Mei dropkicks Syuri over the middle rope and hits another dropkick. Maika running lariats Syuri then shoulders her. Maika and Syuri trade forearms then Syuri hits chest kicks on her. Maika slingshot backdrops Syuri then Syuri hits a ddt out of the suplex position.

Hana gets in and shoulders Maika. She splashes her then  slams her. Maika takes corner attacks a double boot from Saki and Syuri. Saki then hits Meg in the arm and runs. Hana facekicks Maika for 2. Hana does a nice suplex on Maika for 2 then Maika suplexes her.

Meg finally gets in and Hana hits chest forearms on her. She tries to shoulder her and gets nowhere then Meg shoulders her over. Saki and Syuri try to double suplex Meg but get double suplexed instead. Meg hits a stiff lariat on Hana for 2. Everyone starts getting a move in then Meg double underhook suplexes Hana.

Saki and Syuri are powerslammed at the same time then Meg throws Mei outside onto opponents. Meg running chest kicks Hana and sit out F-5's her for the win.

It was a simple trios match. Meg throwing Mei outside was cool and I wish they would have built on Saki being afraid of Meg more. It was fine.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars- Hanan vs MIRAI

Hanan hip throws her to start and misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Mirai shoulders her over and slams her. Mirai walks her on her hip before throwing her then Hanan takes a stiff shoulder throw. Hanan hip thros her and monkey flips her. Hanan then STO's her and she rolls out.

Hanan baseball slides her then hops on her as she lays against the 2nd rope. Mirai does a bad jumping sto then 2nd rope twisting elbow drops her. Mirai puts her in the moss covered three handed family gradunza. Mirai wheelbarrow lifts her into a uranage then takes a hip throw and a running euro. Hanan fameassers her for 2 and hits a Cuty special. Mirai backdrops her.

Mirai underhook suplexes her then hits a strong lariat. Mirai goes for another and takes a backdrop for 2. Hanan crucifixes her for 2 and is lariated. Mirai hits another lariat for 2. Mirai hits a hard lariat then a jumping lariat and wins it.

Hanan's offense was kind of weak here and I don't think anyone really bought Mirai was losing this one. Mirai was okay minus a bad hip throw or two. I liked the fast pace and always like Mirai lariating people so I'd put this as a little above average.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Natsupoi vs Suzu Suzuki


Tequila Shot

They trade basic holds and Suzu headflips out of an armlock. Suzu dropkicks her then takes a crossbody. Poi cartwheels into an armdrag. Suzu pulls her outside and sends her into the post. Poi is slammed on the floor then boston crabbed out there.

Poi spin kicks her in the gut then does a headhunter. Poi then dropkicks her through the ropes. They trade forearms to the chest. Poi hits a lightning spiral for 2 and they trade forearms up top. Poi slaps her then Suzu bridges out of a flying move. Suzu drops her with a running forearm then knees her in the back for 2.

Suzu superkicks her then hits a nice german. Suzu buzzsaw and superkicks her then half-nelson slams her for 2. Poi hits a nasty release german then Suzu hits a side-flipping driver for 2. Poi ranhei's her and superkicks her. Poi then hits a german for 1. Poi spin kicks her multiple times in the head then straightjacket germans her for the win.

They were stiff with each other and it was a decent match with both girls taking some hard bumps.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent night of action but nothing must see.

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