Thursday, August 3, 2023

AEW Dynamite 8/2/2023

AEW Dynamite 8/2/2023

Last week's show is here:

Chris Jericho and Konosuke Takeshita with Don Callis vs Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

Jericho shoulders over Sammy and they trade chops. Sammy backflips over him and dropkicks him. Sammy jumping knees Jericho then Jericho takes a double shoulder. Sammy and Garcia pose then Garcia dances at Jericho as he chops him. Garcia arm wringers him down then dances more.

KT flying clotheslines Garcia then hits a big forearm. KT then dances on top of him. Jericho backdrops Garcia then delay suplexes him. Garcia hits forearms on Jericho and Callis trips Garcia. Jericho facekicks Garcia and we go to PiP break.

We return and Garcia chops Jericho. Jericho asai moonsaults him but Garcia gets his knees up. Sammy top rope crossbodies KT then Sammy lariats KT over the top. Sammy topes Jericho and corkscrew topes DG. Sammy frogsplashes KT from the top for 2 then Sammy and Jericho push each other. Garcia pounds on JEricho then KT blue thunders Sammy. KT standing spanish flies Jericho for 2. Jericho and Sammy clothesline each other.

Jericho codebreakers Garcia then Garcia flying knees him. Sammy top rope ssp's KT outside. Garcia sharpshooers Jericho then Callis hits Garcia with the bat. Jericho stares at Callis looking shocked. Jericho then pins Garcia.

It wasn't a bad match. They could have played up the story a little more but Don getting involved at the end was good and they kept the big moves to a minimum.  

Tony Khan talk. He said we are celebrating 200 episodes of Dynamite and All-In at Wembley. We see clips of various Dynamite episodes

Matt Menard goes up to Chris Jericho, who is about to be interviewed and says there's a mandatory JAS meeting next week. Jericho then walks away.

Tony Schiavone interviews Jack Perry in the ring. Jack tells Jerry to come out and take his @ss kicking like a man. Jerry is just wearing a polo shirt and pants, not wrestling attire.  Jerry says Jack doesn't run the show down here and says beating him up would be child abuse. He says there isn't a doctor who would clear him to wrestle, but he called a good friend of his who wrestled in ECW. Rob Van Dam then comes out. RVD comes out wearing pants and a tie dyed RVD themed tanktop. Jack Perry stares down with him and leaves. Jack then returns with a chair and tries to hit RVD but misses. Jack then runs into the crowd and tries to put a kid onto him to protect himself from RVD.

Hikaru Shida did a promo. She said Tony can't stop her and stop her dream from coming true. Toni said she was the best they had during the pandemic but now they have her instead. 

Anything Goes - Jon Moxley vs Trent Beretta vs Penta El Zero Miedo

Mox is tope'd when he comes to ringside by Trent then Penta topes Trent. Mox takes a slingblade on the floor, then Trent takes a lariat on the floor. Mox bites Trent then Penta hits Mox with a trash can. Penta hits Trent with a trash can lid then Mox cutters Penta. Mox grabs a barbed wire 2x4 then takes an up and over backcracker in the corner. Trent flying knees a trash can lid into Penta.

Mox hits Trent with the 2x4 and pushes it into his head. Mox then piledrivers Trent on the 2x4 and gets it into his butt. Mox takes a backdrop onto the 2x4. Trent is bleeding then Penta takes the 2v4 on the head while on top. Trent superplexes Mox through a table off the post.

We go to break and return. Mox takes a double superkick from both then Penta superkicks Trent. Penta hits a top rope canadian destroyer through a table on Trent then Mox spears him through a table. Mox brings out thumbtacks then gotch-style piledrivers Penta onto the tacks. Mox cutters Trent then Trent beachbreakers him on tacks before Penta hits him with a trash can.

They all stand up and trade shots. Trent takes a superkick and lariat then Penta and Mox trade forearms. Mox ddt's Penta then Trent flying knees Mox. Trent then pins Penta.

They did too much here and it was a hardcore match with little wrestling happening.

Mox chokes out Trent after and the BCC comes down. Chuck Taylor and OC hit the BCC then Mox throws Chuck over the rail. OC is then thrown over the rail.Trent top rope crossbodies everyone and Chuck throws a chair at CC's head. OC hits an orange punch on Mox and Mox goes out. Chuck said they should have a parking lot brawl on Rampage as they just showed clips of the parking lot brawl during the recap of Dynamite's history from earlier. It was hard to buy Best Friends as being able to beat up the BCC in a fight. But when OC has backstage power as a producer in AEW, it's not surprising to see Best Friends suddenly being pushed.

Rob Van Dam is interviewed. He said he heard Jack Perry running his mouth and said he wants to challenge him for the FTW Title next week. He hinted at maybe retiring the title once he wins it and said he has a history of doing that.

MJF comes out to talk. He says he has ADD and the crowd chants ADD. He says he was bullied and said he said he had quarters thrown at him as a kid - This is at least the 2nd or 3rd time we've heard this story. Do we need to keep hearing this? He said he became a scum bag He said he's not scared anymor and said it's because the people care about him. He said he's still a scumbag and wants to be the fans' scumbag. He then brings out Adam Cole who he says is his best friend. Cole.

Cole says he was a jerk too and says MJF's becoming the man he was supposed to be. Cole says we are proud of him. MJF said he made a promise to give him a shot at the title and said he decided that he didn't deserve a match. He says, it's just any match though - he deserves "the match", at All-In. He asks him to sign the contract for it and chants, "sign it". COle thne does.

We go to the back and Roderick Strong is throwing stuff in anger over this. The Kingdom then comes in and says Adam Cole is always forgetting about his real friends.

The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) vs Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh


JJ shoulders, hiptosses and slams Kenny. JJ then does the strut. One of the Bucks double stomps Jay's arm then the Bucks pop up the other into a hurricanrana on Jay. The Bucks double superkick JJ. Singh gets in and mogs one of the Bucks and his partners run away instead of being tagged in. Nick is force tagged in and Singh takes dropkicks. Singh is double dropkicked then double crossbodies his opponents. Jarrett's crew then pose.

We go to break and then return. Nick superkicks JJ. Kenny forward rolling death valley drivers Jay and Singh stops him on the moonsault. Omega tries it anyway and Jay gets his knees up. The Bucks hit double superkicks on Jay and JJ then do it to Singh. Omega v-triggers Singh and the Bucks double plancha JJ and Jay. Karen Jarrett gets on the top rope. Kenny goes to hit the OWA on Singh but Sonjay stops it. Jay hits a lethal combination on Kenny then Brandon Cutler sprays Karen in the eyes with spray. Matt and Jeff Hardy then come down and beat up Sonjay. Jeff Jarrett gets a guitar then Adam Page comes in and hits a buckshot lariat on Jay. Kenny then plays guitar on top of Jay to make this silly then hits an OWA on Jay and wins it.

This wasn't good. Lots of shenanigans as expected here. The Bucks spammed superkicks all match long. Cutler spraying Karen Jarrett wasn't exactly a face move and Kenny playing guitar when he could have the match won was just stupid. The Hardy's coming down to help was also a loose connection at best to the shenanigans that happened.

Kenny gives Adam Page the mic after. Page says The Elite re-signed with AEW and Page says here's to the next 200. Omega says whether it be Dynamite, Rampage, Collision (makes a face for it) or ROH and says we will be seeing a lot more of them. Kenny then does his stupid "mwah" thing. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting on anyone from The Elite to show up at ROH since they have yet to do so. The Collision line was just more proof of the Punk/Elite stuff being a work.

Swerve Strickland does a promo with AR Fox and Prince Nana. AR says without Darby, there might not be Darby, but asks why he didn't thank him when he got signed. Ar said Darby didn't say a word to him for 5 years until he saw him here. He says he will take away everything he gave him. Swerve says the Mogule Embassy takes care of ours and says they casted him in a movie they just made. They then show AR and Swerve going to Nick Wayne's house. They see Nick training in the garage. Swerve says it's a sh!thole and says, "what does the Fox say?". Fox then throws a skateboard at the other person there.

Someone took a bump onto a plastic lawn chair as Nick and friends were beaten up. Nick got hit with something that was glass and they forced Nick to call Darby on the phone. Swerve and Fox said they were there and said worse things may happen in the future. Nick was bloodied and Fox threw a skateboard through a window.

ROH Tag Titles - Aussie Open vs Komander and El Hijo de Vikingo

Vik = El Hijo de Vikingo, Kom = Komander

The luchadores earned this shot by winning one match in ROH together. Kyle and Vik starts us off. Vik springboard crossbodies Kyle then Vik twisting headscissors him. Vik superkicks Mark then Kom walks off of Vik's shoulders to hurricanrana Mark.

Aussie Open hit kicks on their opponents. Kom takes a double chop, kick and senton sequence. Kom is caught on a crossbody by Mark then thrown into a Kyle knee. Kom is then held by Mark for a Kyle cutter. Kom superkicks Kyle in the gut and gets stuck on the top rope. Kyle goes over the top trying to do something to him there. Vik goes off of Kom's back and dropkicks Mark.

Kyle hangs off the top rope and is top rope legdropped. Vik and Kom are caught on topes and are banged into each other outside. We go to PiP break and return. Vik is flipped over into a slam. Vik takes a sandwich forearm then Kom hops off Vik's back into a canadian destroyer on Kyle. Vik crucifix bomb's Mark then Kim and Kom walk the top rope and hit stereo moonsaults outside.

Vik and Kom do stereo top rope 450's on Mark. Kom misses a top rope ssp then Mark enzugiri's him. Kom takes a sandwich lariat and a coriolis for the Aussie Open win.

Vikingo and Komander do better when they face people who aren't indy flippers like they are. Aussie Open aren't indy flippers, so this worked. The lucha guys hit their flips and didn't mess them up and Aussie Open their stuff between it. It also helped that Kyle left the ring after taking the canadian destroyer instead of staying in there and fighting like nothing happened after it.

AEW Women's Title - Toni Storm vs Hikaru Shida

They trade forearms and Toni goes out to recover. Toni knees her in the gut then is shouldered over. Shida hits mounted punches and Toni is thrown into the rails. Toni has her head banged off the buckles then is suplexed into the buckles. Shida suplexes her then Toni footwashes her against the ropes. Toni hip attacks her off the apron then Ruby and Saraya stomp Shida.

We go to PiP break and return. Shida germans her then hits corner punches. Shida dropkicks her off the ropes for 2. Shida hits a top rope meteora. Toni tornado ddt's Shida then hip attacks her in the corner. Toni hits a ddt for 2. They slap each other then forearm each other. Shida pumping knees her and hits a falcon arrow for 2. A kendo stick gets in the ring. The girls fight over it in front of the ref. Toni dares Shida to hit her with it then Shida hits Ruby on the apron. Toni then spray pains Shida in the eyes and hits a short piledriver for 2. Toni rolls her up but is reversed and pinned.

Shida winning was dumb. Toni's been champ for a while and lost it in a match that had little build. And it was even dumber to do this on TV when they have 2 PPV's/Big Shows coming up. It also looks bad to do this on the day Kenny re-signed. It was just an average match with the usual Outcasts shenanigans.

Overall thoughts: This was in the middle. Main was passable but not great. The ROH Tag title match may have been the best thing on the show. The hardcore and trios matches weren't good and the MJF/Cole segment just kind of was what it was.

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