Wednesday, July 5, 2023

WWE NXT 7/4/2023

WWE NXT 7/4/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Blair Davenport vs Roxanne Perez

Perez hits a Thesz press and pounds her. Perez then topes her outside. Perez crossbodies her off the apron and hits more shots. Perez escapes a suplex then russian legsweeps her for 2. Blair spin kicks her then sliding kicks her against the bottom rope for 2. Blair misses a high kick and is rolled up then Perez dropkicks her.

Blair bangs her head on the rope, not the buckle. Perez is then pushed off the 2nd rope to the floor. Blair double stomps her back off the apron and we go to PiP break. We return and Perez rolls her up for 2. Blair backdrops her then Perez monkey flips her. Perez gets stuck on the top rope and she reverses a backdrop from there. They forearm each other then Blair knocks her down with a big forearm. Perez spin kicks her in the gut and 2nd buckle twisting crossbodies her. Blair is barely lariated over the top rope then Perez running euros her on the floor. Perez is thrown into the steps and knee'd. Blair hits a falcon arrow on the inside for 2. Blair hits a v-trigger knee twice and wins it.

The ending wasn't good and they just did not build to Blair winning at all here. It wasn't the best as they had some odd moments here though it wasn't awful.

Ivy Nile is interviewed. She said she is nervous about the loser leaves town match tonight. Tiffany Stratton walks in and asks why she's talking to her. Tiff said she shouldn't be talking to her since she had a successful title defense. Ivy said everyone saw her tap out, but Tiff said the ref didn't see it. Ivy says if she was in there with her, everyone would see her tap out. Tiff then asks if Ivy goes too if the Creed's lose.

Baron Corbin talks. He said last Tuesday sucked as he didn't become NXT champ. He said he has everything he wants but not the reputation he wants. He said he is seen as safe and good, but wants to be feared and respected. He said he has to kill his past to dictate his future. He said he doesn't need a manager and he worked too long to go back to the beginning. We then see him throw his old gear into a fire. He says it's no more gimmicks, no more nonsense and no more bs.

Mustafa Ali vs Tyler Bate

Bate is pulled over on the mat and rolled up. Bate then rolls him up. Bate escapes a hammerlock, Ali uses the ropes to flip out of it then headlocks him. Ali shoulders him over and does Bate's pose then  backslides him. They trade pin attempts and Ali rolls into a crossface. Bate ankle locks him and they reset.

Bate dropkicks him and 2nd rope euros him. Bate then lariats him over the top. Bate running euros him on the floorand we go to PiP break. We return and Bate is hititng euro's. Bate back body drops him and Ali rolls in but takes a euro. Ali superkicks him then does a high STF. Bate airplane spins him and Ali hits a nice tornado ddt off of it.

Ali is back body dropped over the top and lands on his feet then Bate hits a nice tope. Ali kicks him in the face as he enters then topes him. Bate does his rebound lariat for 2 and slams him. Bate misses a spiral tap from the top then Ali is stopped as he goes up top. They hold each others hands up there then Bate is crotched on the top. Ali 450's him and wins it.

It was a good back and forth juniors match. The two matched up well as expected and it was a fast paced match with some nice dives and good technical wrestling. 

Ali says he wants a North American title match after.

Joe Gacy and Ava Raine are interviewed. Joe says he won't push Dyad towards anything they aren't ready for. Joe says the right team will win tonight and the outcome of the match with strengthen Schism. McKenzie asks who the right team is. Joe says tonight they eliminate a problem from NXT forever.

Tatum Paxley vs Kelani Jordan

Tatum's wearing heavy black eyeliner. KJ is with Dana Brooke. Tatum knees her in the face then is rolled up. KJ rolls and headflips through an armlock then dropkicks her. Tatum shoulders her then KJ uses the ropes to armdrag her and hits another dropkick. KJ armdrags her then Tatum hits a back elbow. Tatum backbreakers her. Tatum goes for something like a reverse ddt and KJ hits a stunner out of to it win.

This was not a good sign for Tatum's career. She's not a finish product yet and her already putting over people who are even less ready than she is is bad news. To her credit, KJ's doing well so far and I wouldn't have an issue with her winning if it was against most other people. I just don't think Tatum was the right one.

KJ is celebrating with Dana Brooke then Cora Jade comes out. Cora mocks her, saying she must be oding something right with Dana in her corner. Cora says a friend of Dana, is an enemy of hers. She said she doesn't need friends, mentors or the fans. KJ says they should settle this right now. Cora tells them not to tell her what to do ever and leaves.

We go to Chase U. The students chant, "welcome back". Thea said she missed him and Chase says she missed him too. Chase says he wants to recognize Duke. He said Duke stepped up, graded papers and helped the school survive and thrive. He said he proved why Duke is the Chase U MVP. Chase tells him he can take a seat and Duke tells some guy named Nick to get out of his way. Chase then praises Thea and blames Dempsey and Gulak for trying to poison her mind. He said he just couldn't take it anymore and Vlad (one of the new PC signee's) asks if that means they won't be lecturing them anymore. Chase gets mad then Duke yells at him saying of course they won't be lecturing them anymore. Duke then says we won't be seeing them anymore once they give them an Andre Chase University sized @ss whooping.

The ropes are taken off for NXT Underground.

NXT Underground Match - Eddy Thorpe with Gable Steveson vs Damon Kemp

Eddy hits a kick then is slammed down on the mat. Kemp hits mounted forearms then slam takedowns him again. Kemp pounds on him and puts him in a choke with Steveon looking shocked. Kemp hits more forearms on the mat. They roll out to the floor where Kemp hits shots. Kemp puts a girl in his way to stop Eddy then pushes the girl into him.

Kemp pounds on him more on the floor. Steveson is wearing his gold medal and Eddy is thrown into the steps. Steveson and Kemp stare down and Eddy is thrown over the railing. Eddy triangles him over the railing then is slammed on the mat. Kemp deadlift germans him on his head then takes a spin kick. Kemp slams him down again and puts him in a choke.

Eddy armdrags him and hits kicks. Eddy germans him then hits a nice saito suplex. Kemp hits a big forearm then front kicks him. Steveson gets on the steps and Eddy is belly to belly suplexed from the ring to the floor in a nasty spot. Steveson shows Eddy his medal, trying to hype him up and Kemp pushes Steveson.

Kemp charges and runs into the post then Eddy germans him on the floor. Eddy jumps up and triangles him. Kemp powerbombs him down then Eddy hits elbows to the head and the ref stops it.

This was really good. They stiff each other. The belly to belly suplex to the floor was sick and the crowd and people surrounding the ring helped make this better. This was very well done and arguably better than a lot of the bloodsport matches I have seen.

Steveson celebrates with Eddy after. Kale Dixon gets in the ring and touches Steveson's medal. Steveson takes it off, Kale swings at him then takes a very high german suplex. Tavion Heights then gets one as does Myles Borne. Someone else then comes in who is big and Steveson belly to belly suplexes him too. Eddy then puts the medal on Steveson.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes do a promo. They said they don't take the Judgement Day threats lightly. Melo said no one is safe with Priest having the MITB contract. Melo said he invites all of Judgement Day to come to NXT and follow through with their threats. Melo said they are the judges, jury and executioners. They said it will be their judgement day.

Stacks visits Tony in jail. Tony wants to know what happened last week. Tony asks Stacks about a tape and Stacks says he cut a deal for the both of them. Joe Coffey then comes in. Next week it's Joe vs Stacks. If Stacks wins, Tony's charges are dropped and Stacks/Tony get an NXT tag title shot. If Gallus wins, Tony stays locked up until his trial. He then says conviction will be gauranteed and he will be locked up for a long time. Tony gets mad about this and asks Stacks what he's thinking. Tony doubts him, saying this will be a 3v1 and he can't win. Stacks defends himself and Tony accuses him of selling him out. Stacks tells him this was his decision and he'll have to live with it. Joe then says, "Goodbye Don". Tony then breaks the phone in anger.

Jacy Jayne vs Lyra Valkyria

Jacy hits shots to the gut in the corner and Lyra sunset flips her. Lyra hits an armdrag and works her arm. Jacy is rolled up off the 2nd rope and Lyra shotgun dropkicks her out. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes but is caught and has her head slammed off the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Jacy has her in a lion tamer and then Lyra rolls her up.

Jacy superkicks her then Lyra hits kicks. Lyra slingshot legdrops her for 2 and dropkicks her through the ropes. Lyra is pulled off the buckles and Jacy sentons her. Lyra step up kicks her then spin kicks her in the head while she is on her knees. Lyra then wins it.

This wasn't that long and the work was not real crisp.

Jacy beats up Lyra after and rips up her feathers on her entrance gear. 

Noam Dar is in the back talking about how much he misses an unknown thing/person. He says he needs it back in his life and it's revealed that he is talking to a photo of the Heritage Cup. Metafour come in and say they need to fix this and they drag him away.

Kiana James laughs about Gigi, saying she needed a fresh coat of paint. Kiana goes into her office and it says, "wet paint". Her office is trashed and "phony" is written on the wall. Gigi leaves a note saying, "you can never outrun your past".

We go back to ringside and Von Wagner is beating up Javier Bernal. He throws him over the steps and into the rails. Von goes to powerbomb him through a table and Mr. Stone tries to talk him out of it. Von then picks him up for a gorilla press and Stone stops him again. The crowd chants, "table" and Von takes off his shirt. Von then powerbombs him through the announcer's table. Mr. Stone asks, "why did you do that?" as the crowd claps for Von.

We get another Bronco Nima and Lucien Price promo. We see them leaving a store and getting in a car. They say they are going to roll through the tag dvision and say they have D1 athleticism plus street knowledge. Price said they hear us coming, but they aren't listening. Nima says they are on their way. They say they debut next week.

Loser Leaves NXT - The Creed Brothers vs The Dyad

They start fighting before the bell and Julius is thrown out. Julius jumps off of Brutus' back and hits a superplex on Jagger. Rip is then suplexed over the top and Brutus goes for a brutus ball on him. Julius hits a top rope ssp but Gacy pulls out Jagger on the pin attempt. Gacy is ejected from ringside, though Ava Raine stays.

We go to a long PiP break and return. Brutus takes a spinning heel kick. Brutus deadlift suplexes Rip then Julius gets in and hits belly to belly suplexes. Julius jumps over a double lariat then lariats both Dyad members over the top. Julius dropkicks them through the ropes, skins the cat and does a corkscrew plancha outside.

Julius hits a nice jumping knee on Rip then Rip takes a jumping knee + reverse F-U combo. Jagger superkicks Brutus then Rip rolls up Julius. Julius is pushed into a crucifix bomb then Julius hits a stiff powerbomb. Julius is clipped then pounds on Rip. Julius is clipped again then thrown into the steps.

We go to another PiP break and return. Brutus is knocked off the apron and Julius is put in a single leg crab. Brutus hits sledgehammer shots on Rip and lariats him in the corner. Brutus then carries him around and samoan drops him. Brutus then hits a springboard 450. Brutus ankle locks Rip then Rip hits a 2nd buckle codebreaker.

Julius tells Brutus to keep fighting and Brutus fires up with a lariat on Jagger. Jagger dives through the ropes and hits a doomsday device tope on Brutus on the floor. Julius hits a double northern lights suplex on both opponents then top rope moonsaults onto both. Ava gets in the ring and is hit by Ivy Nile. Someone in a hoodie headbutts Julius then Julius takes a double codebreaker for the shocking Dyad win.

I sadly had this result spoiled and knew the Dyad were likely the winners here. I wish I hadn't know that. The result was definitely a surprise as we knew Dyad wanted to leave WWE, yet lost in a match where they could have had an obvious out. I don't think this is the end of this, though if it is, The Creed's are more than ready for the main roster. They aren't the greatest promos but Julius is easily a candidate to be the next big star. Brutus won't have it as easy, but he's really good too, just sadly not as big as Julius. Hopefully, they don't split them up and keep them affiliated even if Julius heads more towards a singles run.

I liked the match, though the match was done in reverse order. The Creed's should have hit all their big spots at the end, but instead did a lot of them at the beginning. I think Julius could have sold the leg better and the ending was obviously underwhelming. This also could have used some blood to really get this over.
Finn Balor is in the back. He says Trick and Melo aren't sweating him, just sweating all over his ring. Finn says there will be no happy endings and he'll see him next Tuesday.

Next week is Stacks vs Joe Coffey, Tiffany Stratton vs Ivy Nile, Chase and Duke vs Gulak and Dempsey plus a Judgement Day appearance.

We then see video of the crowd chanting "Thank You Creeds" and they wave.

Bron Breakker comes out. He said he made history last week on the most watched NXT show in 2 years. He said nobody believed he had a shot against him until he speared him. Bron says he was close to winning the WWE title after only having 78 matches. Bron said he didn't get to learn in front of nobody in high school gyms, he learned everything here in NXT. He said he beat LA Knight in one of his first days on the job. He said he's 25 and proved he can hang with the best in the business. He said to get used to seeing this face, because he has more people to beat and more championships to collect. Bron says everyone wants to know what's next then Ilja Dragunov comes out. Ilja says he's next in line for him and says he came out to confront him like a man, not attack him backstage like he did. He said Bron is only person in his way for the NXT title and says he can here to eliminate him. He says he's the most dangerous man in NXT then jumping kicks him. They fight and the refs come to break it up. Bron spears him and more people come out including Kale Dixon. Bron takes an enzugiri then Ilja forearms him over the apron, with both taking a nice fall down to the floor. Ilja beats up more trainees including Dante Chen and they keep fighting to end the show. This was a good segment.

Overall thoughts: It was a great show with the main event delivering and the Ilja/Bron angle working well. Ali/Bate was good and the NXT Underground match couldn't have been done much better.

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