Monday, July 3, 2023

Global Wrestling Federation 1994 Episode 129

Global Wrestling Federation 1994 Episode 129

The backstory to this one is that I came across a wrestler named Mark Von Erich and found out that he was on this, so I decided to check it out. It's not like I really need an excuse to watch old wrestling anyway.

Black Bart tells us to stand by for the meanest, toughest wrestling we'll ever see.

We see the intro vid and someone takes a floor bump on his head during it.

Rod Price vs Marc Valiant

"This one right here is a stinkin' Von Erich. I don't care what anybody says, I know it for a fact that he's a Von Erich" - Black Bart | "Akbar has made comments that he's an illegitimate son of Fritz." - Doyle King

"Don't touch that dial, we'll be right back and there's not a dat gum thing you can do about it - Black Bart

So, Marc Valiant as of 2023 still goes under the name Mark Von Erich, and is a fake von Erich. Black Bart hints as such, saying he's a real Von Erich.

They said Rod Price wore a hair piece and you can very clearly see it here. Black Bart tells Rod that Marc is a Von Erich and says he got papers on him. He tells Rod to whoop him like a Von Erich. We cut to an inset of Rod Price talking about this match but no audio plays. Marck shoulders over Rod then hiptosses and armdrags him. They talk about pulling hard and Doyle says if Marc pulls off Rod's hair, it's likely to come off as it did with Chris Adams. Geez.

Rod misses a corner charge and takes an armdrag.  We go to break with Black Bart tell us not to touch the dial and says there's nothing we can do about it. Truer words have never been spoken. They lock up again and Rod throws him down by the hair and poses. Doyle says Rod is looking thick around the middle and needs to hit the gym. Rod drops down and throws Marc out.

Rod goes out after him and bangs his head off the post. Marc hits shots to the gut then has his head banged off the mat. Rod slams him and Marc blocks his vader bomb esque move. Marc hits knees and punches in the corner. His punches look absolutely awful and don't even hit the face. Rod grabs a chain and punches Marc with it. Rod then picks up the win.

Rod turns around and the ref sees the chain he puts in his pants, but we cut away so who knows.

We really only got a few minutes of this one with some very basic stuff. Marc's punches were terrible and it was kind of a circus with breaks, Black Bart accusing Marc of being a Von Erich plus the dirty finish.

Skandor Akbar is doing a promo with Moadib. He said they call Swenson the Mercenary, but we'll have to see how tough he is. He says no one puts their hands on the general. He said revenge is his and said the Mercenary will shine his shoes in the Sportatorium when he gets done with him.

Moadib with Skandor Akbar vs Ricky Long

Akbar says silence as Moadib is in prayer. Moadib is a young Ahmed Johnson. Akbar rips the crowd for making noise while Moadib is praying. Ricky Long is from Texas and they shoulder battle. They botch some kind of leapfrog then Moadib jumping forearms him. Moa dropkicks him then hits a top rope splash/headbutt. Moa then does a weird thing where he slithers over him. Moa full nelsons him and gets the win via ref stoppage. Akbar has to pull off Moa after.

Moa/Ahmed had a great look here and was agile. He was still real green but I think anyone would have seen him as having potential. This was just a short squash.

Jeep Swenson comes down after and checks on Long. They said he was with Akbar's crew before but left.

Akbar says Jeep will pay and be another stupid, buffoon American that shines his shoes.

Crybaby Buxton is interviewed. He said he wants to be called "Fearless" Francis Buxton. He says 1994 is the year of the Buxton and says every wrestler in the GWF is on notice because they are going down.

Francis "Crybaby" Buxton vs "The American Hearthrob" Chaz

Baboose, Brandon Baxter and Doyle King

Buxton does a dance to "I'm Too Sexy". Buxton gets on the mic. He says 1993 was a so-so year for him as one year ago, Chaz cheated and beat him in the ring. Buxton says 1994 is his year and Chaz will get what he deserves.

Brandon Baxter down on commentary with Baboose and says Buxton is the 2nd greatest wrestler in the world outside of Iceman, who is the real champ.

Buxton immediately begs off and Baboose calls Greg Pearson a racist and a pilgrim. Baboose says the country belongs to the Indians and says the Indians were ripped off and had their land taken. Buxton shoves him over then Chaz does it back. Chaz hits a nice hiptoss and dropkick then Buxton cries. Chaz grabs Buxton and misses a corner charge. Buxton pulls Chaz's hair and bites his ear.

Baboose says Iceman is still the champ and calls it racial discrimination. Buxton tells the commentators he has him where he wants him. Chaz is thrown over the top but skins the cat twice. Chaz bangs his head off the mat and pulls his hair. Buxton gets mad about it and pushes and hits the ref over it. The ref throws this out and Chaz bangs Buxton's head off the buckles. Buxton is sent out.

This was short and we got almost nothing before Buxton got DQ'd.

Doyle rips Buxton after, saying he lost. Buxton complains that his hair was pulled and the ref did nothing about it. Buxton says mama will have Doyle's job and the camera man's job. He calls Chaz a big, hair-pulling sissy and says he will get his. I'm actually on Buxton's side here as Chaz pulled his hair multiple times and nothing came of it.

The ref, John Keaton, says Buxton was DQ'd for refusing to wrestle and pulling the hair.

Chris Adams is interviewed. Black Bart grabbed his foot in a match with John Hawk (who would later become John Bradshaw Layfield). John says it wasn't just a title change, it's the coronation of the new king. Adams tells him to do it and stop talking about it.

Taurus Bulba and Ron Starr vs Jeff Jarrett and Terry Gordy

This is joined in progress and is called a legend's tag match.

Bulba drops a knee on him and chokes him in the corner. Bulba kicks him in the corner. We go to break and come right back and Ron Starr double underhook suplexes Jeff. Bulba comes in and boots Jeff. Jeff slides under him and makes the tag. Gordy hits Bulba and lariats him in the corner, then nails Starr. Bulba takes a double punch and goes down. Starr knees Gordy from the apron then Bulba puts him in the claw.

Gordy gets out of the claw and Bulba puts it back on. Gordy hits punches and a running clothesline. Gordy puts the oriental thumb on him and we cut away. We never ended up returning to this either.

GWF Tile - Chris Adams (c) vs Big John Hawk

"You touch that remote, I'm gonna come slap you right in your living room chair." - John Hawk

Baboose and Brandon Baxter try to take the title belt. Black Bart is with John Hawk. Adams is pushed off on the lock up. Black Bart grabs the PA mic and tells everyone to shut up because this is for a title. Adams tries shoulders on John and get nowhere then John slams him. John misses an elbow drop and takes dropkicks, then goes out. John grabs the ring bell and walks around outside.

We go to break. John Hawk threatens to slap people right of their living room chairs if they change the channel. We then get a message from the GWF, saying hello to viewers from various television affiliates.

We return and John hits a forearm flurry in the corner. Chris back body drops him and John leaves the ring to avoid a superkick. John forearms him down and sits on his back while pulling the chin. John elbows his back then flying shoulders him. John chokes him over the middle rope and stomps him. Black Bart then gets a few cheap shots in on Chris.

We go to another break and Chris Adams talks about the GWF Wrestling School.  He said many world famous wrestlers and managers started at the Sportatorium and you could be next. We return and John hits Chris with a chair. Baboose claims John took the chair from Chris. John slams Chris and takes a boot coming off the 2nd rope. Adams superkicks him in the gut then throws him out. Adams elbows him off the apron. Adams then grabs the chair and hits John in full review of the ref. John has his head banged into the post and knocks over the steps.

Adams hits corner punches then is hit and knocks over the ref. Black Bart throws the rope in. John poses with it, taking too long and Adams superkicks him. Adams then pins him and wins it.

Black Bart hits the ring after but Chris gets out then Brandon Baxter wheels Baboose away.

The match wasn't anything too special though it wasn't awful. I didn't like the two cheating right in front of the ref though with no punishment. That was lame. This was over 10 minutes but was cut up by two different commercial breaks.

Doyle King tells us how to get to the Sportatorium after. He said next week has Iceman King Parsons and Scott Putski and a partner vs Moadib and a partner.

Overall thoughts: It was a very flawed show and it was low rent. Rod Price looked silly with the wig (plus they pointed out that he had one to make it even worse) and I didn't really get what the goal of the Marc Von Erich/Marc Valiant angle was. You are either tricking the fans by making it seem like he's a Von Erich or you are just making people look bad. The Moadib match had some botches and sloppy work in it, though Moadib clearly had a good look and potential. The Baxter/Chaz match had the face pulling hair and Baxter may have been too over the top for his own good. We didn't get to see most of the legends match, nor did we even get a finish on it. The main was okay, but it was interrupted by multiple commercials and the wrestlers cheated in front of the ref without the ref caring. I still enjoyed it though. The wrestlers telling you not to change the channel was kind of fun. The crowd was hot all throughout. The wrestlers looked like wrestlers and the wrestlers were a lot better at the basics than are today while doing less dangerous matches. And despite its issues, I would still watch this everyday over almost anything today.

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