Friday, July 14, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/13/2023 Episode #20

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/13/2023 Episode #20

Last week's show is here: 

Matt Sydal said when he has a problem with someone he invites them in for interview time. He brings in Prince Nana and Brian Cage. Matt said Cage beat him in a tag match but can't beat him 1v1. He said he's better than ever. Cage says, "are you kidding me?" and tells him to, "take a look at me, kid". Cage tells him if he wants to face him, he needs to find two partners. Matt says he should put the tag titles on the line. This was an odd segment that didn't do much for anyone.

Serpentico vs Big Bill

Bill leaves his lollipop laying on the mat. Bill swings him around by the head to start then throws him outside to the floor. Serp hits palm strikes and then slaps him. Bill gets mad and chases. Serp dropkicks him through the ropes and topes him. Bill catches Serp and dances with him before hitting a fallaway slam. Serp headscissors him into the corner and hits a shotgun dropkick.

Bill throws him off and Serp gives him the finger. Bill boots him in the face and crotches him on the top rope. Bill then boots him down to the floor. Bill then hits a big chokeslam and wins it.

Even though this was a squash, but Serp still got too much in and it was just silly. There is no planet where Serp gets anything in on Bill.

They announced an ROH TV Title Eliminator Tournament with Dalton vs Nese and Shane Taylor vs Shawn Dean, then a match between the winners next week. 

Athena vs Ava Lawless

Ava forearms her to start and drops her with one. Ava kind of lariats her then Athena forearms her. Athena pounds on her then hits running forearms and a facekick. Athena then wins via crossface and doesn't let go after, trying to make her feet touch her head.

This was just a quick squash.

Athena bangs Ava's head off the title after.

The Righteous vs Levi Night, Michael Allen Richard Clark and Evan Rivers

Stu running double forearms Rivers then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Levi gets in and takes corner shots. Levi has his throat dropped over the top rope then is lariated by Dutch. Levi gets slammed then Evil Uno walks out with a chair. Uno sits down at ringside then Levi takes a uranage from Stu. Levi takes a strike sequence then a short flatliner.

Levi gets clark in. Clark hits nice punches on Dutch and Stu and dropkicks Dutch 1v2. Stu hits a pumping knee on Clark then Dutch powerbombs him. Vincent to rope swantons Clark then The Righteous stare down Uno. Dutch hits a black hole slam on Rivers then Stu backbreakers Levi then Levi takes their triple team move and is pinned.

It was a fun squash with Clark and The Righteous looking good.

Uno stares down with The Righteous after then chairs Rivers. Uno asks, "Is that enough for you? You know where you belong, Stu".

Matt Sydal is interviewed. He said becoming an ROH trios champ is his destiny. He said he has looked to the elders and found Christopher Daniels. He then said he found Darius Martin for his other tag partner.

"Legit" Leyla Hirsch vs Bambi Hall

This is Bambi's ROH debut, though she was on Rampage last week. They say Hall's mom was a wrestler. Leyla is arm whipped down then kicked in the side of the head. Hall is choked on the 2nd rope then lariated against the ropes. They say Maria of the Kingdom is not here tonight as Jerry Lynn is investigating if her injury was legit or not. They trade forearms and Leyla euros her.

Hall back elbows her and hits a knee. Hall splashes her against the ropes an goes for a backpack stunner. Leyla gets out of it and rebound germans her. Leyla then wins it with an armbar.

This was Bambi's 2nd match in AEW/ROH and she looked good again. Hopefully she's going to get more chances as I think she has something as a female hoss.

ROH TV Title Eliminator Tournament Semifinals - Tony Nese vs Dalton Castle

No Josh Woods again as Ari and Sterling are with Nese. Nese said he has seen nothing but disgusting, out of shape Canadian trash since coming to Regina. He said it smells worse than any other place in Canada. He said he will teach us personal fitness as nobody likes a "smelly Regina". He said he has cancelled the rest of the show and said we will do group training. He tells everyone to stretch then Dalton Castle comes out. Dalton says he's going to win an Emmy during his entrance.

Dalton immediately heads outside to hype the crowd up. Nese goes for a leapfrog and almost takes a bangarang. Nese comes off the buckles and is caught with an overhead suplex. Dalton splashes him then knees him in the corner. Woods goes up on the 2nd rope and then Mark Sterling gets on the apron. Ari Daivari grabs Woods' foot then Nese pushes his throat over the top rope.

They go outside and Dalton is pushed back-first into the post then is pushed body first into it. Dalton has his arm banged off the rail. Nese dropkicks him then Dalton hits forearms. Nese spin kicks him in the head then armlocks him. Nese misses a triangle moonsault then Dalton hits a nice, quick overhead suplex. Dalton spins him into a suplex and hits a backdrop while grabbing Nese's foot. Dalton germans him. Sterling gets on the apron and is hit by The Boys and then Ari slips in. Dalton survives the pin attempt and hits a bangarang on Nese to win it. 

This was a decent match with Nese heeling it up and taking some big suplexes.

ROH TV Title Eliminator Tournament Semifinals - Shane Taylor vs Shawn Dean

Dean tries to avoid Shane early then hits chops. Dean dropkicks him and is punched multiple times. Shane hits knees to the body then bearhugs him. Dean ear claps him then Dean jumping knees him. Dean goes for a splash and is caught and uranage'd. Shane misses a splash from the 2nd rope then is ddt'd. Shane gets his knees up on Dean's top rope splash. Dean hits slaps then takes a nasty headbutt to the face. Shane then running forearms him and wins it.

It was decent with Shane bullying him around and Dean trying to be the underdog face. Shane could have sped things up a little though.

The Boys vs The Kingdom

Maria is not with The Kingdom just as they said earlier. Taven piefaces Brent and rubs his face. Taven then dropkicks him. Taven suplexes him then Brent takes him down and hits shots. Taven spinning high kicks him. Brandon and Mike trade chops and Mike corner chops him. Mike sit out uranage's him and they trade more chops. Mike drops Brandon with a shot then Brandon is catapulted into an enzugiri. Brandon is on Mike's knees and Taven springboard elbow drops him. Mike single arm ddt's him.

Mike kind of sunset flips him then catches him with a fujiwara armbar. Brent gets in and pushes Mike into Taven. He hits lariats then rolls him into the mat. Taven takes a double team and a standing slcied bread #2. Mike takes a step up enzugiri then a double straightjacket into a neckbreaker for 2. One of the Boys ends up taking a powerbomb + reverse jumping flatliner combo and is pinned.

This should have been a squash. This did little to help The Kingdom and the result was never in doubt. 

ROH World 6-Man Tag Team Championship - The Embassy vs Darius Martin, Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels


Daniels hits some shots on Kaun in the corner then shoulders him over. Daniels back body drops him then Kaun takes shots from all three opponents and a flatliner. Sydal armdrags Kaun then hurricanrana's him off the pop-up. Darius hits a nice dropkick then Sydal standing corkscrew moonsaults Kaun. Toa headbutts Darius then misses a splash. Daniels trips him into a Darius double stomp on his back.

Toa samoan drops Daniels then Cage fallaway slams Daniels. Daniels is bridged over the 2nd rope and Toa drops an elbow on him. Kaun side headlocks Daniels then hits a stiff lariat. Cage yells, "that's a home run right there". Daniels rolls up Toa but the ref doesn't see it. Toa then shoulders him over. Nana chokes Daniels on the ropes then Cage backdrops Daniels.

Kaun is tripped into the 2nd buckle then takes a german. Darius gets the hot tag in and beats up on the heels. He then does a cool ddt + reverse ddt combo on the heels. Darius bulldogs Toa over the middle rope then top rope crossbodies Kaun. Cage pops up and superkicks Darius then Darius PK's him. Sydal hits a top rope meteora on Cage and hits kicks.

Sydal brazilian kicks and buzzsaw kicks Cage for 2. Sydal high kicks Kaun then takes a running back elbow. Sydal takes a sandwich clothesline then Cage F-5's him for 2. Kaun slaps Toa and irish whips him onto a splash on Sydal. Sydal reverses Cage's drill claw into a snap hurricanrana. Sydal jumping kness Cage then Darius springboard swinging flatliners Cage. Sydal top rope meteora's Cage for 2. The faces hit double superkicks + a dropkick then Darius plancha's Kaun. Sydal comes off the top and is caught by Cage but rolls him up. Cage flips Sydal with a lariat and beats him with the drill claw.

It was a good match as expected, though the heels took more offense than they should have. It was fast paced and the faces did some flying before they got swatted down. We knew the faces had no shot here.

Overall thoughts: The main was good and Dalton/Nese was decent, but the show was a total waste of time with many useless squash matches. We're a week away from the PPV and we still only know of one match (that will eventually be cancelled, but we weren't told that here) plus we know someone is getting a shot at Samoa Joe. It's terrible booking, if you can even it call booking, and it just shows how little Tony cares about this brand.

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