Saturday, June 24, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/23/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/23/2023

Last week's show is here:

Stacks vs Kale Dixon

I don't know what this was supposed to be

Kale headlocks him and grabs the hair to keep the hold on. Stacks hits knees to the head and fistdrops him. Stacks splits his legs over the 2nd rope and charges at him but the ref stops it. Kale boots him out of the corner and rolls him up. Kale leapfrogs but is caught with an atomic drop then Stacks legdrops him in the crotch. Stacks is thrown into the middle rope and whiplashes then Kale gutwrench suplexes him.

Kale running knees him for 2. Kale spins and kicks him. Kale then picks him up like a gutwrench but drops him and drops the elbow on his back in what was likely a botch. Kale abdominal stretches him then Stacks hits punches. Stacks running euros him in the corner then 2nd rope euros him for 2. Kale misses a step up enzugiri then Stacks hits his cement shoes curbstomp with the knee.

Neither one of these two are great or exciting workers and it was just an average match.

Stacks grabs Kale by the hair and beard after and warns him to let him know if he finds out info on who the rat is.

Tavion Heights is interviewed. He says he's fighting for his first victory and the integrity of this sport. He said he's bringing the same mentality that he brought to the 2022 Olympics.

Luca Crusifino vs Tavion Heights

They push each other early then Luca takes an armdrag. Tav blocks a fireman's carry and hits another armdrag. He then does a stiff facelock. Luca shoulders him over then Tav does something like a sling blade and another armdrag. Tav shoulders him over then takes a knee to the gut. Luca slams him for 1 and legdrops him.

Luca does his hiptoss into a neckbreaker for 2. Luca pulls at his mouth then Tav hits shots and a dropkick. Tav hits a corner lariat then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Tav goes for a doctor bomb but Luca rolls him by using the ropes and pins him.

It wasn't good with Tav throwing a lot of weak shots here. It didn't go that long, but it felt like it did. It was just a boring match and Tav didn't get to do a lot of his good stuff. 

Ivy Nile vs Jacy Jayne

Jacy pushes her up against the ropes then Ivy hammerlock takeovers her. Ivy armlocks her then shoulders her over. Ivy headscissors her then is pulled hard off the 2nd rope, bouncing off the top. Jacy hits mounted punches then a neckbreaker for 2. Jacy chinlocks her then Ivy hits some kicks and running forearms. Ivy does her flying kick in the corner then gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Jacy rolls her up then Ivy rolls through it and goes for a dragon sleeper. Jacy superkicks her but takes a high kick right back. Jacy spinning forearms her and wins it.

It was okay but it was short and not particularly memorable. I liked some of the kick exchanges here. They only had about 5-6 minutes for this and they still did some rest holds.

Overall thoughts: A pretty lame edition of NXT Level Up with no must see matches and a dead crowd.

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