Sunday, June 25, 2023

AEW Collision 6/24/2023

AEW Collision 6/24/2023

Last week's show is here:

Punk, FTR and Starks tell their opponents tonight to give their balls a tug. They say let's see if they are bulletproof and said Saturday night is for fighting. The Bullet Club and The Gunn's say they want to fight them. Juice says there's no sleeping tonight and they will get the W. The Gunn's say every show is the gun show.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and says we will find out who Sting and Darby's partners will be then Jericho and Minoru Suzuki come out instead. Jericho tells Tony to shut up and says he's not from Toronto, but Winnipeg. Jericho asks who they can get that will be tougher than Suzuki. They said they know Tony knows who the partner is and Jericho threatens him with a bat. Sting and Darby then come out. Darby said he will kick Sammy's @ss if he is with the JAS at Forbidden Door. He said their tag partner kicked Jericho's @ss at the Tokyo Dome then Tetsuya Naito comes out, as he will be their partner. Naito and Jericho stare down then Jericho and Suzuki leave.

Miro does a video. He said he has been in exile for almost a year and said with his blessings and Miro's muscles, if he praised him, he would never lose again. He then said he kneels before no one. He says he must walk alone and he renounces his god, gold and wife. He said he is godless, but it sounded like gutless.

Swerve Strickland vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

They lock up then Tana poses. Tana 2nd rope corkscrew crossbodies him. Tana gives him his air guitar and invites him to play it, then he does. Tana knee dropkicks him then Swerve headscissors takeovers him from the mat. Swerve plays air guitar, Tana plays air guitar then Swerve kicks the ropes while Tana is entering the ring.

Tana is thrown over the top but hangs on and headscissors Swerve over. Tana goes for a baseball slide, but is put under the ring skirt and kicked. We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms then pull each others hair. Tana flying forearms him and 2nd rope swantons him. 

Swerve rolls into a flatliner then Tana hit some roll-ups. Tana dragon screwed him then hit a sling blade for 2. Tana goes for the high fly flow but Swerve gets his knees up. Swerve kicks him in the head and takes another slingblade. Tana goes up top but falls some due to his injured knee then hits a high fly flow and wins it.

It wasn't anything too special. Tana had a lot of trouble moving around here due to wrestling for such a long time and Swerve's style doesn't create great matches.

MJF's music hits and he takes a while to appear on the tron. He said he will embarass him at Forbidden Door and said they need to be in the first match. He said he doesn't want to have to spend any more time in Canada than he has to or spend more time watching Japanese indy jabronis wrestle. He then says he will shove Tana's air guitar up his butt and says he is not on the level of the devil.

Brody King vs Andrade el Idolo

Andrade ducks a chop and boot then he dropkicks him in the knee. Andrade headscissors him form behind off the 2nd rope then he poses on the ropes. Brody is pulled over the top and he yells at Julia Hart outside. Brody is pushed into the post then he top rope moonsaults him. Andrade works his knee then Andrade is sat on the top rope, where he is chopped to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Brody double chops him and armlocks him. Andrade hits forearms then takes chest clubs. Andrade hits jawbreakers then dragon screws him through the ropes. Andrade top rope crossbodies him and dragon screws him again. Andrade flying forearms him and meteoras him in the corner. Brody death valley drivers him into the buckles. Brody then cannonballs him in the corner.

Andrade clips him and figure ofurs him. Julia Hart gets on the apron with Andrade's mask and Andrade releases the hold. Andrade hits a spinning back elbow then figure fours Brody again. Buddy Matthews then comes in and beats up Andrade, causing a DQ.

The match was decent with Brody doing his big man stuff and Andrade working the knee. The finishing sequence and ending was lame but at least it made some sense. Andrade takes a spinning lariat after then takes a fire thunder driver.

Malakai Black's face appears on the tron and Julia Hart raises Andrade's mask then I guess steals it.

Christian and Luchasaurus are interviewed by Tony in the ring. Christian says this city breeds losers and is populated with losers. He talked about the local sports teams and said he influenced Kawhi Leonard to leave Canada just like him. Christian said there will be no more open challenges for the TNT title and you have to earn the shot now.

Satoshi Kojima does a promo on CM Punk. He said he met him in 2003 in the Us and now gets to face him. He says he's going to kill him and kick his @ss. Punk says he's thrilled and honored to be in the ring with him. Roderick Strong says he's in the Owen Hart Tournament to honor Jim Neidhart. Samoa Joe says Strong has never beaten him. Dustin Rhodes says Hobbs is not his stepping stone and Hobbs says its the end of the road. Starks and Juice then get lines in. Starks said he beat him once and will leave him behind when he wins the tournament.

Scorpio Sky is interviewed. He said he struggled all of his life and couldn't handle it when he got his big break. He talked about his victories in AEW despite being a shadow of his true self. He said he's back and now we can find out who he really is.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Jeremy Prophet

Hobbs body blocks him against the ropes then hits back elbows. Jeremy tries to roll him up but can't then takes lariats to the front and back of the head. Hobbs then wins with a spinebuster in a quick squash.

CM Punk, FTR and Ricky Starks vs Jay White, Juice Robinson and The Gunn's

Punk shoulders Juice over and gets booed. Dax shoulders Juice over, Juice slips on the leapfrog then is slammed. Juice upkicks and slams him then Dax upkicks him. Juice sentons Dax then Austin hits punches on Dax. Dax suplexes Austin then Cash slingshots in and forearms him. Cash dropkicks Colten off the apron. Starks back elbows Austin, walks thew ropes with his arm and clubs him on his way down.

Punk and Jay trade chops in the corner. Jay throws Punk out and the heels all beat up on Punk. We go PiP break and return. Dax superplexes Juice then FTR hit something like a doomsday device on him. Colten splashes Cash in the corner and hits a nice dropkick. Cash catapults COlten into the buckles then rolls him up for 2. Cash and Punk hit a demolition capitation on Colten then Punk neckbreakers him. Punk takes a big lariat from Colten then takes boots in the corner.

Jay blocks Punk's kick and dragon screws him. Juice drops elbows on Punk's leg. We go to break again and return. Punk top rope crossbodies him. Punk neckbreakers Jay. Juice tries for a GTS on Punk but Punk blocks it. Punk high kicks him then hot tags into Starks. Starks beats up on the heels and ddt's Juice. Starks spinebusters Colten then tornado ddt's Austin. Dax takes a back body drop on the floor then Starks blue thunders Jay. Starks brainbusters Jay for 2 then Dax piledrivers Jay. Dax takes a 310 to Yuma then Cash gorilla presses Colten onto Juice and Austin before hitting a tope.

Punk comes off the top and takes a uranage from Jay then Jay uranage's Starks for 2. Starks spears three opponents then takes a bladerunner from Jay. Jay then picks up the win.

I didn't like Starks taking the win here as he's a face and someone like Cash wouldn't have lost anything from losing. It was a decent tag otherwise. It went longer but they didn't really do a lot and it wasn't real memorable.

Overall thoughts: What I saw was a decent show, but it wasn't anything too special. The show is less of a 2nd brand and more of a 2nd Rampage and if this is what it will look like, it's probably only getting 600,000 viewers or less per episode. As usual with anything AEW related, it's an odd show.

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