Friday, June 16, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/16/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/16/2023

Last week's show is here:

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice vs Dani Palmer and Kelani Jordan

Lopez throws off Kelani pats her on the head. Kelani trips her then uses the ropes to armdrag her. Kelani hits a dropkick and Lola is in. Dani top rope double axe handles Lola. Dani takes like a double clothesline then is double hip attacked and sandwiched out of it. Lola hits kicks on Dani then whips her into a Lopez lariat for 2. Dani trips Lopez and tags out.

Kelani gets in and cartwheels into a back elbow then does a neckbreaker with the leg. Lola spin kicks Dani hard off the apron then Lopez does a sitout double arm chokeslam on Kelani and wins it.

It was too short to really be anything. Kelani looked good in the little she got to do and Lola was barely in there.

Javier Bernal is interviewed. He said to expect a different side of him tonight. He said he has a chip on his shoulder and doesn't like Stacks accusing him of being a snitch. He said the evolution of Javi is destined for greatness. 

Boa vs Bryson Montana

I have low expectations for this. They lock up and Bryson hits him in the back. Boa kicks him in the gut and Boa rolls through a cravate takeover. Bryson rolls with him and Boa does a basement dropkick. Boa his kicks from the apron then Bryson stops his slingshot sunset flip. Bryson does a fireman's carry into a gutbuster then hits corner spears.

Bryson cartwheels into a back elbow and pulls his arms over the ropes. Bryson hits a stiff lariat then a powerslam for 2. Bryson  pounds on him on the mat then Boa backdrops him. Boa hits chest kicks and gordbusters him. Boa spin kicks him as he's on his knees and gets the win.

As expected, it wasn't too good. Bryson's inexperienced so he gets a pass but it was the usual unexciting Boa match. Boa did like a face escape out of a submission at one point that wasn't even put on him.

Stacks vs Javier Bernal

They lock up and Stacks takeovers him while in the lock up position. JB tries to roll out of an armlock but is grounded with it. JB tries a roll and a kip up into an armdrag but Stacks holds on and hammerlocks him. JB hits some shots then Stacks hits knees. JB is crotched on the top rope then double leg dropped on his crotch.

Stacks boots him in the corner and is stuck on the 2nd rope. JB butterfly suplexes him then legdrops and elbow drops him. They namedrop PN News here and do his rap then JB backdrops Stacks. JB spinning backdrops Stacks and lariats him. JB does a lion tamer and JB basically flips himself out of it. Stacks hits some shots and dropkicks his side. Stacks 2nd rope euros him then does a curbstomp with the knee to win. They call it the "cement shoes".

It wasn't that good. Stacks isn't the most flashy guy and JB was just not really the guy to make up for it. It didn't really help that this wasn't a great show.

Overall thoughts:
Not a good one here. None of the 3 matches were anything special.  

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