Friday, June 16, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/15/2023 Episode #16

 Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/15/2023 Episode #16

Last week's show is here: 

Matt Sydal is interviewed to start the show. He challenged Samoa Joe for the TV title and gets his shot tonight. He said he took things into his own hands and said he has been on the heels of Joe since he started in ROH. He says he's not afraid and says tonight is his night.

Samoa Joe is interviewed. Joe said an example needs to be made tonight when ambition outstrips common sense. Joe said he knows ambition says he wants to be a champ in ROH, but says common sense says that path doesn't come through him. He said Matt learns his lesson tonight. 

ROH Television Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Matt Sydal

Joe forearm flurries him in the corner to start and Sydal jumping back kicks him. Sydal comes off the top but catches himself as Joe walks away then Sydal meteora's him off the apron. Joe hits punches in the ring then snap suplexes him. Joe hits a nice powerslam for 2 then stomps and punches him in the corner, asking if this is what he wanted. They trade chops and Sydal jumping knees him. Sydal spinning heel kicks him and is backdropped off of it, rolling out of the ring.

Sydal is popped up but powerbombs him then Sydal hits kicks. Sydal top rope meteoras him for 2. Sydal goes up top and is crotched then Joe muscle busters him and picks up the win.

I loved this one and this was maybe the best match so far in AEWROH history. Sydal was the underdog here picking a fight with the much bigger Joe and Joe made him pay for it here. He was rough with him and bullied him around and Sydal played the underdog face well. I was really down on Joe when they first signed him but he is doing some of the best work of his career right now.

Nick Comoroto vs Deimos

Teal Piper is with Deimos. Deimos is a big dude who looks like a wrestler. Nick plays with the crowd and throws a lollipop stick in Deimos' face. Deimos gets shots in and counters his slam with his own slam. Deimos then shoulders him out of the ring.

Nick throws him into the steps outside. Nick hits corner spears then powerslams him. Nick does a reverse F-U for 2. Deimos hits forearms then clotheslines him. Deimos spinebusters him then hits a flying boot for 2. Deimos has his throat pulled over the top then Nick hits an alabama slam and gets the win. Nick has his feet on the ropes during the pin.

They were a little sloppy early. It was average and just didn't really have the time or any build to make this better.

Mark Sterling and the Varsity Athletes are interviewed. Nese says the fans are in for a treat tonight and that's it.

The Iron Savages vs "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus

Jacked Jackson hypes up his team to start. He says they are too big and strong, beefy and bulky and juicy. He says if you want to be an Iron Savage, you have to sip the savage sauce.

Tracy and Bronson trade forearms then Bronson suplexes him. Tracy lariats Boulder in the corner then triangles him over the top rope. Tracy gets his top rope crossbody caught then Tracy and Rhett are both gorilla pressed. Boulder one-arm slams Titus but misses an elbow. Titus facekicks Bronson then pushes him into Boulder. Titus belly to belly suplexes Bronson then Boulder does a nice combo side slam and black hole slam.

Boulder is lifted and takes a double F-U for 2. Bronson fights off his opponents 1v2 then takes a hart attack for 2. Bronson takes a double team then fire thunders Titus while butt dropping Tracy. Boulder lifts up Bronson and drops him onto Tracy for the win.

As I always say, I have no idea why the Iron Savages are where they are. They are such a great team and did good here as they usually do. It was on the shorter end here and while it was mostly a squash, it was entertaining.

The Workhorsemen are interviewed. JD says you don't want to talk to an angry Anthony Henry. Henry said his face is messed up due to FTR's big rig. They said FTR isn't there though. Henry said Mark Briscoe is here though and he should pay for FTR's sins. He said he will do to Mark everything he dreams of doing to Mark. The premise was a little weird but the Workhorsemen did a good job.

Diamante vs Teal Piper

Teal comes out to her dad's theme. Dia takes lariats and a slam. Dia neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope then baseball slides her off the apron. Dia stomp flurries her in the corner then delay corner dropkicks her. Dia then snap suplexes her for 2 and hits crossfaces. Teal high kicks her then she does a running knee and a side slam.

Teal puts her in a sleeper but is rolled up then Dia does a twisting flatliner. Dia then does an arm and stranglehold submission and wins it.

The finishing sequence was a little sloppy and the submission finish was out of nowhere. This was a shorter match.

Dia tells Tony in the camera's that she needs better. 

Tony Nese vs Serpentico

I have no idea why Josh Woods is missing here.

Mark Sterling says Nese has something to get off his chest before the match. Nese said he's been trying to earn the fans respect but can't because they aren't relatable. He said they will never be fat, disgusting, pieces of trash like the fans. He said they will turn the fans into athletes like them. He said we will put the wrestling on hold and do a group exercise. He tells the fans to get up on their feet and asks everyone to reach up to the sky and stretch. He then says we are going to touch our toes if anyone can see them. He then says we will do a squat and said it's what you do on the toilet after eating 20 hot dogs. Ari squats and Nese says the fans can do better than this. Nese says they aren't capable of this and then tells the fans its time for push-ups. Serpentico then comes out and becomes the default face here since they are usually both heels. This was really funny and one of the best things Nese has ever been involved in.

Serp has a Dia de los Muertos themed mask and gear on. Nese takes him down then poses. Nese bangs his head off the buckles. Serp slaps him then headscissors him off the bottom rope. Serp does Nese's pose then Nese attacks him and hits a fast back elbow. Serp sunsets flips him, Nese rolls through and spin kicks him in the head. Nigel says Nese is the 2023 Jesse the Body Award winner. Serp is in the tree of woe and Nese does crunches with kicks on the end.

Nese bodyscissors him then stomps on him. Nese jumps over the top and drapes his throat on the top rope then misses a 2nd rope moonsault. Serp headscissors him then does a jumping flatliner. Nese germans him into the bottom buckle then running knees him against the bottom buckle and wins it.

The pre-match workout was hilarious and the best thing Nese had ever done. The match wasn't as good though. It went too long and Serp is never a face.

Kiera Hogan is supposed to be interviewed but it's Athena mocking her instead. Kiera then nails Athena and tells her to keep her name out of her mouth.

Miranda Alize vs Notorious Mimi

They lock up and they slap each other. Alize pushes her into the buckles from behind then running facewash kicks her. Alize dropkicks her against the bottom rope then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Alize short hurricanrana's her off the bottom rope then pulls both her arms back.

Alize talks trash to her and piefaces her. Mimi catches her kick and high kicks her. Mimi then pump kicks her and does a flapjack type of move for 2. Alize cutters her then does like a running legdrop as she's seated and wins it.

It was a short squash and there wasn't a lot to say about it. It was too short to really be bad or anything.

Dalton Castle and The Boys vs The Righteous and Stu Grayson

They all shake hands. Dutch hurts one of The Boys hands and Dalton and Vincent stare down. Brent is back in action after being attacked by The Embassy. Brent jumps on Vincent and is chopped. Vincent back elbows him then Brent hits armdrags. Brent dropkicks him.

Stu gets kicksed from the apron then takes a springboard crossbody from Brandon. Stu overhead belly to belly suplexes Brandon then Brandon hurricanrana's him. Stu and Dalton argue outside and then Dalton pushes Vincent. Dalton is put hard into the post then Dutch body blocks Brandon. Brandon takes strikes from Vincent and Stu then a short flatliner for 2.

Brandon rolls up Stu and tags in Brent. Brent flips for a Stu lariat then Stu hits mounted punches. Dutch short arm lariats Brent then step up enzugiri's Dutch. Dalton is finally tagged in and beats up on the heels. Dalton suplexes Stu then reverse slingblades Vincent. Stu is suplexed into Dutch.

Dalton tries to tope Dutch but Dutch blocks it. Dalton takes a hard fall then is put into the steps. Brent is sent into the steps then Brandon takes a cool triple team dominator.

It was a fun trios match. The Righteous' new finisher was good and Dalton was entertaining as usual.

The Dark Order said they weren't impress with The Righteous. They said if you want to get violent, they can get violent. Alex said they have had a lot of people leave The Dark Order. Uno asked if The Righteous are Stu's bros and if they will like him when he's down and if they will bleed for him. Uno said we will just have to wait and see. 

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Trish Adora

Athena stalls early then headscissors her on the mat. Athena mocks her and they bump shoulders. Trish works her arm and pulls her shoulder into the bottom rope. Trish goes outside and chases her in but is caught. Athena then dropkicks her into the steps. Athena pulls on her leg and knee then does a bow and arrow variation. Athena slaps her then is german'd while Trish is on her knees. Trish tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then pump kicks her. Trish pulls her into a slam for 2 and is superkicked in the side of the head. Athena dives off the top into a cutter and wins it.

It wasn't anything special. Trish didn't show off too much and there was a bunch of leg work that didn't go anywhere.

Athena nails Trish after and grabs her. Kiera Hogan comes out with a trash can lid and they fight. Athena takes her down then Kiera hits mounted punches. Athena hits Kiera with the trash can lid and threatens the refs with it. Athena nails a security guard then Kiera hits Athena with the trash can lid. Kiera gets a table and nails one of the guards. She sets the table up in the corner and Athena spears her through it. both are down after. Kiera goes up the ramp and Athena goes after her.

Mark Briscoe vs Anthony Henry

Henry spin kicks him in the gut then Mark uppercuts him. Mark kicks him through the ropes then does his dropkick through the ropes. Mark hits chops outside then does his finlay roll on Henry. Henry moves on a top rope frogsplash then flying kicks him. Henry tornado ddt's him off the 2nd rope and puts him in a fujiwara armbar on both arms. Henry hits a strike combo then is facekicked.

Mark is rebound german suplexed then buzzsaw kicked for 2. Henry hits chest kicks then strangleholds him. Mark chops him then top rope dropkicks him. Mark hits chops then flying singe leg dropkicks him. Mark fisherman busters him for 2 then Henry twists his neck. Henry reverse suplexes him into a dragon sleeper. They trade chest slaps and Mark lariats him. Mark then hits a jay driller and wins it.

It was just kind of average. There was nothing too special here.

Mark said after that there's no reason he can't be next and said he will make his own destiny to Joe.

Tony Khan talks. He brings out Stokeley Hathaway and says we have a special match. They say it's a road match and will be The DKC vs Daniel Garcia. Tony thanks Stoke for his services and said his idea for an Andretti handicap match lead to him making AR Fox, Darius Martin and Action vs The Embassy for the Trios Titles. Stoke said they should have a Chicago street fight with Kiera Hogan vs Athena next week and Tony likes the idea. 

Pure Rules Match - The DKC vs Daniel Garcia

This was filmed in Colorado instead of in Florida. Garcia takes him down and rides his back. DKC hits corner chops then takes a back elbow. DKC hurricanrana's Garcia then basement dropkicks him. DKC does a falling chop to him the nhe is knocked off the buckles to the outside. Garcia suplexes him then STF's him. DKC uses his first ropebreak to get out then is stomped on.  

Garcia dances in front of him then DKC flips into him. DKC does a 2nd rope kick then hits chops. Garcia uses his first ropebreak then boston crabs him. Garcia hits a codebreaker variation and pulls hit head up on the pin. Garcia then his sharpshooter variation and submits him to win it.

This wasn't that interesting and had nothing of note in it.

Garcia does Shibata's pose after.

The Embassy does a promo. Kaun says he is getting bored. Nana says they are sick of the lollygagging and say the yface loser after. Cage says they have weak competition. Cage says Andretti's 15 minutes of fame are over and says Darius' real partner is on the shelf. Cage said they have done that before with AR Fox. Nana says the Mogule Embassy is forever and in Swerve we trust. Nana then laughs.

Skye Blue vs Viva Van

Viva armlocks her and rolls with Skye when she tries to break it. Skye shoulders her over then cartwheels over her. Skye headscissors her then does her grounded sweeping kick. Viva spinning heel kicks her then bow and arrows her. Skye 2nd rope hurricanrana's her then dropkicks her in the side of the head for 2. Viva wheelbarrow suplexes her for 2 then meteoras her for 2.

Sky hurricanrana's her out of the electric chair then Skye superkicks her. Skye then hits the skyfall and wins it.

It was better than Skye's usual efforts with no big screw-ups. It wasn't anything special and was very average all around.

ROH World Six Man Tag Titles - The Embassy (c) vs AR Fox, Darius Martin and Action Andretti

AR's team has never teamed together and I have no idea how they would have earned this shot. It's still not really clear whether these guys are The Embassy or the Mogul Embassy or both.

Cage pushes AR to start then shoulders him. AR pops up then is shouldered again. AR trips Cage over the bottom rope then slingshot splashes him. Cage catches him, sits up with him then swinging side slams him. Darius dropkicks Cage then takes a running chop from Kaun. Toa is whipped into Darius then splashes his back. Darius jumps for a tag, gets caught and ddt's Kaun.

Action gets in and step up enzugiri's Toa. Action then is double chopped off the buckles to the lfoor. Kaun irish whips Action into the apron and post. Toa uranage's Action then sentons him for 2. Action comes off the 2nd rope, lands then canadian destroyers Cage. Action tags out and Toa comes in to fight him even though he isn't legal in any way. Toa is pulled over the top then AR boots Kaun. AR walks up the buckles, does rope tricks then armdrags and headscissors Kaun and Cage.

AR springboard dropkicks Cage then Darius low topes Toa. Action sitout moonsaults to the outside then AR dives over the top onto Cage. AR top rope swantons Cage but it's only for 2. Darius step up enzugiri's Cage as he is held then Cage is held in mid-air for an AR 2nd rope cutter. Darius is pounced by Toa and flips for it then Toa crossbodies AR and Action at the same time. Darius flatliners Toa off the bottom rope then Kaun gorilla press gutbusters Darius. Action spanish flies Kaun on the floor then AR 450's Kaun off the top. AR then springboard 450's Kaun for 2.

Cage takes kicks and superkicks then AA torture rack neckbreakers Cage. Kaun schwein's Action then Toa pop-up samoan drops AR. Action hadnspring back elbows Toa then Darius top rope dropkicks Toa. Cage spinning lariats Darius then Action shotgun dropkicks Cage.  Action is put on the 2nd rope and has his head superkicked into the buckles. Cage puts him into a gori special and does a flatliner off of it. Cage pins Action.

I didn't like the big guys taking all the moves here, especially against these guys who are much smaller. They definitely went overboard here and I didn't like the canadian destroyer not really meaning anything. The action was very fast paced and they did some good things here, but those issues brought it down.

Overall thoughts: Joe/Sydal was good and the Righteous trios match was good too. The main had some issues but would have been good without them. There were a lot of short and average matches here. Regardless, this show is getting on the right track. They have a lot of good tag teams and they are clearly pushing some people weekly. They do need to get the title situation cleaned up though. Claudio hasn't really been much of a factor and you could honestly forget Shibata and the Lucha Bros are the tag champs. Get those titles off of them and put them on regulars and I think they would be better off.

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