Saturday, May 27, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/26/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/26/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tavion Heights vs Oro Mensah

Tav armlocks him and Oro rolls through it with an upkick like usual. Tav rolls on his back then headflips over him as he is dropped down. Oro has pink hair here and he flips out of a fireman's carry. Oro hits amrdrags and a dropkick.

Oro misses a step-up knee in the corner but hits him with the back of his leg on the return. Oro then top rope crossbodies him. He gets on the 2nd rope and is german'd on his head. Tav neck cranks him and Oro boots him in the face. Oro goes for a pump kick but takes a capture suplex. Tav does a buffalo sleeper variation and Oro pele kicks him out of it.

Oro asai moonsaults him and rolling leg sweeps him. Oro flipping koppo kicks him, spinning heel kicks him in the corner and does a springboard rider kick for the win.

It was short of course but it was a fun match with both guys getting to show off some. They matched up well together and I think they have an even better one in them.

Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon are interviewed. Yulisa is back from injury and she is happy to be back. She then talks in spanish. Feroz said they respect Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend and said they are ready for them tonight.

Boa vs Javier Bernal

Boa's wearing the facepaint again and has a mysterious type of theme. They lock up and trade leglocks. JB hits a side headlock takedown then Boa takes him down and spin kicks him in the chest. Boa back elbows him and gets his leg kicked as its over the middle rope. JB dropkicks the knee and ddt's the leg into the mat. JB heel hooks him then gets rolled up.

JB misses a knee drop on the knee then takes chest kicks. Boa gordbusters him then takes a jumping flatliner for the JB win.

It wasn't anything special and the finish didn't really fit this legwork oriented match. They said Boa's been around for 6 years now and he's still a below average worker.

Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend vs Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz

Byron had an interesting line here, saying the two most important days of a person's life are when they are born and when they find out why they are born. Leon does a mini dance with a fan.

Feroz shoulder throws JJ twice then is lifted up into a springboard swanton off the ropes. Leon rolls up JJ and JJ knees her in the gut. Lash slams Feroz down then just rag dolls her. Feroz climbs on her back for a sleeper then is thrown off the top.

JJ double underhook suplexes Feroz. Lash misses a splash but hits a stiff pump kick. Feroz enzugiri's JJ and tags out. Leon hits a gutwrench then rolls into another. Leon corner lariats JJ then top rope dropkicks her. Leon then gorilla presses her. JJ takes Leon down in the corner and tries to pin her with her feet on the ropes but the ref catches it. JJ then takes a suplex + top rope crossbody combo for the Feroz and Leon win.

This wasn't bad at all and Leon/Feroz looked good here. They were doing fine prior to Leon's injury and they picked up where they left off here. They have a couple of fun little spots together and Leon's gorilla press of JJ is something you don't see much with the women.

Overall thoughts: 2 of the 3 matches were short but fun. I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to check it out, but it was a decent half hour of wrestling.

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