Thursday, May 25, 2023

AEW Dynamite 5/24/2023

AEW Dynamite 5/24/2023

Last week's show is here:

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Kyle Fletcher

OC is brainbustered to start the Kyle hims in the face and out. Kyle topes him then lariats him. Kyle goes up top and is pushed off onto the apron. OC then kind of flying ddt's him on the apron but misses. OC then beachbreakers him on the floor. OC dropkicks him with his hands in his pockets then is superkicked. Kyle delay suplexes him.

We go to break and return with OC taking a half and half suplex. OC hits his cutter out of the suplex then spinning ddt's him. OC is kicked off the apron. OC top rope crossbodies him and is caught then spinning michinoku drivered for 2. Kyle flying kicks him in the corner then OC brainbusters him. The feed randomly scrambles for a second. OC michinoku drivers him then Kyle tombstones him and then does a spinning tombstone for 2.

Kyle then does a 2nd rope michinoku driver for 2. Kyle takes a ddt then superkicks him. Kyle then gets rolled up and OC wins it.

I hated this. This was totally indy with tons of big moves with none of themn meaning anything. This also went over 15 minutes.

Ricky Starks is interviewed, wearing girls sunglasses. Starks said he gets beat up by Jay and Juice every week and is sick of it. He said he is putting his energy towards winning the International Title instead. Juice then jumps Ricky, Ricky fights back and Jay joins in. Starks is thrown into a box and Jay chairs him. Jay said they are having too much fun making his life a living hell and they aren't done with him.

Jungle Boy does a promo. He said every drive to Double or Nothing in Las Vegas is different. He said the ring gives him purpose and helps him live how he wants. He said the next time on the road, he drives as AEW champ.

FTR come out to talk. Cash says Jeff Jarrett has outsmarted them every step of the way but has also been lucky. He said his luck runs out at DoN. Dax said JJ broke a million guitars but still isn't relevant. Dax called him and Lethal rejects from TNA. He then told him to call Dixie Carter and see if he still has job security after they lose.

Mark Briscoe comes out. FTR told Mark not to let Jarrett's crew make him look stupid. They said they went to hell and back with him and his brother and they will do it for him this time. Mark asked Dax what the piledriver was about and the audio cut out. Dax wanted a handshake and Mark slapped him. Jarret and friends came down. Jarrett got slapped by Mark on the ramp and Karen Jarrett was pushed aside. Mark told Jay he's his boy but he said he is tired of this bs.

Renee interviewed Sammy. She told him that MJF said if he lays down in the main event at DoN, he will still get the check. Sammy said he won't lay down for him and isn't for sale. He said he can shove the offer up his butt and and said he would take the AEW title from him.

AEW Trios Titles - Open House Rules - The House of Black (c) vs AR Fox, Blake Christian and Gran Metallik

They said the dealer's choice for this was that people can tag out just by leaving the ring. Blake is flipped by Buddy then knocked out of the ring. Gran headscissors Buddy then takes a knee from Black. Black back elbows AR thne Buddy splashes and throws AR. Blake handspring corkscrew kicks Brody then is spinebustered. Blake has his leg swept. Metal springboards in and takes a knee from Black then Metal walks the ropes and double dropkicks his opponents. Blake and Gran then do dives out with Blake catching Blake with a slice on his. Ar hits pump kicks on Brody and is double chopped.

AR dropkicks Brody out then does his springboard imploding 450 to the outside. Buddy curbstomps AR then does an inverted cloverleaf. AR tries to break it but there's no ropebreaks. Black then leglocks Metal. Blake hits superkicks on Buddy while he has the thold on then is hanging sleepered off the apron. AR taps out and the House of Black wins.

It was a quick squash and half of it was cut off by the break.

We get a package on The Elite vs The BCC. Bryan Danielson said Yuta and CC winning the ROH tag titles is their 1st objective and their secong is ending The Elite at DoN. Mox says they do the job its meant to be done and says nobody is better at it than them. Mox says this is the major leagues the only thing that matters is whether you are able to step up to the plate hwen it counts or not.

MJF comes out to talk. He said we are going to have to change the name of the Sin City to Virgin Vegas. MJF talked about all the bad things he wanted to happen to his DoN challengers, saying he wanted Sammy to shove his tongue into a light socket and wanted JB to go into an echo chamber and talk so he could bore himself to death. MJF said him, Darby, JB and Sammy are AEW and gave the fans the best moments and matches. MJF said he was bored of this place, citing the lack of competition and competency. He also said he's tired of the fans not giving him the respect he deserves.

MJF said his contract expires soon and he may take his ball and go home. He said none of the roster is on his level. Darby came out. Darby said he knows who Darby is and where's going. Darby said he was told not to expect much in life and was cleaning toilets. He then said he lived in his car. He said AEW let him live how he wants inside and outside. He said he wants to become the face of AEW and needs to become champ to do it. He said he may even win it wit ha headlock takeover. MJF then kicked him in the nuts. Sammy Guevara then came out and chased MJF off. Jungle Boy then showed up behind MJF and lariated him on the ramp. JB then held up the AEW belt. This was just more of what we've been seeing for the most part.

Wardlow said Christian thinks he's at the advantage but Wardlow said he has spent his life climbing ladders. He said he has a big mouth and he thinks he can put a ladder down it. Arn said nothing compares to what's going to happen to Christian in 4 days. He then said, how ironic, 4 days, and holds up the Four Horsemen symbol.

Taya Valkyrie vs Lady Frost

Frost is taken down then headscissors her. Taya armdrags her off the hiptoss attempt then sliding lariats her. Taya misses a corner spear and Frost kicks her off the bottom rope. Frost forward cartwheels into a lariat for 2. Jade, Sterling and Leila Grey get on the ramp and we go to break.

We return and Frost does her forward cartwheel into a cannonball. Frost tornillo's Taya then is speared. Taya and Frost trade forearms then Taya blue thunders her for 2. Frost high kicks her after Taya is distracted by Jade then Taya backbreakers her. Taya pumping knees her then wins with a Jade End.

It wasn't perfect and did have some issues, but it was a lot better than the usual women's efforts. As usual, Frost lost in her AEW television debut.

They said Collision first talks place on 5/17 at 8PM from the United Center, which people were interested in as it makes it more likely CM Punk will be there.

Adam Page is interviewed. Page said he doesn't know if he and Kenny were ever friends, but says they are something more important - family. He said family sticks together and it takes them to Anarchy in the Arena at DoN. Page says the price the BCC ran up is too high and they pay up at DoN.

Adam Cole vs Chris Jericho Contract Signing

Cole says Jericho is a scumbag and a disgusting human being. He said he beat up Britt because he thinks he is invicible. Cole said the blood will be on his hangs at DoN and that's how he likes it. Cole said he will shatter Jericho's jaw and break his hand. He then told him to hurry up and sign the paper before he does that.

Jericho shows clips of him beating up Britt and dares Cole to touch him as he gets in his face. Jericho said he has 5 people and Cole only has 2. Cole then said that's why he made the call to someone. He said he's crazier than all of them and brought out Sabu from ECW. Sabu chairs Menard and the JAS leaves.

Look, I mean I guess it's cool to see Sabu, but he came out of nowhere here. It's not like this was in Philly or because Cole had some ECW connection.

Hayter and Toni did promos on each other. Hayter said even if she's injured, she will defend the title. Toni said she will rip her arm off and eat it raw.

Daniel Garcia vs Roderick Strong

They said the JAS is banned from ringside for this.

They trade chops early on and Strong hits some forearms. Garcia hits body shots then Strong backbreakers him. We go to break and return with Garcia hitting a curbstomp. Garcia dances then Strong gordbusters him. Strong hits lariats and does a nice jumping dropkick. Strong hits another backbreaker then Garcia rolls him up.

Garcia chinbreakers him then uranage's him for 2. Garcia rolls him into a sharpshooter but is shoved off. Strong hits two backbreakers for and wins it.

This was short and there wasn't much to it, just Strong hitting various backbreakers and winning.

We see clips of Willow Nightingale at the NJPW show winning the Women's Strong title against Mercedes Mone. She said the first thing she's going to do is prove to everyone how strong she is.

ROH World Tag Titles - Lucha Brothers vs Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta

They hit facekicks early and CC is double superkicked out. The LB's then stereo dive on them outside then Penta top rope crossbodies them. Fenix then goes up top, does rope tricks and crossbodies both opponents. CC is dropkicked out and Yuta takes something like a last falconry by Penta. Fenix is up top and takes a euro by CC then CC lariats Penta. Penta slingblades CC then Fenix walks the top rope and kicks CC. Fenix springboards and is caught with a CC euro. We go to break and return.

Yuta is back body dropped then CC hits a giant swing on Fenix. Fenix sunset bombs him out of the ricola bomb.

Penta top rope crossbodies Yuta then superkicks Yuta as he handstands on the buckles. Penta then hits a powerbomb on the knees on Yuta for 2. Fenix springboard spin kicks CC in the corner then Penta jumps off of Fenix's back and canadian destroyers CC. Fenix fire thunder drivers Yuta for 2. Danielson, on commentary, attributes the kickouts to Regal's neck training. Fenix is catapulted into a euro then Yuta is rocket launched off the top on Fenix for 2.

Fenix superkicks Yuta while Alex is on the apron then the Young Bucks prevent CC from getting in the ring. Yuta takes a package piledriver + top rope double stomp combo and the Lucha Bros win. CC gets superkicked by the Bucks as it happens.

As usual, they did too much here and it's a shame as might have been okay without that or the dirty finish. If you are wondering how exactly this came about, I have no idea as CC and Yuta don't team regularly on ROH TV and the Lucha Bros haven't teamed at all on ROH TV since winning the tag titles. And why this was here instead of on ROH is another great question.

Mox and Danielson come down to ringside after as the Bucks walk away in the crowd. Mox gets on the mic after. He tells the Bucks to take pictures and smile while they still can. Mox said they are getting plastered on the Las Vegas Boulevard pavement Sunday. He promises the most violent match in AEW history at DoN. He said if you are squeamish at the site of blood, you haven't seen anything yet.  

Overall thoughts: It was a weak looking show on paper and they kind of mailed it in here before the PPV. 

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