Tuesday, May 30, 2023

WWE NXT 5/30/2023

WWE NXT 5/30/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/05/wwe-nxt-5232023.html

Weaponized Steel Cage Match - Jacy Jayne vs Gigi Dolin

Jacy jumps Gigi during her entrance and throws her into the cage. Jacy swings the door into her face. They get in the cage and Jacy whips her with a weightlifting belt. Jacy hits her with a trash can lid then Gig crossbodies her as she sits on a chair. Gigi puts a garbage can on Jacy's head and Kawada kicks it. Gigi then dropkicks the can into her.

Gigi has a bat wrapped in thorns but misses the shot and is spinebustered onto a trash can. We go to break and return. Gigi has a chain wrapped around her mouth but pulls Jacy into a chair between the buckles. Gigi rainmakers her for 2.

Jacy neckbreakers Gigi onto chairs for 2. They trade forearms and Gigi has her head banged off a trash can. Gigi is then superkicked and her head bangs off the can. Jacy cannonballs her into the can for 2. Gigi hits a stiff knee in the gut then is thrown into the cage. They go up top and Jacy is pushed off through a table. Gigi wins.

This had a lot of weapons usage and was okay, but nothing super memorable. I think they did an okay making it seem like they hated each other but WWE weapons matches are pretty tame for the most part minus table spots.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He talks about his title defenses then Dyad walk in. Tyler Bate comes in to help Wes and tells him if you want to fight Wes, you have to fight him too. Bate says he is still his mate and he still has his back.

We see Tony D'Angelo get his pictures taken at jail.

Gallus talks in the back. They say no one can stop them and say Tony D can't do much while in coughs. Mark mocks tony D then stacks comes in and accuses them of ratting on Tony D. Stacks tells Wolf that snitches get stitches then he nails one of the Coffey's. Gallus then beats him 1v3 and the refs break it up.

Melo and Trick come out. Trick says Melo stayed champ at Battleground. Melo says it was a battle and said his juices went crazy. He said sometimes you have to take shots to make shots. He said he neve rmisses when it comes to the NXT title and says it was just another brick laid down on the Melo dynasty. Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend come out, as they are a new group.

Dar says Melo wasn't the only one to defend the title. He said he beat Dragon Lee twice. Trick says it took 4 of them to cheat and beat Lee. Melo said his title puts him on the highest level, unlike Dar. Melo says Dar beat Lee twice but he can't beat him once. Dar challenges him to step up and put the NXT title against him tonight. Trick accuses him of trying to beat up Melo while he's still hurt from Battleground. Dar says Melo doesn't have what it takes to compete at the highest level night in and night out like him. Lash accuses Melo of doing load management. Melo accepts the challenge for a title match tonight. I really don't get this new Noam Dar group at all.

Cora Jade says Lyra headbutted her in the eye and she was blind for most of the match as she makes excuses for her loss. She said everyone has to screw over Cora Jade. Ivy Nile comes in and says injuries are part of the game. She said she lost. Cora said her boys couldn't get the job done on Sunday and Ava whooped Ivy's butt. Ivy said when they lose a fight, they don't b!tch about it. They said Cora vs Ivy will take place later tonight.

Reggie goes up to Axiom. He says his people call him Scrypts, not Reggie. He says Ax taking off his mask opened his eyes. He said he is now living in the sunlight and he said he couldn't watch Dabba Kato beat up Ax. He then thanks Ax as Ax seems confused.

The Dyad vs Tyler Bate and Wes Lee

Bate rolls and uses his leg to get out of an armlock. Bate flips Jagger then 2nd rope euros Rip. Wes slingshot sunset flips Rip. Wes headscissors ripe then tilt-a-whirl presses him. Bate double axe handles Rip off the top then Bate is pushed into Wes as he's on the buckles. We does a top rope headlock takeover and headscissors combo then the faces hit stereo dropkicks. Mustafa Ali appears in the crowd and we go to break.

We return and Ali is with the commentators. Bate is getting beat up on. Ali says he is a free agent and Bate uses his knees to get out of a double suplex. He then does a double hurricanrana. Wes beats up on Rip with a dropkick to the back of the neck then is rolled into a ddt on Rip. Wes hits a strike combo and a double stomp to the back of Jagger. Rip double throat thrusts Wes. Wes double flip kicks his opponents then we get a double spiral tap by the faces. Wes hits a tope con hilo on Rip then Jagger takes a tiger driver for the Bate and Lee match.

The match was fine with Wes looking good.

Ivy Nile jumps Ava Raine after then Dyad and The Creed's fight. Gacy beats up on Wes and Ali beats up Gacy and throws him out. 

Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak are speaking at Chase U on Sunday. They talk about how Thea puts herself at a disadvantage from Sunday. We then go to video from today. Gulak is teaching people how to put a headlock on and Thea is unsure about doing this class. Thea says they think she is weak, but she knows she is not. Thea grabs Duke by the shirt and says let me go. Thea gets in the ring and Charlie tells her no running away. We then cut away.

Tiffany Stratton comes out with photos of herself in the ring. Tiff said she is now rightfully at the top of NXT. Tiff says she is the epitome of what a true star is. Tiff invites the rest of the women's locker room out. Tiff said no one can hang with her and she might as well retire. She tells all the girl they can't hang with her. Tiff sai there will be a battle royale to determine who her next opponent is. She said it doesn't matter who wins as it is Tiffy Time as long as she wants. Confetti and balloons come out and Tiffany is beat up then kicked out of the ring. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes and everyone yells at her. Tiff cries as she said they ruined her moment. She says she hates all of them. 

Trick is on the phone and Oro, Jakara and Lash walk up to him. They say Melo will get beat up tonight by Dar. Trick says they might disagree on the match but on the looks department, Trick don't miss. Oro said Melo should have just taken the night off. Trick rips all of them for interfering in Dar's match at the PPV and said he's watching all of them tonight.

Dani Palmer comes out to talk. She said she can't leave the ring until she finds out who the attacker is. She said she isn't going anywhere until the attacker shows their face. We see clips of the people NXT Anonymous attacked. Dani is then attacked from behind. The attacker is Blair Davenport and she hits a v-trigger on her. I'm really not a Blair Davenport fan and I have no interest in seeing her weekly.

Eddy Thorpe talks to Enofe and Blade in the back. Damon Kemp mock claps for him and said he can't win without cheating then laughs.

Joe Coffey vs Stacks

Stacks shotgun dropkicks Joe then takes shots. Stacks hits knees then fist drops him. Joe hiptosses him and throws him hard into the buckles. Joe hits another hiptoss then Stacks dropkicks him off the apron. We go to break and return. Joe has a body scissors on Stacks then Stacks takes a stungun. Stacks takes a dangerous fall on a backdrop then neckbreakers him. Stacks goes up top and is belly to belly suplexed off the 2nd rope. Stacks back body drops Joe then goes over the top when he lariats him and Joe eventually follows. Stacks misses a charge near the steps and goes into them then Joe flying battering rams him. Joe then hits a spinning lariat and wins it.

It was okay though nothing super special.

We see clips from last week of Mr. Stone yelling at Von for putting Luca through a table. He said if he gets dq'd, he can lose everything. Von said Luca had been at him for weeks and he deserves it. Stone said Von has anger management issues and needs to talk to a therapist. Von says they will just take his hard earned money and Stone says he will pay for it. Von says he will think about it.

Wee clips of Ilja Dragunov talking on the phone and walking into the building at Battleground. He sits in the seats and says the world will know pain. We then see clips of him winning the match and they say he will return next week.

Ivy Nile vs Cora Jade 

Cora complains about her eye then nails Ivy. Ivy lariats her then rolling armbars her into a pin. Cora pulls down Ivy by the hair. Cora dropkicks her as she is in the ropes. Ivy hits leg kicks and then a flying corner kick for 2. Ivy hits a nice gutwrench suplex then Ava Raine grabs Ivy. Ivy dragon sleepers her then Cora nails Ivy from behind. Cora hits a double arm ddt and wins it.

It wasn't too long and wasn't anything special before the dirty finish.

Tank and Hank ask how the other are. Tank says their match worked in making them closer to each other. They say they have a connection and then say what their favorite things are at the same time. Blade and Enofe come in. They aren't impressed and don't think they are that close. Edris and Blade then try to say match their favorite things but can't. Edris says they are not fighting but Blade says it may help them too. 

McKenzie Mitchell goes up to Diamond Mine. Ivy challenges Ava for next week then The Creeds also say the Dyad can get it too. They then all argue and it has to be broken up.

NXT Title - Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Noam Dar

They lock up and Dar rolls out of an armlock. Dar takes an armdrag then hits kicks. Melo hits a springboard lariat and we go to break. We return and Melo hits a flying forearm in the corner. Melo does his springboard blind legdrop as Dar hangs off the ropes for 2. Melo is thrown out but lands on the apron then Dar dropkicks him off the apron.

Dar double underhook suplexes him for 2 then forearms him for 2. Melo hits a la mistica drop on him. Melo hits lariats, a superkick and a pump kick. Melo is distracted by Lash and Jakara then Trick ends up nailing Oro after arguing with the girls. Trick is thrown out by the ref then Dar kneebars him.

They trade forearms and Dar spinning backfists him. Melo picks him up like a suplex and cutters him. Oro distracts Melo as he goes up top then Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee confront Dar and Oro. Melo dives on both heels Melo hits his top rope legdrops over the neck and wins it.

I didn't think it was that special and all of the shenanigans outside got as much focus as the match did.

Baron Corbin jumps Melo after then pounds on him.  Corbin then hits his finisher and poses over Melo with the title.

Overall thoughts: I don't like the direction this show is taking at all with failed roster acts, NXT UK acts who won't ever be big stars and a lack of younger talent getting developed. NXT 2.0 was one of my favorite shows ever and this is starting to become an even worse version of Wednesday Night Wars NXT. The matches were good and they started a lot of new programs here, but my interest is at an all-time low.

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