Monday, May 29, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/25/2023 Episode 13

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/25/2023 Episode 13

Last week's show is here:

 JD Drake vs Mark Briscoe

They trade chops to start. Mark facekicks him and hits boots in the corner. JD splashes him then throws him. Mark flying kicks him then top rope corkscrew moonsaults him outside. They trade slaps and Mark is bodyblocked and senton'd. JD makes the spit fly with a chop then JD spinebusters him for 2. JD black hole slams him for 2 then does a splash off the bottom rope for 2. Mark top rope dropkicks him for 2 then corner lariats him. Mark uranage's him for 2 and goes for the Jay driller. Anthony Henry gets on the apron, gets hit then Mark dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark misses a blockbuster on the floor then is thrown into the ropes for a lariat on the outside.

JD hits a top rope moonsault for 2 and goes for his own Jay driller. Mark rolling death valley drivers him then hits a top rope elbow and wins it.

It was a decent opener. I would have liked to have seen JD's moonsault end the match since he usually doesn't do it.

Mark calls out Samoa Joe again, saying he's been whooping burly boys.

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal are interviewed. Daniels said he thinks Joe and Sabre Jr. threw a curveball at them by setting up this tag match. Daniels said they are former tag champs though. Sydal said he can feel the tv titles pulling him closer and closer and said he can feel them around their waist.

Proving Ground Match - Claudio Castagnoli vs Serpentico

Serp offers his hand and CC barely shakes it. They push each other then do a test of strength. Serp is suplexed from the double knucklelock. Serp rolls up CC out of the cazadora then headsicssors him into the buckles. Serp hits another headscissors then tope con hilos him. Serp top rope crossbodies him for 2. Serp gets his boot caught and is thrown hard over the top into the rails.

CC throws him into the steps outside then hits short arm lariats inside. CC hits a ton of short arm lariats and finally wins with one.

This was pretty much a total squash and wasn't anything special.

Vertvixen vs Kiera Hogan

No intro for Vert. Vert does some nice moves into an armdrag and Athena comes out to watch. Vert shoulders her over then hits a nice dropkick. Vert is tripped into the 2nd rope then Kiera hip attacks her. Kiera then jumps off her back for a legdrop for 2. Vert legsweeps her and rolls into a short flatliner and koji clutch. Vert springboard kicks her for 2.

Kiera makes a comeback with a corner hip attack and a baseball slide for 2. Vert pump kicks her then does a delayed blue thunder for 2. Kiera high kicks her then saito suplexes her for the win.

Look, if we're being honest, Vert looked better than Kiera did here. The crowd was real dead for this which sadly brought it down. Vert did a nice job.

Athena got on the apron after and piefaced Kiera, who tripped over Vert. Athena asked if she was going to step up or step out.

Kyle Fletcher vs AR Fox

They shake hands and Kyle headlock takeovers him. AR flips out of an armlock just to get slammed. AR then hits a chinbreaker into a neckbreaker. AR corner lariats him then skins the cat back in to dropkick him. Kyle backdrops him on the apron then slams him on the floor.

Kyle hits some stomps and slams him for 1. Kyle slams him again then AR twisting brainbusters him. AR hits lariats, kips down then enzugiri's him. AR rolls him into a cutter for 2. He rolls out of a 450 attempt then is snap half-nelson suplexed after. Kyle brainbusters him for 2. AR enzugiri's him then facekicks and pumpkicks him out. AR top rope flip dives him on the outside then 450's him for 2.

Kyle 2nd rope michinoku drivers him for 2 then does a spinning tombstone and wins it.

I hated this. They did too much to start with AR getting backdropped on the apron and slammed on the floor, but that was just the beginning here. AR sold none of that as usual then was back up doing his dives. The 2nd rope michinoku driver kickout was the cherry on this indy sundae.

Willow Nightingale vs Hyan

Willow won the NJPW Strong Women's Title over the weekend. Willow headlocks her then shoulders her over. Willow russian legsweeps her then does a grounded octopus. Willow misses an enzugiri and cartwheels out of a hair throw. Willow then hair throws and slams her.

Willow takes back elbows in the corner then Hyan does a grounded abdominal stretch variation to her. Willow step-up enzugiri's her then hits a corner hip attack. Willow 2nd rope dropkicks her then corner cannonballs her. Willow then does a doctor bomb and wins it.

This was just a squash and wasn't anything too special.

The Kingdom vs Mack Attack (Willie Mack and Ninja Mack) 

Willie trips Taven then hiptosses him. Willie hits armdrags then dropkicks him. Willie takes a dropkick to the knee then an elbow to the head. Willie then takes a forearm into a 2nd rope Taven dropkick. Willie fights off a 2v1 and shoulders Taven into a tag. Ninja top rope crossbodies both opponents and Ninja does a cool roll-up out of the suplex position.

Taven tries to pull Ninja off the apron but Ninja flips out and superkicks him. Ninja handsprings but is german'd on his head. Ninja takes a sit out gordbuster then Ninja takes a stun gun. Ninja is suplexed into a top rope frogsplash for 2. Ninja dropkicks his opponent then Willie gets in. Willie hits a double clothesline then hits corner lariats on The Kingdom. He misses a corner senton then samoan drops Taven. Willie kips up then does his standing moonsault for 2.

Taven is lariated over the top then Ninja does his backflips into a moonsault outside. Taven takes a 3D esque move then then Ninja does a capoeira flip onto him. Mike forearms Willie outside and Ninja is caught up top. Kingdom hit a protonpack on Ninja and win it.

I liked this one. They didn't overdo it, the faces were faces and the heels were heels. We got a couple of Ninja flips and it was just good wrestling.

Dream Girl Ellie vs Mercedes Martinez 

Ellie piefaces her then is lariated. MM hits mounted punches and Ellie double upkicks her. Ellie hook kicks her then does a shotgun single leg dropkick. MM facekicks her hard. MM hits corner chops then saito suplexes her. Ellie calls for timeout but takes v-triggers then is running knee'd. MM forearms her in the back of the head then does a surfboard dragon sleeper to win it.

Ellie was decent in the little we got to see but this was just a short squash here. 

Mack Attack are interviewed. Ninja says you are going to win and lose sometimes like in every bet. He says to bet on ROH and bet on Willie and Ninja. Willie said his daddy got around a lot and he doesn't know if Ninja is his brother or cousin. Willie said this isn't the last time they will see them in ROH and said the Mack Attack is here to stay.

Danielle Kamela vs Ashley D'Amboise

Ashley got an entrance here. They shake hands. Kamela tries to roll out of her hammerlock, but Ashley rolls with her. Ashley headflips and cartwheels out of an armlock then arm wringers her. Kamela hits corner stomps then throws her. Kamela chokes her with her knee on the ropes. Ashley gets stuck in the ropes in an interesting way and is kicked.

Kamela pounds on her and they trade shots. Ashley lariats her then does a flipping neckbreaker. Ashley powerslams her for 2. Kamela hits a snapmare driver for 2 then a twisting neckbreaker for 2. Ashley reverse F-U's her for 2. Ashley then uranage's her and wins it.

The crowd didn't care about this at all. This seemed to mostly be a showcase for Kamela, who is still green and not ready for this kind of stage yet.

Rocky Romero vs Titus Alexander

Titus hits a back elbow off the ropebreak and they trade chops. Titus basement dropkicks him and does his dance. Titus hits a nice dropkick and a spinning backbreaker for 2. Titus does a great sell on a springboard tornado ddt and Titus goes outside trying to get him on the ropes. Rocky topes him then hits a shiranui inside for 2.

Titus goes over him in the corner then upkicks him. Titus rolls him into a suplex. Rocky rolling armbars him off the buckles and submits him to win it.

It was a short but entertaining match. Titus got to show off a little here and looked good.

The Righteous and Stu Grayson vs Marcus Kross, Vary Morales and LSG

Kross' name was spelled "Macrus". I mean, it may even be an improvement. Stu running cross chops Stu and spears him into the corner. Vary comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a belly to belly. Stu hits a running cross chop. Dutch is whipped into Kross then thrown into a Stu dropkick. Dutch then hits a nice legdrop.

Kross takes a kick combo from Stu and Vincent then is short flatlinered. LSG springboard corkscrew crossbodies Vincent. Stu avoids a double lariat and hits a double pele kick. The Dark Order then get on the ramp and say something to Stu. Dutch hits a fantastic black hole slam on Vary then Vincent goes up Dutch for a sliced bread #2. Vincent tags in Stu with Kross ready to be pinned and Stu hits a nightfall backbreaker to win.

It was a good squash with the Righteous and Stu looking good.

Stu and the Dark Order exchange words as Stu goes up the ramp.

Zack Sabre Jr. and Samoa Joe are interviewed. Zack says he's on a mission to make his NJPW World TV Title the best TV title in wrestling. Joe said he's going to look forward to having his back and Zack says he will look forward to it.

"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams vs Shane Taylor

Anthony Henry and JD Drake are with Shane. Tracy is thrown off early and Shane punches him. Shane hits punches to the body then Tracy armbars him over the top rope. Shane does a stiff bodyblock then hits a hard punch. Shane sideslams Tracy then Tracy comes back with forearms. Tracy is pulled off the 2nd rope but hits a ddt. Tracy then sliding clotheslines him. They fight up top, Shane hits headbutts then top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Shane blocks a piledriver and back body drops him. Shane headbutts him in the chest then pulls him into a uranage. Shane then splashes him for 2. Tracy hits forearms then is dropped with one. Shane then package piledrivers Tracy and gets the win.

It was short and just okay. Shane looked good as he usually does here.

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Promise Braxton

This is Braxton's ROH debut. Athena rolls her up early then hits a stiff running back elbow. Athena armdrags her then PB japanese armdrags her. They both kip up and Athena facekicks her off the handshake. Athena knocks her down with a forearm and PB does an octopus stretch variation. PB suplexes her then is delay grodbustered.

Athena superkicks her for 2. PB hits lariats and gutbusters her. athena grabs her with her legs as she comes in and hurricanrana's her into the 2nd buckle. Athena slingshot corkscrew splashes her then Athena hits mounted forearms. Athena gets on her back and wins it with a cobra clutch.

It was a squash. Braxton wasn't that impressive here and it wasn't that interesting. 

Athena beats up on her after as expected then Kiera Hogan decks Athena from behind. Kiera high kicks her then hits mounted punches. Kiera asks if she's really bout it and wants to mess with her, then bangs her head off the title. 

Dralistico vs Tony Deppen

Dral piefaces him then is knocked outside and tope con hilo'd. Tony pounds on him outside then Tony is thrown hard into the post. Tony is thrown into the stairs then Dral springboard swantons him. Dral superkicks him as he is seated against the bottom rope then he lays on the ropes and poses.

Tony pump kicks him then does an inverted flip on him on the outside. Tony top rope double stomps him for 2. Dral hits him low in front of the ref but the ref doesn't even warn him. Dral lets Tony chop him then Tony does the same. They slap each other and Tony jumpingk nees him. Dral does a nice corkscrew kick then is german suplexed. Tony germans him again then Tony takes a rebound german. Dral poisonrana's him.

Tony spinning forearms him and Dral springboard hurricanrana's him off the ropes. Dral hits a la mistica and wins it.

The finish was out of nowhere but I thought it was a decent effort otherwise. They brought some fire here and it had some highlights with a couple of dives.

Nick Comoroto is interviewed. He said Blake Christian looks, talks and walks like everyone else. He said he calls himself all heart, but he is all generic. Nick asks how many people look like Nicky Boy? Nick says he will reach in and rip the all heart out of chest then spit down the hole he made. Nick then tells ROH not to send for these wimps.

Skye Blue vs Miranda Alize

Alize doesn't want a handshake. Skye armdrags her then headscissors her. Alize hits a short ddt off knee dropkick. Alize facewash kicks her in the corner then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Skye hits shots out of the corner then step up knees her on the ropes.

Alize blocks a kick and says, "I don't think so, little girl", then Skye kicks her. Alize suplexes her then crossfaces her. Skye superkicks her then rolls her up to win.

This was short and not very good as usual with Skye Blue.

Athena is interviewed as she leaves. Lexi asks how it feels to get a taste of her own medicine. Athena says Lexi is everywhere and is good at sticking her nose in the wrong places. Athena says she will see Kiera next week and put her title on the line. Athena then yells at her and throws a fit, throwing her bag into rails.

Darius Martin and Action Andretti vs Cole Karter and Zack Clayton

AA hops over Zack's back then trips him into the 2nd buckle. AA flips off the buckles into an armdrag then dropkicks him. AA then does a bototm rope corkscrew splash. Zack hits a stiff lariat on Darius then Darius hits a nice dropkick on Cole. AA does a double jump tornillo off the buckles on Cole. AA is then pushed off the 2nd rope and takes a hard bump on the floor. Zack uses the bottom rope to suplex AA in.

AA superkicks Zack and Darius gets the hot tag in. Darius beats up on the heels and does some weird bulldog through the ropes + dropkick through the ropes. Darius flatliners Zack for 2 then Zack powerslams him. Cole top rope frogsplashes Darius for 2. AA hits a sloppy assisted tornado ddt on Zack then Zack takes a double swinging slam for the AA and Darius win.

It was short but I did like it. The heels heeled it up then the faces made their comeback and won it.

 Blake Christian vs Nick Comoroto


Blake slaps Nick early twice. They mess up some corner spear and Blake gets a spear into the nuts. Blake flips off the apron to get away from him then makes him chase him around the ring. Blake tope con hilo's him then kneels on the ropes and flips onto him. Blake topes him and is caught, then thrown into the post.

Nick throws him off a suplex then elbow drops him for 2. Nick hits a nice euro and Blake kips up off of it. Nick misses a corner charge hard then Blake does a hard tope into him. Blake top rope double stomps his neck as he stands then Blake top rope frogsplashes him for 2. Nick spinebusters him and does a reverse F-U.

Blake grabs a chair from under the ring and throws it to the other side. Blake then flies at him and rolls him up to win.

This was a stupid finish to a decent match. Blake was not being a good face here by cheating. It's a real shame too since this was one of Blake's best efforts.

Diamante vs Trish Adora

They push each other then Trish does a goliath bird eater variation on her. Dia neckbeakers her over the 2nd rope then baseball slides her off the apron. Dia hits chops then overhead belly to belly suplexes her. Dia then corner dropkicks her.

They trade forearms then Trish hits a piching style forearm. Trish then crossbodies her for 2. Trish hits a spinning fisherman's suplex. Dia spinning reverse ddt's her then does a neat stranglehold and arm submission to win it.

This wasn't good. Trish looked like she was out of it legit here and the two didn't click.

Alex Coughlin tells Shibata to come prepared. He said he was invited by him to the NJPW dojo 5 years ago and now he is walking out with his title.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs Slim J

Penta taunts him and J grabs his arm during it. Penta spin kicks him then kicks him after he drops down. Penta superkicks J and tries to tope him but takes a forearm. Penta is thrown out and beaten up by the Trustbusters. J hits his springboard reverse ddt. They trade kicks and Penta slingblades him for 2.

J hits something like a spinning shiranui for 2. J is stuck on the 2nd rope and is double stomped down. J hits a flatliner out of the casadora and flying back elbows him for 2. J springboards and is caught with a kick. Penta then package piledrivers him to win it.

It was short but fine.

Samoa Joe and Zack Sabre Jr. vs Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels

Zack and Matt straightjacket each other. Matt hurricanrana's him and does a spinning heel kick. Joe chops Daniels then is tripped into a baseball slide. Matt kicks Zack in the leg several times then leg slices him. Daniels is then back dropped onto Zack. Matt standing corkscrew moonsaults Zack.

Joe hits a punch flurry on Daniels then back enzugiri's him in the corner. Joe headbutts Daniels then ties his arm up while pushing on his chin. Zack and Joe argue in the corner and Zack shoves him. Daniels pushes him into Joe then Joe kicks Daniels. Joe powerslams Daniels. Joe headbutts Daniels. Matt gets the hot tag in and hits shots on both opponents then brazilian kicks Zoe. Sydal top rope meteoras Joe for 2. Zack flies at thim and takes a backslide.

Zack suplexes Matt from the guillotine position then Matt hits la mistic into a crossface on Zack while Daniels hits a flatliner into a koji clutch on Joe. Zack takes a powerbomb + meteora combo in the corner for 2. Joe back body drops Daniels then hits a stiff running lariat. Matt jumping spin kicks Joe then Zack twists Matt's neck with his feet. Daniels hits the angels wins on Zack then takes a uranage in the corner. Joe then puts Daniels in the choke and wins it.

It wasn't great or anything but the finishing stretch wasn't bad and Joe looked good here.

Overall thoughts: This had 19 matches and went 3 hours. It took me multiple sessions to try and get through this. It wasn't a bad show, but it was very hard to get through.

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