Saturday, April 8, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 4/7/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 4/7/2023

Last week's show is here:

Boa vs Dante Chen

Boa makes his non-awaited return. He's wearing facepaint again. They said he was out due to injury for a year. I thought he was fired.

Boa kicks him in the chest then does an sto variation to take him down. Chen hammerlock ardramgs him then hits another armdrag. Ava Raine of Schism is down at ringside. Boa is rolled up then chen Shoulders him. Boa spin kicks him to the chain as he is kneeling then Boa hits some bad stomach stomps.

Ava Raine leaves and Boa suplexes Chen. Boa puts him in a chinlock then butterfly suplexes him then bulldog headlocks him. Chen suplexes him. Chen palm thrusts him in the chest then pump kicks him to the side of the head. Chen hits a big double chop and wins it.

It really wasn't anything too special. Boa's still really not that good and Ava Raine coming down was the big story of this one.

Oro Mensah is interviewed. He said Joe Gacy is a monster in many ways but he stares down monsters and lets them know he's not afraid. He said he will let him know what it means if he calls for a scoop of Oro Mensah. I'd like him to let me know what that means.

Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer vs Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend


I get why they put Lash and Jakara together, but the two are similar wrestlers and that is not a team I want to see.

Dani I think has new colorful tiger stripe gear on. Lash locks her arm up early and lifts her by the arm, then Sol rolls and armdrags her. Sol launches Dani into a crossbody on Lash. Dani is put in the corner and JJ suplexes her. Dani goes up and over in the corner then hits a headscissors and a dropkick. JJ pulls her by the hair and brings her down. Lash does a wild guillotine choke swing on Dani then JJ hits a slingblade for 2. Dani jacknife rolls-up JJ then JJ hits punches to the gut.

JJ gutwrench suplexes Dani and Dani lands on her feet. Dani tags Sol in and Sol springboard lariats JJ. Sol hits flying shoulders then double underhooks JJ and kips up. Sol forward cartwheels into a splash on JJ then rolls her up from behind. Lash breaks the pin and is thrown out then Dani is thrown out by JJ. Sol then hits the sol snatcher out of nowhere and wins it.

I had heard about this last night and assumed it was someone just goofing off - but this was good. Dani's hot tag to Sol was good stuff and the sol snatcher out of nowhere was great. This was a good tag match and easily the best match Jakara and Lash have been involved in. I think I said in her second match that they had something in Dani and every time she gets on TV, she looks like she's going to be the future of the company along with Sol and Tiffany. I don't think Dani has actually even had a bad match yet. I was very impressed by this diamond in the rough and the crowd was hot for it.

Oro Mensah vs Joe Gacy

The Dyad are there, so they aren't fired yet. Oro upkicks him early while on the mat then headlock takeovers him. Gacy puts him against the ropes and headbutts his chest. Oro does a nice headscissors then plancha's him outside. Oro throws him back in and is distracted by Ava Raine, then he is kicked and thrown back in.

Gacy beats up on him and northern lights bombs him. Gacy chinlocks him then Oro flipping koppo kicks him. Oro hits flying forearms then germans him. Oro does a top rope rider kick for 2. Gacy gets his uranage turned into an armdrag then Oro misses an asai moonsault. Gacy then hits his handspring lariat and wins it.

This was short and nothing special at all.

Overall thoughts: You really only need to see the women's tag match, which was pretty good. They also started a storyline with Ava Raine scouting Boa and Boa returned here.

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