Thursday, April 6, 2023

Ring of Honor on Honor Club Episode #6 4/6/2023

Ring of Honor on Honor Club Episode #6 4/6/2023 

Last week's show is here:

I'll try to get a more gifs later.

Christopher Daniels did a promo. He said Shibata became the Pure champ at Supercard of Honor. He said titles are on his agenda and said they should have a title match on this show. Daniels said he had always been successful against him. He said he knew is a fighting champion and a man of honor and made the challenge. 

Mark Briscoe and The Lucha Brothers vs Shane Taylor and The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry and JD Drake)

Shane face shoves Mark then Mark comes back with punches to the gut. Mark hits chops and forearms then Shane runs him over with a shoulder. Mark uppercuts and enzugiris him. Anthony Henry gets in and takes a kick to the chest. Fenix F-U's Henry then Penta top rope dropkicks him right to the nuts. Penta rolls Fenix onto JD then Shane takes double superkicks then a double superkick plus a Mark basement dropkick.

Shane headbutts Penta then corner splashes him. JD slingshot sentons Penta and mocks him. Penta is tripped into a JD foot for 2. Penta slingblades Henry then Mark gets in and chops Henry and JD. Mark facekicks Shane off the apron, pulls Henry over the top then dropkicks Henry through the ropes. QT Marshall and Hobbs are seen at ringside as Mark drops an apron elbow to the floor on Shane and an apron blockbuster onto JD.

Mark takes a flying kick from Henry then Henry takes a top rope double stomp as he hangs from the 2nd rope by Penta. JD black hole slams Penta then Fenix hook kicks JD. Shane hits a stiff lariat on Fenix then Mark chops Shane. Shane fire thunder drivers Mark then Henry reverse sitout slams Mark on his head. JD shining wizard's Mark for 2.

Penta hits a terrible canadian destroyer on JD. Henry comes off the top, gets caught and takes a stiff Jay driller for the Briscoe and Lucha Bros victory.

They assumed everyone knew JD and Henry and didn't bother to introduce them here. This was held under lucha rules and was really hard to keep track of as someone would take a move then someone else would get in. It was fast paced and there were some stiff moves here like Henry's reverse slam and Mark's Jay Driller. Why Mark is out here with the Lucha Bros and not Pac is still a mystery.

ROH Pure Title - Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs Christopher Daniels

Shibata gets a legscissors then a chinlock on Daniels. Shibata snapmares and figure fours him. Daniels has to ropebreak then lariats him in the back of the head. Daniels hits a flatliner into a Koji clutch then Daniels works the neck. Daniels lariats him in the corner then Shibata hits forearms. Shibata dropkicks him in the corner then double underhook suplexes him for 2. Shibata puts him in a choke with the bodyscissors.

Dnaiels hit elbows on the neck, a lariat and an STO. Shibata no sells the STO then STO's him. Shibata puts him in another sleeper then running PK's him for the win.

This wasn't too interesting as it was mostly matwork.

Claudio Castagnoli is interviewed. He said he did what he said he would do against Eddie Kingston. CC talked about him swearing and said that is not what an ROH representative stands for. CC said he is ready to fight and defend the title against anyone who proves themselves worthy. He says that is his way, the ROH way and who he is.

Brian Cage vs Ortiz

Ortiz escapes a suplex then trips Cage with a crossbody to the legs. He rolls him up and takes a right punch. Cage hits corner spears then Ortiz uses the bottom rope to headscissor him out. Ortiz cannonballs him off the apron then dropkicks him on the floor. Ortiz rakes his back. Cage kicks Ortiz while he's on the apron then deadlift vertical suplexes him in off the 2nd rope. They trade forearms for chest slaps then Cage jumping knees him.

Cage footchokes him and throws him hard into the buckles. Ortiz crossbodies him, is caught and then takes an overhead slam. Cage poses then chinlocks him. Ortiz hits chops then rolls him up for 2. Ortiz bottom rope ddt's him then hits chops and forearms. Ortiz chinbreakers him and hits a death valley driver for 2. Cage hits a pumphandle and flips him down for 2. Ortiz enzugiri's him and botches a hurricanrana. Ortiz runs into a superkick then powerbombs Cage as he stands on the 2nd rope. Ortiz goes for a suplex, but Cage hits a drill claw out of it and wins it.

I didn't really like Ortiz throwing around Cage and I felt it went longer than it should have.

Darius Martin vs Jay Lethal

The Kingdom are at the booth for this. Jay kicks DM in the gut then DM dropkicks him. DM topes him under the middle rope then top rope froggy crossbodies him. DM is sat on the top rope and Jay springboard dropkicks him. Jay then topes him into the rail. Jay takes a back enzugiri then rolls out. They fight on the apron as Nigel calls Caprice a "double Melvin" then DM lariats Jay over the top rope to the inside from the apron. DM bottom rope sto's him for 2.

Jay is forearmed down and they trade shots. Jay forearms DM and goes for the lethal injection but DM 619's him under the bottom rope. Jay then cutters him but DM blocks it with a handstand. DM then does a standing spanish fly for 2. Matt Taven says he's going down to the ring to help fix Darius' untied shoe. DM dropkicks Satnam Singh on the outside. Satnam distracts the ref from the apron then Taven superkicks Darius. Jay then hits a lethal injection and wins it.

This wasn't anything special and the dirty finish did not help things.

Mike Bennett and Matt Taven then put on Satnam Singh's jacket and both actually fit into it together.

Rush and Dralistico vs The Infantry

Dral has nice black, gold and blue gear today. Dral pushes Dean when he tries to shake his hand then they armdrag each other. They then kip up and do a stand off. Shawn Dean agrees to shake Dral's hand. Dral shakes his hand and hugs him then hits a corkscrew kick. Bravo and Dral butt heads then trade chest slaps. Bravo spinning forearms Dral then takes a pumping knee after Rush sneaks a knee to the back in. Rush pounds on Bravo in the corner then Bravo takes a corner splash and a face kick. LFI then poses.

Dean interrupts the pose and is german suplexed. Dral then springboard codebreakers him. Dral twists him from his shoulder into a knee and wins it.

This was short and there wasn't a lot to it before the finish.

Dral and Rush throw the Infantry in after then do their salute over them.

Tracy Williams vs Daniel Garcia

DG kicks Tracy's hand away on the handshake. DG snapmares him and Tracy does a nice pin out of a cravate. DG mock claps for him then knees him in the gut. Tracy russian legsweeps him and pounds on him with elbows before doing a grounded octopus. DG hits some punches then Tracy hits chops and an interesting inside hammerlock suplex. Tracy corner lariats him then is pushed off the top while sitting there.

DG stomps him and DG teases going for a weapon but just pulls his two middle fingers out from under the ring. DG slingshots into a mule kick and hits footslaps. Tracy catches one then they trade forearms. Tracy grabs his leg and does a backdrop off of it. Tracy ddt's him over the top buckle then hits a big lariat for 2. Tracy crossfaces him and DG hits the ropes. DG picks him up for a death rider ddt but drops him on his (DG's knees) and wins it.

It was short and there was nothing wrong with this. DG was the heel here and did an okay job.

Willow Nightingale vs Notorious Mimi

Mimi was in NXT but just wasn't ready. Mimi tries to armdrag her but it is blocked and Willow dances with her arm. Willow shoulders her over then double chops her. Willow slams and sentons her then hip attacks her in the corner. Mimi slaps Willow and does an over the shoulder dragon screw and rolls her up.

Mimi 2nd rope crossbodies her then Willow criss-crosses her and hits a pounce. Willow hits a gutwrench ligerbomb and wins it.

This was a short squash for Willow with neither girl getting much in. 

The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) vs Even Steven (Steve Somerset and Stephen Azure)

Even Steven wears blue sweater vests. They look like total dorks but I guess that's what they were going for.

Dutch double lariats both opponents to start then bodyblocks one of them. The Righteous hit a knee into a lariat then Vincent does a short flatliner. Dutch hits a legdrop on Azure then short arm clotheslines him. Dutch hits a big exploder and a bossman slam. Vincent top rope swantons Azure then hits an atumn sunshine and wins it.

This was all squash here. Dutch looked good and Vincent did a lot of dancing to his music.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Tony Nese

Mark Sterling did the intro for Nese again.

Nese roll out of an armlock and puts his own on. Nese leapfrogs him then hits a knee, kicks and a legsweep. Nese hits forearms then KT back elbows him. KT hits a flying shoulder then mocks Nese's pose. KT hits forearms and KT holds on as he is thrown over the top. He tries to skin the cat but Woods brings hims legs down and Nese knocks him off the ropes. KT then goes into the stairs.

KT has his back rammed into the apron then Nese bodyscissors him. Nese is rolled up then KT sunset flips him. Nese rolls through it and spin kicks him in the head. Nese runs the ropes and is flipped with a KT lariat. KT running facekicks him in the corner then drops him with a forearm. KT 2nd rope sentons him for 2.

Nese superkicks him then takes a spinning blue thunder bomb. Nese's buddies pull him out of the ring then KT tope con hilos all three. KT hangs from the bottom rope and Nese asai moonsaults him as he hangs. KT hits a big forearm then Nese gets his pump handle reversed into a fire thunder driver. Sterling grabs KT's leg then Aria grabs Nese's arms. Nese flips out of a german and double stomps KT into a wheelbarrow driver for 2. KT does a chaos theory german and wins it.  

This wasn't too interesting.  

ROH Women's Title - Athena (c) vs Miyu Yamashita

Athena avoids a kick early and goes outside. They avoid each others kicks then Miyu triangle kicks her. Miyu kicks her in the chest and back as she is on her knees then just punts her in the ribs. Miyu hits a flurry of body kicks then knees her in the face. Miyu does a neat takedown with her foot then kicks her again.

Miyu pulls her but Athena hangs onto the ring skirt. Athena rolls out  then Miyu grabs her by the hair. Athena kind of uses the ring skirt to pull her down then spins her on the mat against the corner post. Athena single leg ddt's her on the floor (yes, single leg). Athena does a figure four/indian deathlock variation on her. Athena runs at her and ends up on the outside. Miyu PK's her from the apron twice then is blocked on her thrid attempt and has her head swung into the post. Miyu is then thrown from the fireman's carry onto the floor. Athena misses a senton on the floor then takes a running knee.

Miyu sits on the top rope and is pulled down then Miyu does a wild twisting F-U off the 2nd rope. Miyu buzzsaw kicks her and tries for a pumping knee but Athena backrolls into a half crab. Athena ankle locks her but Miyu rolls out and germans her. Athena avoids a roundhouse kick and goes up the ramp. Miyu follws her and lariats her onto the ramp. Athena forearms her and they fight on the stage. Miyu high kicks her then F-U's her on the stage. They stop the count so nobody is counted out.

Miyu is pushed off the stage onto the floor then Athena cannonballs her off the stage. Both girls lay on the floor. They get back in then Miyu does a bad looking screw kick for 2. Athena avoids a roundhouse kick then Athena crossfaces her. Miyu passes out due to pain and Athena wins it.

They did way too much here with people having their heads banged off the post, getting slammed on the floor and on the stage and none of it really factoring into anything.

Overall thoughts: Maybe this wasn't the greatest episode ever, but it was wrestling heavy and watchable. Not a lot happened here as this was taped before the PPV and they couldn't give much away since it wasn't airing until after the PPV.

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