Sunday, April 2, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/31/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/31/2023

There were only 2 matches here again. I'm worried that this is the new norm.

Valentina Feroz vs Lash Legend

Feroz has a new name plate and a new entrance dance. Lash looks like Andre the Giant next to her.

Lash knees her in the gut, slams her and throws her into the buckles. Feroz comes off the 2nd rope with a crossbody but is caught and then grabs a hammerlock while in the air. Elektra Lopez comes out. Feroz gets caught and tries to do a sunset flip but is flung by the hair. Lash pump kicks her and lariats her.

Lash picks her up and Feroz climbs her back with a sleeper. Lash goes backwards into the buckles to break it then Feroz hits knee dropkicks. Feroz then does a short hurricanrana and meteora's her for 2. Feroz is thrown out and Lopez touches her but Lopez goes into the steps. Feroz then side steps a Lash kick and pins her for the win.

This was real short and it's hard to say much of anything about this one. Neither one screwed up or anything and them following up on the Lopez storyline was good at least.

Nathan Frazer was interviewed about Javier Bernal. Nathan says he doesn't have a massive body and is a massive fraud. Frazer tells him to bring his best and not to blink as he may just miss the match.

We get a promo from Dani Palmer. She said we are at level up and are leveling up in life. She said she made it to WWE before she ever stepped in the ring and plans to dominate WWE with a hybrid style no one has seen. She said she's a daredevil but not stupid. She said fear gives her thrills and is what she uses to drive her. She said Dani Palmer makes the impossible, possible. This wasn't that good.

Nathan Frazer vs Javier Bernal

NF gets some cool lightning for his entrance and they use the side screens for it.

JB armdrags NF and talks smack. JB tries to again but Nf rolls into a headlock. NF flips off the top rope and side headlocks him. NF running dropkicks him then hits another side headlock. NF hits a big dropkick then hits some chops. NF goes for a springboard but JB grabs the ropes and sends him down. JB pounds and stomps him then NF does a different kind of bump into the buckles. JB backdrops him and pulls his arms back.

NF is thrown over the top but grabs the ropes and holds on. JB then neckbreakers him over the 2nd rope for 2. JB hits a ddt for 2. JB grabs NF's boot and NF spins around and enzugiri's him. NF does fast flying forearms then does a spinning neckbreaker. NF then does a pheonix splash and wins it.

It was short and a fun little match. This was fast paced and NF got the win here as expected.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches and neither was a must see. At least Dani Palmer got a promo in and we got a follow-up on the Feroz/Lopez angle.

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