Sunday, April 2, 2023

Game Changer Wrestling - Jimmy Lloyd's D-Generation F 3/31/2023

Game Changer Wrestling - Jimmy Lloyd's D-Generation F 3/31/2023

I skipped the last two matches as they were intergender matches.

Lucas Riley vs. MBM vs. Bobby Flaco vs. Man Like DeReiss vs. Brogan Finlay vs. Terry Yaki vs. Midas Kreed

Terry Yaki ended up winning this. It was exactly what you would expect with tons of dives and spots and two people in with everyone else at the same time the whole match. There wasn't much of a crowd here and there wasn't much heat for it. 

Cole Radrick vs Titus Alexander

They bounce off the ropes and duck high kicks and Cole step up enzugiri's him from the apron. Cole then comes off the bottom rope with a legdrop. Titus comes back with a dropkick and dropkicks him in the back as he is seated. Cole rolls up Titus then Titus jumping double stomps him as he recovers. Titus mudhole stomps him in the corner then Cole running headscissors and topes him. Cole then comes off the bottom rope with a flatliner for 2.

Titus does a nice double upkick and brainbusters him for 2. They trade punches on their knees and Titus high kicks him. Titus does a handspring and gets roundhouse kicked in the air. Titus is pulled into the buckles then Cole 619's and swantons him for 2. Titus does a handspring into a cutter for 2 then Cole does goliath bird eater bomb and wins it.

This was as indy as you would expect with lots of fancy moves without much meaning. Titus wasn't that bad though and if he puts on about 20 pounds on muscle, I could maybe see him getting around a few more places.

Jack Cartwheel vs Hunter Drake

Jack cartwheels out of a wristlock then Drake uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock. Drake is so thin and Jack cartwheel's out of his way. Jack does a cartwheel backflip back elbow in the corner then Drake dropkicks him in the corner as he's seated. Drake gets on Jack's back and moonsaults onto the back. Jack suplexes Drake then standing moonsaults for 2.

Drake is thrown into the post then Jack cartwheel's on the floor. Jack drops Drake on the apron then gets blocked on his slingshot corkscrew attempt. Jack lariats him then uranage's him from the corner. Jack SSP's off the top but Drake gets his knees up. Drake hits a spin kick and forearm then running ssp's him for 2.

Drake stops a flying space tiger then slingshot code red's him. They trade kicks and Drake spinning forearms him. Jack hits a rebound german and a side finlay roll for 2. Jack does a top rope flip and Drake powerbomb him from it. They got on the apron and Drake 2nd rope footpressed/dropkicked him. Jack moves on a 450 then overhead suplexes him into the buckles. Jack then does a flying space tiger on him. Jack then hits a top rope ssp and wins it.

This was really bad. Jack tried to do his spots and Drake blocked every one of them along with just killing every bit of momentum he could. Jack finally got to hit his stuff at the end and that was it.

Kenzie Paige vs. Sandra Moone

They started off fast and Sandra crossbodied her the corner. Kenzie legswept her and they ended up doing a stand off. Kenz tope'd her on the outside then botched a christo. Moone samoan drops her and they trade forearms and slaps on their knees. Moon hits some shots then starts clubbing on her.

Moone hits a stiff backdrop and a forearm to the back of the neck for 2. Kenz superkicks her and they mess up a chokeslam for 2. Moone backbreakers her then does a gutwrench piledriver and wins it.

The finish was so nasty. Nobody should ever do that. The match was a disaster. They tried but they had a ton of botches and it was just not their day. 

Bodhi Young Prodigy vs Jimmy Lloyd

They said Bodhi is only 15. Jim pats him on the head and BYP pushes him. BYP hits an armdrag then a flying hurricanrana. BYP walks up the ropes and does tricks then flips off with an armdrag. Jim lariats him and he lands on his neck for 2. Jim running back elbows him and slams him.

Jim continues the beat down then BYP does a dragonrana off the top. BYP hits flying forearms and messes up a dropkick. Jim electric chairs him and flips him forward for a driver for 2. BYP stunners him out of a suplex attempt then Jim superkicks him. BYP hits a 2nd rope canadian destroyer and then flips off the 2nd rope for a cutter for 2. Jim pump kicks BYP and BYP rolls him up for 2. Jim curb stomps him from behind then package piledrivers him for the win.

It was pretty indy as you would expect. BYP has a lot of energy and can do flips and stuff, but he shouldn't be taking the neck bumps he was taking here. There definitely was some of the young guy vs older vet thing going on here, and of course BYP was the face, but that's about the only good that came out of this.

Alec Price vs Starboy Charlie

Price was doing a bunch of kip-ups to get out of a wristlock and SBC had enough. Price slams him down out of a waistlock then SBC fireman's carries him. SBC hiptosses him and they face off after Price escapes a headscissors. Price jumps up and takes an atomic drop then SBC running SSP's him. SBC tries to dropkick him through the ropes but ends up hanging and Price superkicks him while he hangs. Price then does a suplex into the ropes/apron and facekicks him as he hangs.

Price gets him as he is over the middle rope then he pumping knees him. Price is on the 2nd rope and SBC 619 legssweeps him. SBC does a nice pin attempt out of the corner then takes a saito suplex from Price. Price hits pumping knees in the corner and then a pump kick. DBC goes for something off the 2nd rope and botches it then does a springboard back bulldog.

SBC hits a thesz press and punches him then does a nice waterwheel drop suplex. SBC armdrags him off the 2nd rope into a crossface, while Price rolls through. SBC shotgun dropkicks him in the corner then dropkicks him in the corner. Price has him in thetorture rack and rams his head into the buckles.

Price neckbreakers him over the back and has a double stomp attempt blocked. SBC then dropkicks him through the ropes and does an asai moonsault outside. SBC hits a skytwister press for 2 then does a corkscrew kick for 2. SBC crossfaces him and wins it.

Indy as you would expect and the finish didn't have a whole lot to do with anything else. But they only had one botch and they didn't do anything stupid and I thought it was okay overall.

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