Wednesday, April 12, 2023

WWE NXT 4/11/2023

WWE NXT 4/11/2023

Last week's show is here:

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams came out. Melo said he let his guard down and got caught by Bron. Melo said defeat is cold and lonely and said Bron didn't pass him the torch, he took it. Melo said the people didn't want Bron to be their #1, they want Melo. Melo said they will battle for a long time and said he's offering a spot in the four way tonight for a shot at the NXT title. He said he's not asking, he's telling him. Dragon Lee came out and said congratulations. He said he came here to fight the best and Melo's the best. He said he will be fighting him at NXT Spring Breakin after tonight.

Melo and Trick said never to interrupt the champ. Then, JD McDonaugh came out to interrupt the champ. JD said Melo is slipping already. He said ego is loud and confidence is quiet. He said when the bell goes off, he knows he's #1. Melo told him he needs to get over the rainbow before he gets to the pot of gold and said it was a leprechaun joke.

Grayson Waller then came out. GW said the audience and Lee were "el stupido". GW said a real superstar would take the title from Melo. Melo said 2 weeks, he sees a lot of thems, but there can only be one him. I don't love these random multi-person set-ups, but Melo did a good job here. 

Fallon Henley went up to Kiana James in the back and asked if they were good. Kiana said she tried to break up her relationship with Brooks. Kiana said they need to win tonight by any means tonight and she doesn't want the friendly Fallon tonight. They asked where Brooks was and Kiana said Brooks didn't want to be near any of them.

Sol Ruca is with Dani Palmer and they are going to the beach. They are doing this on TikTok. Tiffany Stratton comes in. She said this is her parking lot and they didn't ask for permission. Tiffany then says ew and leaves.

NXT Women's Tag Titles - Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre (c) vs Fallon Henley and Kiana James

The faces go after the heels to start and Alba is slammed on the floor by KJ. Fallon back elbows Isla then Alba pulled down Fallon and hit her. Brooks Jensen arrived in the parking lot. Fallon takes a back body drop from Alba. KJ gets in and beats up on Alba. She hits corner spears and backflips, then puts Alba in the corner too and does it to her.

We go to PiP break and return. KJ sunset flips Alba. Fallon gets the hot tag in and does a springboard into a bodyscissors roll-up. Fallon wisting facebusters her then misses some of a springboard blockbuster. KJ is superkicked off the apron then Isla and Fallon high kick each other at the same time. Fallon hits a canadian destroyer and Brooks gives Fallon a big to hit Isla with. Fallon throws it back at him and they argue. Brooks then pushes Briggs after he confronts him then Fallon takes a high kick from Alba. Fallon is then put on Isla's knees for a top rope Alba swanton and Fyre and Dawn win it.

This did have some sloppy moments as customary with the women but the match existed to further the storyline with Briggs/Jensen/Fallon/Kiana and did a good job of it.

We get a video on Noam Dar. He says he is a savage with unlimited potential. He says there are lots of superstars, but only one supernova. He said he made the Heritage Cup Rules Match famous and has brought it to NXT. He said nobody is a technical master like him. He said it's time to separate the sheep from the goats.

Duke Hudson Award Ceremony

Chase said Duke went above and beyond the call of duty and earned the distinction of MVP. Chase said they will fight alongside each other and fight off challengers. He then gives Duke a trophy. Duke says he doesn't like award ceremonies and it's not about Chase Me, it's about Chase U. Duke says he put Chase U on his back and took them to the promise land. He thanked Chase and Thea and said he is now Chase U's MVP. He asks everyone to stand and do the C-H-A-S-E-U chant. Bron Breakker comes out and interrupts. Chase says Bron is interrupting. He said the championship was a curse on his career and he no longer needs the scumbags in the crowd. Bron says Duke can take his spot in the #1 Contenders spot tonight. Bron walks away then tries to spear him but gets Chase instead. Duke then runs off with his trophy. Bron rips up the Chase U flag and breaks it over his knee.

We go to a shack. Gigi said she grew up there and said she can away as soon as she got the chance. She said she's human and wanted to be loved. She said Jacy Jayne broke her heart but won't break her will. She said her story started out ugly but will bloom into something beautiful. 

We see Pretty Deadly getting attacked by Tony D and Stacks with crowbars. Kit is thrown into the back of a car.

Eddy Thorpe vs Javier Bernal

JB grabs the arm then Eddy rolls out of his armdrag. JB monkey flips him but Eddy holds onto the arm. Eddy twists in mid-air for a crossbody and we see Damon Kemp at ringside. Eddy gets pulled out of the ring then has his head banged off the commentator's table. JB bulldogs him and hits a lariat for 2.

JB tries to boston crab him but can't then Eddy hits a back enzugiri. Eddy does his elbow drop for 2. Eddy germans JB then hits a twisting double underhook neckbreaker to win it.

As usual, this wasn't anything special.

Eddy Thorpe and Damon Kemp kind of nod at each other after.

Tank Ledger is tanking photos in the back. Gallus walks up to him and said they just let anyone in here huh. Tank says he'll be ready for his debut in a few weeks and Joe Coffeey says he wants him to debut tonight. Schism walks in. Joe says Gallus wants to fight everyone but hasn't fought them yet. Wolf says they will get their chance to lose like they did back in the day then Jagger says they aren't asking, they are telling.

Scrypts does a video on Axiom asking what his biggest fear is. He said Axiom can't expose him as he is exposing Axiom. This wasn't good.

Sol Ruca vs Tiffany Stratton

Tiff works her arm early then Sol rolls and is brought down by the hair. Sol works her arm and shoulders her, sol flips out of a hips toss they both flip out of legsweeps. Sol flips off the top to escape Tiff then Tiff flips over her in the corner. They then run the ropes, flip at the same time and stare down. Tiff offers a handshake then kicks her and pulls the hair. Tiff hits a standing moonsault.

Sol is thrown into the buckles then Tiff double stomps her arm.  Tiff works the arm. Sol shoulders her then hits a double underhook suplex. Sol hits an emerald flowsion variation then forward flips into a splash in the corner. Sol hits the emerald flowsion variation again for 2.

Sol goes for the tope and is stopped by Tiff then Sol rolls her up. Tiff does a forward Finlay roll then double jump moonsaults her to win.

This was very flippy and athletic. I thought they did a decent job here and did look like the future of the company.

Chase U is in the back and Chase is icing his ribs. Duke said he appreciates Chase taking one for the team and says he will be the first to bring home gold for Chase U.

Diamond Mine is interviewed. Ivy said DM is back to the three of them. Julius said Gallus is out of surprises and wants a match with them next week for the tag titles. Julius said they will be out there during Joe Coffey's match.

Tiffany Stratton walks in. She said she doesn't get why she isn't the #1 contender and accused Indi of being scared of her.

Cora Jade came out. She said she returned to find the women's division flipped upside down. She said Zoey Stark will always be the challenger and never the champ. Cora said she put Roxanne Perez on the map by being a tag champ with her. She said the NXT title says Cora Jade and told Gigi Dolin not to let her instagram famous @ss get hit by the door on the way out. She told Tiffany Stratton that she runs the place, not her. She said Lyra should fear her. She said it took Indi Hartwell long enough to win the title. Lyra Valkyria then came out. She said if Cora goes near the title, she will rip her eyes out. Cora then slapped her and took a kick. Lyra missed a kick and Cora ran away.

Wes Lee is interviewed. Dempsey and Gulak walk in. They asked if he can win a match without his flying when they ground him on the mat. Dempsey asks how he can fly if his ligaments are torn out. Wes told him that if he wants it, ask for a match.

If Von loses, Mr. Stone walks away - Von Wagner vs Ilja Dragunov

Drag runs into a boot from Von then Von pounds on him in the corner. Von corner splashes him then hits a big throw. Von backdrops Drag and Stone yells at him to win the match. Drag does a tiger feint then lariats Von. Drag then crotch holds Von and hits a nice backdrop out of it.

Von throws Drag off the top rope then does a twisting double underhook slam. Drag enzugiri's him, hits a falling forearm then does his flying battering ram to win it.

It was a lot shorter than it should have been. I had high hopes for this one but the time just wasn't there.

Mr. Stone tells Von they are done after then Dijak's muisc hits. Dijak appears on the apron behind Drag. He told him that he said the pain makes him feel alive, so he will make him immortal.

Tank Ledger is warming up in the back. Hank Walker goes up to him and says you have to be ready at all times. Tank says he gets to show the world what he is all about.

JD McDonaugh is getting ready in the back.

Tank Ledger vs Joe Coffey

They didn't introduce Tank well at all as you would not know him unless you watched Level Up. This is Tank's NXT TV debut, though he's been on Level Up.

Tank gets an infobox with his information. Tank pushes him over and they trade forearms. Tank hits a flying shoulder then Joe hits a euro and a nice shotgun dropkick. Joe backbreakers him then hits a stiff push kick to the chest. Joe ties up Tank's arms then hits a headbutt. Tank does a nice overhead belly to belly then hits shoulders. Tank back elbows him then cartwheels into a splash for 2.

Joe hits a great punch in the corner and Tank falls out of the ring to the floor from it. Joe then throws himself at Tank and knocks him into the stairs. Joe hits a spinning lariat and hits a second for the win.

Odd match here as both guys had to win and someone was going to lose. Tank did okay in his debut but Joe just paced this weird and did some different moves that didn't look that great.

The Creed's and Schism come in after and fight with Gallus.

Tony D and Stacks talk in the back. They see Roxanne Perez. Perez says she's ready to get her title back. Tony says if Perez ever needs back up...then Zoey Stark walks in. Tony D says Zoey has a mouth on her. Perez tells Zoey that she has the strength to beat her next week and first bumps with Stacks and Tony. Pretty Deadly then jump Tony D and Stacks from behind saying, "you wanna jump us?". Tony has his hat ripped up and Stacks has his jacket ripped up. PD says this is about us. The Tony D/Stacks/Perez interaction was different but I did like PD jumping Tony and Stacks. 

Winner gets a title shot - Grayson Waller vs Dragon Lee vs JD McDonaugh vs Duke Hudson

Duke knocks GW out then they fight on the floor. JD goes for a leapfrog and is dropkicked in mid-air. Lee slaps and hurricanrana's GW then GW harlem sidekicks him. Duke hits a double suplex on GW and JD then slams GW on JD. Duke then slams Lee on both of them. Lee does a tope con hilo on Duke outside then JD asai moonsaults Lee. Duke teases a dive but takes a cutter from Waller.

We go to PiP break and return. Duke is in a double half crab from GW and JD then Lee fips over JD to headscissor GW. Waller does a top rope elbow on Duke for 2. Duke hits shots on GW then side slams him. Duke hits a nice back body drop on JD then a high belly to belly on Lee. Duke uranage's JD in the corner and throws GW into a spear on Lee. Duke sentons GW then slingshots into a german on Lee. Duke electric chair drops GW and Lee. JD turns Duke's attempt on him into a poisonrana. JD pulls GW into a backdrop and Lee double stomps to break up the pin attempt.

Lee and JD go up top and Lee hits a top rope double footstomp as he hangs from tree of woe. Lee hits a tope outside and pumping knees JD.  Duke facekicks GW off the apron then double lariats Lee and JD. Duke goes for a razor's edge on Lee but he gets out and JD shotgun dropkicks Duke. Lee sitout powerbombs Duke then GW rolls in with a cutter, takes out Lee and falls on Duke to get the win.

They used this to put over Duke and they did a good job with it. Waller winning, especially in the way he did worked out well and Waller/Melo is a match to look forward to. This was your usual multi-man match with everyone getting their spot in and getting out.

Waller then poured beer in his own boot after and drank out of it.

Melo and Waller went face to face to end the show.

Overall thoughts: More multi-man matches to set up title matches is lazy booking and it's being overdone in NXT, though we are getting Melo vs Waller out of it which should be good. Tank losing on his debut wasn't good and the whole set up was just designed to fail either him or Joe Coffey. Tiffany/Sol was a nice glimpse into the future of the company. The Kiana/Brooks/Briggs/Fallon drama continues to be interesting as does the continuous issues with Duke and Chase U.

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