Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Game Changer Wrestling 4/1/2023 Gringo Loco's The Wrld on Lucha 2023

Game Changer Wrestling 4/1/2023 Gringo Loco's The Wrld on Lucha 2023

Six Way Scramble Match - Willie Mack vs. Mago vs. Shane Mercer vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Bobby Flaco vs. Jack Cartwheel


They do a six way test of strength then everyone stops as music hits and Willie Mack does stripper moves. Nobody hits him or anything of course. Jack pop-up dropkicks Mercer and Flaco hits a hurricanrana. Mago uses Flaco to tornado ddt Jack then does a tope outside. Mago then bottom rope ddt's Jack. Flaco spins on the top rope and armdrags Mago. He then does a top rope cutter on Mago.

Mercer throws up Flaco for an orange crush, Willie catches him outside then powerbombs him on the apron. Mack and Mercer trade forearms then Mack ducks a clothesline and hits a tope con hilo outside. Flaco top rope crossbodies everyone outside then Mago tope con hilo's people like bowling pins. Mercer catches Jack on his flying space tiger drop then Mercer asai moonsaults outside. Jack does a corkscrew flying space tiger outside then top rope ssp's Mercer. Mago hits a la mistica drop on Jack then Lloyd bridging fire thunders Mago.

Flaco tornado ddt's Lloyd then is spin kicked in the head by Mack. Mercer throws Mack on an overhead suplex then LLoyd package piledrivers Mago into a nice slam from Mercer. Jack comes off the top with an ssp on Lloyd and is caught with a Flaco cutter on the way down. Mercer pop-up swinging slams Flaco then Mack sit out spinebusters  Mercer. Jack corkscrew ssp's Mack and Mago and then wins it.

It was a multi-man scramble. These are designed to be spotfests and it wasn't. It wasn't some super smart match, but we got some cool dives and spots and I think it did what it was supposed to do.

Sexy Star vs. Dulce Tormenta

They roll around early and Star takes her down only to get armdragged. They legsweep each other and then end up face to face and do a stand off. Star takes a headscissors out then Dulce topes her. Dulce poses then Star topes her then pulls her hair. Dulce is thrown into a row of chairs.

They trade chest slaps on the floor and Star spanks her. A door is set up in the corner and Star takes a tilt-a-whirl slam. Dulce spanks her and Star spears her into the door. The door doesn't break and Star death valley drivers her into it. Tacks are put in the ring. Star pumping knees her then Star is powerbombed onto the tacks.

Dulce meteora's her in the corner and they trade forearms. They trade slaps then Dulce release germans her, only to be german'd herself. They both then just kind of fall over at the same time in a really dumb spot. Dulce hits two suplexes and is rolled up on her third. Star double underhook lifts her and drops her on her front. Star hits some kicks then takes a three amigos. Dulce spinning package piledrivers her and wins it.

They definitely did too much for a throwaway with no build like this but there was some good stuff to be hard. They did a good job of convincing me they didn't like each other and had some nice extra stiffness in their moves. I really hated the spot where both of them fell down though as it looked so bad.

Arez, Black Taurus & Latigo vs. Aramis, Komander & Rey Horus

The heels get knocked out early and BT takes a bunch of superkicks on the apron. The faces then do triple dives in a row.Aramis takes a pop-up knee from Latigo then Latigo uses the 2nd rope to roll him up and enzugiri him. Komander rolls up Latigo and headscissors him down then double jump corkscrew dragonrana's him. Arez shotgun dropkicks Komander then brainbusters him. Horus upkicks Arez then spinning lariat and 2nd rope bodyscissors takedowns him. Horuz flying leg lariats him as he's on the apron.

BT gets in and twists Horus' neck then does a reverse slingblade. Armis armdrags BT then satellite headscissors him. Komander is popped up into a samoan drop by BT. Aramis is beat up on by the rudos and is belly to belly suplexed into a tree of woe, where he gets attacked. BT rips at Horus' mask. Horus is double hiptossed into a sitout powerbomb.

Komander walks the tope rope, is pulled down then triple stomped. BT is flipped over the top then Komander hops on 2 rudos shoulders and moonsaults outside onto BT. It looked bad but was a cool idea on paper. Horus top rope tornillos the rudos on the outside with help from Aramis. Aramis spinning torture rack bombs Arez. Latigo pop up knees Aramis then suplexes him into a backbreaker. Latigo takes a double flipping ddt then BT hits a double crucifix bomb. Aramis is gorilla pressed but canadian destroyers BT on the way down.

BT throws up Horus into a backbreaker then Latigo does some weird rack into a backcracker. Horus tornado ddt's Latigo then Arez hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backcracker. Everyone then falls down soon after. All 6 trade shots then Komander walks the top rope into an SSP while his partners do tope con hilo's. Komander picks up the win.

It was a spotfest but the heels got some shine and did do a good job roughing up the faces a bit. The on the shoulders moonsault to the outside looked really contrived here.

Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) vs. La Familia de Tijuana (Bestia 666 & Damian 666)

This Ciclope isn't the old Ciclope from WCW who teamed with Damian, but another younger and fatter one. He trades armdrags with Damien then they do a stand off. Bestia hurricanrana's Ciclope. Damien is thrown into the audience then Miedo gets whipped with a bag. Miedo is in front of Bestia and swings the chair backwards over his head to hit Bestia. Damian throws a chair at Ciclope then Miedo has a chair put around his neck and is rammed into the post. Miedo has a chair chairred into his nuts.

Miedo throws a chair at Damian then Bestia is popped up into a knee and neckbreaker. Miedo superkicks Damian then Damien kendo sticks Miedo. Miedo hits his own partner with the kendo stick on accident. Bestia walks up the ropes with Miedo's hand then does an armdrag + hurricanrana combo. Damian and Bestia then do stereo topes. Doors are bridged over chairs then Bestia takes a double flapjack through them.

Miedo flipping neckbreakers Damian then Ciclope takes a german on his head. Damian gets on the top rope and hits both opponents with kendo stick shots then Damian walks the top rope and does a Hakushi impersonation before armdragging Miedo. Bestia superkicks Ciclope and Damian ends up misting Bestia on accident. Damian facekicks Miedo and does a funny move when he crawls under the door bridge. Damian is put on Miedo's shoulders and takes a lariat off the top through the door. Los Macizos win it.

It was a hardcore lucha match. Damian was 61 years old here and credit to him for going out there. Not the greatest match or anything, but it was fine for what it was.

Negro Casas vs Tony Deppen

Tony rolls him up early and Negro headstands out of a move. Tony bites his fingers and then flips him off. Negro pushes him over then Tony does some kind of abdominal stretch variation him. They hit running corner lariats and Negro ddt's him. They trade forearms then Tony ties his arms up and goofs around. Negro running facekicks Tony then rolls him up for 2. Tony stomps on Negro then Negro stf's him.

They trade chest slaps and Negro winds up just to punch him in the throat. Tony rolls him up for 2. Tony hits a jumping knee, Negro lariats him and hits la magistral for the win.

The idea was there and both guys tried, but the crowd wasn't that into it and hurt it. The structure and such of this made sense and Tony tried real hard to make this work.

Falls Count Anywhere Match - Psycho Clown vs. Gringo Loco

Clown carries a kid to the ring with him and Loco tries to kick the kid. Loco dropkicks Clown before he can get in then Clown chairs him when he tries to dive out. Clown tries to dive then gets hit with the chair then Loco tope con hilos him. Loco goes to springboard but is pulled down then has his crotch rammed into the post. Clown dives between the buckles onto Loco.

Clown has his head banged off a chair then Clown throws a beer at him and nails the cameraman too. Clown hits some short punches then chokes and drags him with a sweater. Clown misses a top rope splash then Loco does a double jump moonsault off the top for 2. Clown powerslams him then chairs a chair into his crotch. Loco chairs Clown in the head as he sits up top to send him down then Loco rips Clown's mask. Loco chairs Clown then Loco grabs scissors and stabs Clown in the head with them. Clown is belly to belly suplexed into a ladder then Loco stabs him with scissors again. Clown picks up Loco and runs him into a door then chairs table pieces into him.

Clown split legged moonsaults into a chair on Loco then chairs him. Clown alabama slams him into an open chair then top rope frog splashes him for 2. Clown tornillo dives over the top onto Loco then stabs Loco with scissors. Clown rips off Loco's shirt then they go up top for a Loco top rope spanish fly. Of course, it's only for a 2 count.  Loco misses a swanton off a ladder then Clown does a Toyota roll for 2. A door is bridged over chairs outside and a ladder is set up. Clown splashes Loco off the ladder through the door. Clown gets a cement block and another door.

Clown is put on the door, which is now bridged by chairs. Loco puts cement blocks on him then Loco is stopped up top. They do a top rope spanish fly through the cement blocks and door and Loco wins it.

This went too long, it dragged at times and they just did too much here.

Laredo Kid vs El Hijo del Vikingo

They trade armdrags and legsweeps then more armdrags. Kid does a dangerous tope on Vik, driving him into the crowd. Kid top rope frogsplashes him for 2 then basement dropkicks him. Kid knocks Vik off the apron and Kid chaes him around. Vik has a hook kick blocked but then spin kicks him with the other leg. Vik then corkscrew kicks him and meteora's him through the ropes to the floor. Vik then moonsaults off the apron onto him as he lays on the floor.

Vik 2nd rope outside to inside phoenix splashes him for 2.  Kid poisonrana's Vik then michinoku drivers him. Kid bottom rope corkscrew moonsaults him, 2nd rope corkscrew moonsaults him then top rope corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Kid spin kicks and knees him to the gut then Vik gets on the post and canadian destroyers him on the apron. Vik then topes him and corkscrew kicks him for 2.

Kid springboard crossbodies off the 2nd rope, gets caught and spins around Vik to powerbomb him. Kid strike combos him in the corner. They go up top and Kid flipping germans him only for a 2 count. Vik then top rope swinging slams him for 2. Vik meteoras him in the corner then top rope 630's him for the win.

As with most Vikingo matches, it was a bad spotfest. There was no selling to be had whatsoever and was just people doing dangerous but impressive stuff.

Overall thoughts: There were a couple of spotfests and here and a couple of hardcore brawls. That is kind of what lucha tends to be these days though. It was something different and a nice little variety of stuff.

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