Monday, April 3, 2023

WrestleCon Mark Hitchcock Memorial SuperShow 2023 3/30/2023

WrestleCon Mark Hitchcock Memorial SuperShow 2023 3/30/2023

I'll definitely get some more gifs later. Here's what I saw:

Arez, Laredo Kid & Latigo vs. Aramis, Galeno Del Mal & Rey Horus

Aramis and Latigo start off. Latigo flips him off on the handshake then Aramis does a tilt-a-whirl armdrag that is reversed. Aramis rotates around him and rolls him up then they do a stand off with Latigo flipping him off. Arez and Rey go at it. Arez escapes the hiptoss with a roll then Rey does a nice armdrag. Arez blocks the armdrag and Rey rolls him up then rolls him with a body scissors. Arez headsicssors him and then flips him off. Arez hits Galeno on the apron and then tags out to avoid him.

Laredo somersaults over Galeno then Galeno shoulders him over. Galeno poses in the corner and is brought down then Arez and Latigo come off the top with armdrags while Laredo topes Galeno. Rey is caught into a double powerbomb esque move then Laredo top rope splashes Rey. Aramis takes a 1v3 then is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles. He hangs there and Latigo splashes him as he hangs then Arez uses the ropes as a base to moonsault onto him from. Galeno then takes a 3v1.

Galeno is triple gorilla pressed and slammed then all 6 men brawl. Laredo's team takes triple super kicks then Galeno top rope crossbodies all 3 of his opponents. Aramis is hiptossed by his partners over the top onto his opponents then Rey is thrown over the top by his partner onto opponents. Galeno then tope con hilos onto all of his opponents. Galeno rolls Laredo into a knee and Arez flips off of Galeno before hitting enzugiri's and a basement dropkick. Aramis hits an air raid crash on Arez then Latigo slingshots into a backcracker out of the suplex position. Rey tornado ddt's Latigo then takes a tilt-a-whirl backcracker from Arez. Laredo brings in a chair in and hits Galeno with the ref not caring.

Galeno is seated on the top rope then holds Latigo while the faces hit stereo dives outside. Galeno then does a spinning neckbreaker on Latigo off the 2nd rope and wins it.

No DQ's for the chairshots were just bad reffing. The match was fun with the crowd really liking Galeno. It was very hectic and fast paced. Not a classic or anything, but enjoyable.

Money is thrown in the ring after and collected.

Hyper Misao, Mizuki, Shoko Nakajima, Yuki Aino & Yuki Kamifuku vs. Free WiFi (Hikari Noa & Nao Kakuta), Miu Watanabe, Raku & Rika Tatsumi 

Misao greets everyone on the mic and introduces herself as a superhero. She says she can beat all of her opponents by herself because she is a hero. Misao tries to get a chance started then her opponents clear out her partners and all of them beat up on her.

Misao takes a running corner move train in the corner. Raku does her oyasumi express and sits on her then Misao does something like a coconut crush and tags out. Kamifuku gets in and footchokes Raku then eye pokes her. Aino slams Raku then sentons her. Raku hits a facebuster on Aino then Rika hip attacks Aino. Rika drops an elbow for 2 then Aino takes a double team combo from Noa and Nao.

Miu shoulders over Aino then the two shoulderblock battle. Aino knocks her over and Shoko flying dropkicks Miu. Shoko rolls her with the body scissors then hits a 619. Shoko flying forearms Miu and Miu throws Mizuki into Shoko before slamming both at the same time. Miu then giant swings both at the same time.

Nao throws Mizuki by the hair and running facekicks her. Mizuki bodyscissors rolls her and double stomps her. Misao gets in and running euros Nao then elbows her. Misao crossbodies her for 2. Kamifuku hits a stiff dropkick on Nao then octopus stretches her. Kami then hits a nice facekick. Kami suplexes her then Nao does a hammerlock flatliner.

Aino and Noa trade forearms then Noa hits dropkicks on her. Aino hits a back body drop then gutwrench suplexes her from outside to inside off the bottom rope. Mizuki dropkicks Rika through the ropes then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Rika bangs Mizuki's leg off the post then dropkicks it. Miu reverse alabama slams Rika onto Mizuki then Mizuki hits her whirling candy crossbody on Miu. Raku top rope chokes Mizuki for 2. Mizuki takes a sandwich superkick then she crossfaces Raku. Misao top rope crossbodies Rika then Shoko hurricanrana's Miu and tope con hilo's her. Raku does a neat straightjacket backslide and slingblades Mizuki. Mizuki suplexes Raku then top rope double stomps her for the win.

It was shorter match where everyone got a little in. They kept it at a fast pace and people would hit something then tag out. Not a classic or anything and it really wasn't meant to be as it was just a showcase.

Ultimo Dragon vs Negro Casas

Negro grabs his chin and gets tripped. Ultimo chinlocks him and crucifixes him. Ultimo headstands and takes him over with a twisting headscissors twice. Ultimo lets go of the headscissors and they stare down. Negro takes him down and armbars him. Ultimo then surfboards him and Negro gets out.

They leg sweep each other and stand off. Ultimo goes for the figure four and Negro blocks it. Negro pulls both arms back and is thrown over. Ultimo hits his kick combo on him then Negro lariats him in the corner. Negro goes up top and Ultimo dropkicks him to the outside. Ultimo goes for the asai moonsault but Negro pulls him off.

Negro goes up top then is superplexed. They trade chest slaps then Ultimo draogn sleepers him. Ultimo makes him pass out quickly and wins it.

I'm not going to dig into these guys too hard because they are legends, but I don't think it was their best effort and it wasn't too good.

Shigehiro Irie vs Mike Bailey

Irie shoulders him over then takes kicks. Irie forearms him on the floor then takes a flying kick. Mike running facekicks Irie then does a vader bomb style double knee for 2. Irie slams Mike and does his rebound splash. Irie buttdrops Mike for 2 then Mike 2nd rope dropkicks him for 2.  Mike hits some kicks on him then does a running ssp for 2. Irie gets on his back and Mike rolls him to the outside.

Mike facekicks him off the apron then 2nd rope moonsaults him while Irie is outside. Mike tries a moonsault double knee on the apron but Irie moves then Irie crossbodies his back as he sits on the apron and both go out. Irie cannonballs him in the corner then he trades forearms with Mike. Mike hits some kicks then takes a big lariat.

Irie 2nd rope samoan drops him for 2. Mike PK's him then does a standing moonsault double knee. Mike buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Mike hits more kicks then corkscrew kicks Irie. Mike misses an ssp double knee off the 2nd rope and is lariated for 2. Irie goes to crossbody him but gets a spanish fly then Irie cannonballs him against the 2nd rope. Irie then lariats him for 2. Irie sleeper suplexes him then elbow flurries him for the win.

The finish wasn't that great but they matched well together. Both were pretty stiff here and had a high impact, action packed match. I enjoyed this.

AAA Mega Championship - El Hijo del Vikingo vs Black Taurus vs Kommander

BT does a double crucifix driver early and lariats Vik over the top then throws Kommander on him from the gorilla press. BT then tornillo tope's both opponents. BT hits corner lariats then chokeslams Vik onto Kommander as he has him in the reverse ddt position. BT bangs their heads together then he gets pulled out and double superkicked. Vik and Kommander then dive on him at the same time. Both Kommander and Vik walk the ropes, meet up in the middle then both moonsault BT.

Vik does an inside springboard 450 then Kommander walks the top rope into an SSP on BT. Vik gets on the 2nd rope then jumps up to the third rope and back down for a hurricanrana. Kommander is caught on a 2nd rope crossbody and powerslammed into the buckles. Vik does his inverted 450 hurricanrana with Bt under him then does a corkscrew kick on BT.

Vik jumps from the post to the top rope then flips into the other top rope for a hurricanrana. Kommander then walks the top rope, flips into the ropes then goes up and down and does a springboard hurricanrana. Kommander does a toyota roll on BT and turns it into a canadian destroyer. Vik then is on Kommander's shoulders and is spun down into a backbreaker. Kommander runs the top rope then flips onto BT into a hurricanrana.

Vik does a tornillo from the top to the outside. Vik ssp's onto Kommander's knees then Kommander backbreakers him. BT backbreakers Kommander then does a pop up samoan drop. Vik does an electric chair into a german on BT. BT and Vik go up top and BT does a top rope gorilla press. Kommander then does a springboard poisonrana and takes a flying crucifix bomb from Vik. Vik then crucifix bombs BT. Bt lariats Vik hard then does a michinoku driver on the apron/ropes on Kommander. Vik goes up top, walks the rope and does a 630 onto everyone. Vikj running meteora's Bt then does a long tope into Kommander outside. Vik then 630's BT for the win. Fans threw money in the ring after.

10 on the creativity. 10 on the athleticism. 0 on the logic. 0 on the selling. This was a wild spotfest with some insane moves. That's all it was though and it resembled a gymnastics competition more than anything else.

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