Tuesday, April 4, 2023

CMLL 4/1/2023 80 Aniversario de La Arena Coliseo

 CMLL 4/1/2023 80 Aniversario de La Arena Coliseo

Minos and Mercurio vs Ultimo Dragoncito and Shockercito

You're welcome

This is only one fall.

Minos and Ultimo start us off. Ultimo takes some legsweeps and they stand off. Merc and Shocker get in. Merc lifts him up with a full nelson then has his foot stepped on. Shocker hits some armdrags then is deadlifted up from the hammerlock. Shocker does a nice spinning headscissors then poses. Minos comes in and dropkicks him then Ultimo armdrags him out. Merc comes back in and takes control then Shocker accidentally runs into a hard Merc kick to the head. Merc kicks Shocker right in the crotch with a shattered dreams but the ref doesn't care. Shocker uses Minos to hurricanrana Merc then Ultimo armdrags Minos out. Merc hits a perfect superkick to Ultimo then dances. Ultimo tilt-a-whirl armdrags Merc then poses. Shocker goes up the ropes and hurricanrana's Minos then is caught and slapped by Merc. Merc then mocks him with a strut. Shocker hits armdrags on Merc.  The faces slingshot splash the heels  then do stereo throws and monkey flips. The heels are both headscissored out then dove on. Ultimo then germans Minos to eliminate him then Shocker spinning back racks Merc to take the fall.

Mercurio was awesome heel just being a jerk and heeling it up. Maybe too awesome though as he overshadowed the faces.

Torneo Nueva Generacion - Rey Samuray vs Max Star vs Angel Rebelde vs Crixus vs Tonalli vs Multy vs Neon vs Hijo de Stuka Jr. vs Vaquero Jr. vs Brillante Jr.

Note - I may have mixed Crixus up with someone here. There's way too many people in masks that I'm not super familiar with.

They had the usual battle royale to determine who teams with who to start. Stuka and Tonalli wrestle around to start. Stuka tries some pin attempts and they butt heads and push each other. Max Star and Neon then go at it and Max armdrags him out of the wheelbarrow. Neon armdrags him then both of them stand off. Angel and Vaquero get in and Angel armdrags him a few times then hits a spinning headscissors. Vaq armdrags him and they do a stand off. Rey Samuray and Brillante are next up and they shoulder each other then both kip up. Brillante tries to flip over his back but nearly fails then flips into a spinning headscissors. Rey headscissors him and they stand off. Crixus and Multy are next up. Multy headscissors him out then does a nice tornillo to the floor only to get stomped on by his opponents.

Max and Neon go at it. Neon does this insane handspring into an armdrag that was blocked, but was so cool I gif'd it. Max then did an outside to inside rope dragonrana then tope con hilo'd him. Stuka takes a 1v2 and belly to belly's Angel into Rey. Angel armdrags Stuka then canadian destroyers him off a top rope bounce. We get a pinfall atempt that is broken up then Vaq takes a headscissors. Crixus top rope sky twister presses Vaq then tope con hilos him. Stuka does a corkscrew moonsault off the top onto Vaq and Crixus. Multy then backcrackers Rey as he hangs from the top rope. Rey germans him then Multy hits an unusual single chickenwing slam.

Multy and Max go back at it. Max does a backflip into a moonsault from the bottom rope then does a phoenix splash to eliminate him. Neon shotgun dropkicks Max out then Angel top rope tornillo armdrags Neon. Angel does a wild armdrag using the top rope that I gif'd then he corkscrew asai moonsaults Neon outside. Brillante northern lights suplexes Max then corkscrew split legged moonsaults him to eliminate him. Brillante runs up the ropes and hits a moonsault to the floor. Crixus hits a tope con hilo on two people outside then Vaq and Tonalli go at it. Tonalli standing moonsaults Crixus then deadlift suplexes him outside to inside. Crixus shotgun dropkicks Tonalli then does another stiff one in the corner. He then double leg grapevines him and submits him.

Stuka gets stomped 1v3 ten is double armdragged into the ropes and does a spinning back headscissors in the same motion. Stuka hits a hammerlock ddt for 2 on Crixus. Stuka hits the top rope Stuka splash for 2 then takes a falcon arrow from Crixus and is pinned. Stuka is eliminated.

Neon tries for a neat double armdrag that is botched then he headscissors Crixus with help from his opponent, Rey Samurai. Neon double jump hurricanrana's Crixus then fosbury flops him. Brillante and Angel do stereo topes to the outside. Angel top rope crossbodies Neon then satellite's into a backcracker for 2. Angel takes a splash mountain from Neon and is pinned. Brillante does a blind run up the ropes into a dragonrana on Rey then Rey runs up the ropes and spanish flies him. Neon springboard dropkicks Rey then Vaq superkicks Crixus.

Crixus springboard hurricanrana's Vaqthen hits a bad tope outside on him. Neon headscissors Rey then runs up the buckles and top rope moonsaults onto Rey outside. The ref got in the way of that. Neon does a silly flip sell off a basic elbow then arabian moonsaults on Crixus for 2. Crixus hits a nasty half-nelson driver on Neon to eliminate him. Vaq top rope armdrags Crixus into a bow and arrow submission to submit him. 

Rey and Vaq are the last two left then Vaq headscissors him. Rey runs up the ropes and tope con hilos Vaq. Rey F-U's Vaq for 2 then Vaq shotgun dropkicks and tope con hilo's him. Vaq hits a bad blue thunder variation for 2. Rey arabian moonsaults Vaq for 2 then asai moonsaults into a standing moonsault on Vaq for 2. Rey asai moonsaults outside but catches Vaq's feet in the face. Vaq then tope con hilos him outside. The two fight on the apron and Vaq ankle locks him then goes into an stf. Rey ropebreaks then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Vaq shotgun dropkicks him then misses a top rope swanton. Rey corkscrew moonsaults him from the top to win.

This was exactly what you would want and expect - a whole bunch of people doing dives and spots at a fast pace. Tons of big highlights here, though not a lot of realism, storytelling or logic. Vaq shouldn't have been in the final two and probably only was due to being a heel. Brillante and Max Star had good showings here.

Felino, Virus and Satanico vs Blue Panther, Atlantis and Octagon

1st fall - The combined ages here may be close to 300 years old. Virus ties up Blue on the mat then they do a stand off. Virus headscissors him and pulls on both of his arms. Virus ties up his legs then BP pulls both of his arms back. Blue rolls him up but is rolled into an armlock. Virus armdrags him and they stand off. Octagon armdrags Felino then does a few more. Atlantis armdrags Satanico and they trade chest slaps. The heels all come in and beat up the faces. The heels try to bang the faces into each other, but they fail on both attempts then Felino bangs Oct's head into Blue's gut. Virus 2nd rope elbows Blue and then Felino pins Atlantis. Satanico ties Oct's mask to the ropes and totally misses several times when he tries to punch him.

2nd fall - Octago is still tied to the top rope then Ataltis takes a 1v3. Atlantis gets out and nails Satanico then Oct knees Virus in the inner thigh. Satanaico goes into the post then Virus and Felino are submitted at the same time. The technicos win the fall.

3rd fall - Blue gets beat up 1v2 to start then Blue facebusters Felino. Blue 2nd rope hurricanrana's Virus. Oct evades a 3v1 then armdrags Felino and Virus. Felino and Atlantis compete for cheers from the crowd then Atlantis throws the heels into each other and armdrags all 3. Blue 2nd rope crossbodies Virus then the faces all grab pins and submissions at the same time to win.

Look, this was a legends match. 4 of these guys are super old and them getting in the ring period is an achievement. It wasn't good though Blue can still move some.

Templario, Averno and Volador Jr. vs Angel de Oro, Soberano Jr. and Mistico

1st fall - Averno takes down Angel then is armdragged and headscissored. The two then do a stand off. Vol has his mask on and has to take it off since he lost it. Both handpspring and flip then Mistico headscissors him. Mistico hits a pop-up hurricanrana then tilt-a-whirl armdrags Averno. Mistico topes th eheels but is caught and slammed on the ramp. Mistico gets stomped outside. Soberano is held in the air for a top rope dropkick to the crotch region from Templario. Angel is flipped into an Averno double powerbomb and the heels take the fall.

2nd fall - Temp runs up the ropes and springboard dropkicks Soberano. Mistico gets back in and is kicked then Averno tries to take his mask off. Vol and Temp then try to get it off. Vol goes for Soberano's mask then Averno throws out Mistoc. Angel gets surrounded 1v3 then takes running corner lariats. Angel then is rammed into a Volador superkick. Mistico is triple stomped then the faces do double springboard moves to the heels. Mistico then does a nice tornillo outside onto Volador. Temp takes a michinoku driver then Soberano tornillo's Averno and the faces win the fall.

3rd fall - Angel hits a nice dropkick on Temp then 2nd rope hurricanrana's Averno. Angel spinning headscissors Volador. Soberano tries to flip over Volador but falls then he hurricanrana's him. Soberano then uses the ropes to armdrag Averno. Temp has a nice venom themed mask on and flips Soberano up in the air only to get hurricanrana'd. Mistico's been calling for Volador all match and thinks he is finally getting him, but gets 2v1'd by him and Temp instead. The heels team up on Mistico then Mistico headsicssors and takes down two heels at the same time. Mistico is flipped into the ropes and armdrags both heels then runs up the ropes and does a flipping armdrag on Vol. The faces then triple tope the heels. Mistico then topes Averno again. Mistico does a toyota roll on Averno and the faces get a triple near fall. Averno 2nd rope double underhook slams Mistico. Angel then triangle asai moonsaults Averno. Volador backcrackers Angel then Mistico springboard hurricanrana's Volador as he stands on the 2nd rope. Temp throws up Mistico into a double knee gutbuster then soon after Soberano fosbury flops him outside. Vol tope con hilos Angel the Mistico hits la mistica on Averno. Volador immediately pulls his mask off to break the hold. Mistico then hits la mistica on Volador and taps him out to win the fall.

It wasn't a bad main event with the ending being fun with Mistico having his mask taken off. It wasn't the best work ever from these guys, but it was fine.

Overall thoughts: I skipped the women's match, but it was an enjoyable show. Not an all-time classic, but the torneo was what you would would expect, the main event was okay, Mercurio was very good in the opener and the legends did what they could.

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