Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 3/26/2023 Sunny Voyage 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 3/26/2023 Sunny Voyage 2023

Yasutaka Yano vs Taishi Ozawa

Ozawa is rolled from the waistlock then he rolls out of an armlock.  They hammerlock each other and Yano knees him in the back. Yano works the arm then hammerlock takedowns him. Yano pulls on his arm then elbows the arm. Yano hits some armdrags then Ozawa hits a hiptoss. Ozawa hits a nice dropkick then back body drops Yano for 2. Yano 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him for 2 then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Yano hits a big sunset flip and wins it.

Just a typical young lions match. Not much to speak of here. Ozawa is kind of on the taller side and seems decent looking, so he may have a future in Noah.

Akitoshi Saito & Kinya Okada vs. Daiki Inaba & Masa Kitamiya

Saito and Masa trade forearms to start then Masa shoulders him, but misses the senton. Saito shoulders him over and they stand off. Inaba takes Okada down then Okada shoulders him over. Okada hiptosses him then hammerlocks him. Inaba gets some offense in then chinlocks him.

Masa back elbows and sentons Okada for 2. Inaba stomps on Okada's knee. Okada dropkicks Inaba. Saito gets in and lariats Inaba. Saito delay suplexes him. Inaba enzugiri's him then cannonballs him in the corner. Inaba flying shoulders him then suplexes him. Saito uranage's him then is STO'd.

Masa gets in and shoulders Okada over then Okada backbreakers him. Masa hits a corner lariat then is suplexed. Okada atomic drops him and hits a nice gutwrench suplex. Okada takes a back body drop then Masa samoan drops him for 2. Masa then saito suplexes him and wins it.

This was very dull and boring until the last two minutes or two. Inaba did a bunch of legwork that went nowhere and this was just not a very inspired effort.

 Extreme Tiger & Super Crazy vs. Alejandro & Ninja Mack

Crazy armdrags Mack then greco roman knuckle locks him. Mack armdrags out of it then Mack does a wild flip out of an armdrag attempt. Mack starts doing flips, cartwheels and handsprings to avoid Crazy then gets dizzy. Mack armdrags him a few times and Crazy begs off.

Ale and Tiger go at it. Tiger tapes an armdrag then Ale does it out of the casadora. Ale springboard armdrags him then Tiger uranage's him off of his knee. Tiger then 2nd buckle moonsaults him. Tiger sliding kicks him then Crazy mexican surfboards Ale. Crazy does a bad corkscrew elbow then Ale 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Mack gets a hot tag in and hits superkicks both opponents. Mack handspring kicks both opponents then backflips into a Crazy german.

Tiger running kicks Mack then does an indian deathlock with a hammerlock and armlock. Mack is catapulted into the buckles. Both teams try not to hit their partners then Ale and Mack dropkicks their opponents out and do tope con hilo's together. Mack comes off the top with a phoenix 630 and wins it.

The crowd couldn't cheer which brought it down and for a bunch of highflyers, there wasn't a ton of flying here. They needed more time as well.

Saxon Huxley vs Mohammed Yone


Sax hits some clubs to the back early then headbutts him. Sax bangs his own head off the buckle then shoulders Yone over. Yone is thrown out and knee each other on the floor. Yone is thrown into the rails then into the post. Sax splashes him in the corner then running hip attacks him. Yone hangs over the bottom rope and Sax running facekicks him. Sax top rope lariats him for 2. Yone hits forearms then running lariats him. Yone goes for another and gets Thesz pressed. Sax then hits a sky high and wins it.

They only had 5 minutes here in front of a crowd that can't cheer and with Yone, who didn't look super inspired. Sax had his work cut out here for him.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Title - AMAKUSA (c) vs Lanzeloth

Lanz hiptosses him but Ama lands on his feet. Lanz lands on his feet on a snapmare then cartwheels out of a headscissors. They dropkick each other at the same time then do a stand off. Lanz rolls and flips over him then walks up the buckles and does an armdrag with the other arm. Lanz then tornillos him on the outside. Lanz running ssp's him for 2 then does a double underhook backbreaker. Lanz racks him on his back then hits Ama's head off the under portion of the turnbuckles.

Ama back rolls out of a lariat then hurricanrana's him. Ama then does a slingshot hurricanrana to the outside. Ama tornillo's him from the top for 2. Ama hits a top rope frankensteiner then superkicks him as he is on his knees. Ama head and armscissors him and Lanz hits the ropes. Ama goes up top and is pushed off into the rails then Lanz top rope moonsaults him outside. Lanz tries to ome come off the top rope with a cutter and misses then hits a spinning blue thunder.

Ama's pin attempt is reversed then Ama legsweeps and superkicks him. Ama does an insane corkscrew tope through the ropes into the front row then rolls into an enzugiri. Lanz hits a to prope spanish fly then rolls him up for 2. Lanz does another roll up and codebreakers him. Lanz tries some double chicken wing move that was either botched or just looked like garbage. Lanz drops him from up top then misses a top rope moonsault. Ama springboard canadian destroyers him then hits a leg clutch german for 2. Ama top rope spiral taps him and wins it.

The first half was fine but they got stupid in the 2nd half with no selling canadian destroyers and spanish flies and just doing too much. Lanzelot also just seems to kind of pause at random times which hurts what he tries to do.

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Kaito Kiyomiya & Yoshiki Inamura vs. GLG (Anthony Greene, Jack Morris & Jake Lee)

Doc makes it seem like he will start off with Jack but leaves and tages out. Lee's team attacks their opponents and everyone goes outside. Kaito has his head banged off the apron then is put in a sleeper. Doc has his back pushed into the apron. Ina takes a 1v2 then is tripped into an elbow drop by Greene. Ina hits elbows on Greene's neck then Greene 2nd rope dropkicks Ina. Ina slams Greene then Kaito hits forearms on Greene.

Jake and Kaito go at it then Jake shoulders him over. Kaito euros him for 2. Ina gets in and hits Jake with elbows to the back of the neck then headlocks him.  Ina takes a low backbreaker then Jake's team knocks their opponents to the outside. Jake stomps on Ina then knocks Kaito off the apron. Ina hits everyone with back elbows then takes a facekick and a backdrop. Jake crabs him and Ina hits the ropes. Ina delay suplexes him.

Kaito gets in and hits a dropkick on Jake then 2nd rope twisting forearms him. Kaito kips up then takes a stun gun. Greene does a twisting top rope crossbody then Kaito flying lariats him. Ina gets in and hits a big splash for 2 on Greene. Greene tries to slam him but falls under Ina's weight. Ina slams Greene then Greene finally slams Ina. Doc gets in and lariats Jack then they trade chops and chest slaps. Jack takes a forearm to the back of the neck then spinebusters him.

Doc runs into a boot in the corner then spinning torture rack's Jack. Jack rolls him up then takes a step up enzugiri. Doc does an electric chair into a sitout powerbomb then they trade a jumping knee for an enzugiri. Jack falcon arrows Doc for 2 then Doc rolls him up for 2. Jack flying knees him. Jack tries for a code red and needs help from Greene to get him over. Green tope's someone on the outside then Kaito and Jake trade jumping knees. Jack flying knees Doc for 2. Jack double underhook powerbombs Doc and wins it.

This was an extremely lazy main event. They did virtually nothing until the 17 minute mark or so. There was just no effort whatsoever from anyone. Seriously, the Doctor Wagner powerbomb was probably the biggest spot in this one. That's how weak it was.

Overall thoughts: I skipped two matches and wasn't much of a fan of this. The crowd couldn't cheer and brought down everything and the wrestlers were just not trying their best.

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