Saturday, April 22, 2023

Oriental Wrestling Entertainment 1/13/2019 Oriental Wrestling Phase 7

Oriental Wrestling Entertainment 1/13/2019 Oriental Wrestling Phase 7 

I'll try to work on gifs and some pictures later for everyone to make this easier.

This is OWE from China. They were the first major attempt at wrestling in China and like a lot of good things, went out of business during the pandemic. It's a real shame as Cima did a good job training these guys and they were set to start touring the world before everything broke down.

The Real Money Brothers were eating with Xiong Zhiyu. They challenged him to an eating contest and said the loser pays $10 USD. Clutch gets beaten and Sugar Brown said he needs to pay $300 USD. They then beat up Zhiyu

The Real Money Brothers (Clutch Kucera and Sugar Brown) vs Xiong Zhiyu and Wulijimuren

The RMB's grab the ref and say they make all the money in OWE. They said they make more money when they win matches and said if the ref does a good job tonight and when the RMB's win, the ref gets more money too. The RMB's tell Zhiyu they want their money. Wuli gets on the mic and holds up the RMB's money then throws it into the crowd. The RMB's are upset about it and he shows them his fist.

They pair off and fight in the ring. Zhiyu and Clutch fight outside and Wuli lariats Sugar Brown over the top. Wuli tries to hype up Zhiyu by giving him food while Sugar puts money in Clutch's face to pump him up. Clutch and Zhiyu shoulder battle and Zhiyu shoulders him over. Zhiyu and Wuli bump bellies then Zhiyu and Wuli slam Sugar. Wuli tries to slam Clutch but falls over during it and the RMB's pound on Zhiyu. Zhiyu takes a flying forearm from Sugar. Sugar slams Zhiyu andstuffs money in his mouth. Clutch elbow drops Zhiyu for 2. Zhiyu is beaten up in the corner then takes headbutts to the neck area. Zhiyu battering rams him in the gut and both teams tag out.

Wuli hits a punch flurry on Clutch then hip attacks him. Wuli then gets in front of him and bangs his butt right into his face for 2. Wuli handspring hip attacks in the corner but is caught then is snapmared into a kick. Wuli rolls out and is nearly counted out then he rolls up Clutch for 2. Clutch running back elbows him then hits a side slam. He puts money in Wuli's mouth then Sugar 2nd rope elbows Wuli for 2. Sugar running back elbows Wuli for 2 then Wuli takes a gut shot into a splash. The RMB's throw Wuli out while the ref is distracted and pound on him. Wuli then gets his back put into the apron.

Wuli tries to make the tag but is totally thrown on a northern lights suplex. Sugar slams Wuli then misses a 2nd rope elbow. Zhiyu his headbutts to Clutch's gut then back body drops him. He hits a senton for 2. Zhiyu avoids a 2v1 then Wuli hits his cartwheel hip attacks in the corner. Zhiyu sitout spinebusters Sugar then Wul gets on Zhiyu's back and they double splash Clutch for the win.

This went too long. It wasn't bad but this could have been half the time and we wouldn't have missed much. The RMB's put money in their opponents mouths here and Wuli's comeback at the end was okay.

The RMB's beat up the ref after and hit a black hole slam on him.

Zhao Yilong the Buddhist monk is meditating in the back and Wang Jin is working on his flips. He interrupts him and is not pleased with his meditating. Wang ends up walking away from him.

Zhao Yilong and Wang Jin vs Latigo and Tiago

They talk on the mic before the match as they seem to do in every match here. I have no idea who Tiago is.

Wang and Tiago start us off. Tiago armlocks him and bites his hand then Tiago does a nice flip and lands it to get out. Tiago ties his legs up for a pin attempt then they both try pins on each other. Wang leapfrogs him but is pulled down then Tiago surfboards him. The two then headflip, stand off and tag out.

Zhao and Latigo go at it. Zhao armdrags him and then spinning headscissors him. Zhao hits a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Tiago then dropkicks Zhao and does Low-Ki's reverse shining wizard. Tiago basement dropkicks Zhao hard for 2. Wang and Tiago trade chest slaps then Wang enzugiri's him. Tiago jumping knees him then is hiptossed into the ropes and tries an armdrag but Wang gets out of it. Wang then headscissors him and is tripped by Latigo then dropkicked.

Latigo dropkicks Wang. Wang takes a corner splash then  Zhao gets in. Zhao snapmares Latigo then then Wang hits a great handspring backflip elbow on Tiago. Wang slingshot split legged moonsaults on Tiago for 2. Latigo slingshot ddt's Wang for 2 then Zhao flipping sentons onto Latigo. Tiago superkicks Zhao then meteoras him.

Zhao and Tiago trade chest slaps then Zhao does a flying space tiger to the outside on Latigo. Wang hits a springboard drop then runs up the buckles and does a 180 flip onto Latigo. Tiago top rope crossbodies Zhao then Zhao flying headbutts him in the gut for 2. Tiago then does a slingshot outside to inside 2nd rope into a canadian destroyer to win it.

This was a fun high flying match. The Chinese guys did real well here and looked good. Lots of flying to be had in this one. Wang's stuff looked good.

Fan Hewei and Fan Qiuyang are in the back. They seem to be scheming then beat up on Torito Negro They then beat up on his partner, Zhao Junjie.

Fan Hewei and Fan Qiuyang vs Torito Negro and Zhao Junjie

Zhao loses his weapon while twirling it during his entrance. Negro rolls up Qiuyang early then Qiuyang shoulders Negro over. Zhao and Hewei get in there. Hewei kicks him and they hit shoulderblocks. Zhao is dropkicked in the knee then shoulders over Hewei then Negro is on the 2nd rope and tornillo's Hewei.

Negro hits corner spears and tries for a hurricanrana, but is caught and dropkicked by Qiuyang. Qiuyang dropkicks Negro while he's down then slams him. Hewei hits a nice spin kick on Negro then Nengro handspring double back elbows his opponents.

Zhao gets the hot tag in, hits a slam then Negro springboard swanton's Qiuyang. Zhao and Qiuyang trade forearms then Zhao does a nice strike combo. Negro springboard armdrags Hewei then hurricanrana's him. Negro then comes off the 2nd rope from the inside and hits an insane corkscrew to the outside. Negro hits a sitout double underhook on Hewei then runs up the ropes and hurricanrana's him.

Qiuyang hits a dominator on Negro then Hewei corkscrew kicks him. Zhao butterfly suplexes Qiuyang for 2 then pop-up uppercuts Hewei. He then hits a stiff lariat on Hewei for 2. Zhao hits a swinging slam on Hewei and wins it.

Nothing wrong with this at all. The heels and faces played their roles well and Negro's dive on the outside was sick.

A-Ben vs T-Hawk

T teases a clean break then chops him and the two trade chest slaps. T misses a lariat and is shouldered over. Ben slams him and drops an elbow for 2. Ben goes for a hurricanrana but takes a sky high out of it. T hits a chop and punch combo in the corner then does it again as the crowd chants, "one more time".

Ben hits chest slaps on T then running kicks him. Ben chops him in the corner and slams him. Ben then 2nd rope elbows him for 2. Ben goes for a powerbomb but T plops down on him and hits punches. Ben sits on the top rope and is chopped down to the apron. T 2nd rope superplexes him. T pop-up knees Ben then does a sitout reverse slam for 2.

Ben flying shoulders him then hits a falcon arrow for 2. Ben then top rope elbows him and wins it.

It wasn't anything too special but it was short and T is much better in these kinds of matches. This one had a fast pace to it and they hit some hard chops/chest slaps.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad show but if you don't speak Chinese or you haven't seen any of these guys before, it's real tough. I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to see it but I ended up liking it more than I thought I would and the wrestlers were better than they should have been for their experience level.

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