Saturday, April 22, 2023

Game Changer Wrestling 4/21/2023 Into the Light

Game Changer Wrestling 4/21/2023 Into the Light

I'd review more here, but not doing intergender matches is something GCW struggles with.

Here's what I saw here:

Jimmy Lloyd, Mr Danger, Terry Yaki & Yoya vs. Bobby Flaco, Caleb Konley, Donnie Primetime & Hunter Drake

Lloyd shoulders Drake over then is dropkicked. Lloyd reverse slams him then Donnie rolling snapmares him into a bad kick. Donnie hits a bad step kick and Danger dropkicks him. Donnie is hung on the top rope and Danger top rope corkscrews on him. Danger high kicks Konley then takes a palm strike and a release blue thunder.

Terry botches something and dropkicks Konley. Terry then ddt's him through the dopes and does a spinning falcon arrow for 2. Terry enzugiri's Flaco then Flaco hits his unusual AO driver. Flaco F-U's him for 2. Yoya armdrags and legsweeps Flaco then is slammed down. Yoya lariats him to the back of the head  an does a baseball slide into a botched spinning headscissors on the floor.

Yoya gets Flaco's mini motor bike then Flaco rides it around the ring and kicks people while riding it. Yoya then hits a dive on the outside and Donnie walks up the ropes and crossbodies people on the floor. Konley gorilla presses Terry onto people outside. Konley is dropkicked off the top onto people outside then Danger tope con hilos a bunch of people.

The wrestlers go up into the stands.They try to boos Hunter Drake up onto something and they mess it up then Hunter does a double spanish fly from the top of an entrance onto people. Donnie goes for a spear in the corner on Yoya then is double stomped and brainbustered after. Yoya gets stuck up top then Kaleb hits a 2nd rope crade shock. Hunter hits a 450 from the top then Konley takes a Lloyd package piledriver.

Flaco tornado ddt's Lloyd but gets on top and takes a ddt from Terry. Mr. Danger does something off the top to lead to the win, but the camera's missed it.

It was your typical indy spotfest. Lots of botched and sloppy moves here and some dives.

Parrow came out after and beat up everyone.

Mike Bailey vs Alex Zayne

Mike armdrags him then hits a bunch of kicks and an enzugiri.  They trade chops outside and Mike is put into the post outside. Mike pump kicks him outside then does a top rope dropkick on the inside. Zayne puts his leg over the middle rope then kicks the rope into his crotch. Zayne then flips over the ref to do a tope con hilo on Mike.

Zayne backdrops him on the apron then throws him into the fence next to the stage. They trade forearms then Zayne hits a flipping legdrop over the back of Mike's neck. Mike enzugiri's him then hits kicks. Mike then running SSP's him for 2. Mike buzzsaw kicks him then hits a high kick. Zayne ducks a superkick then takes a superkick. Zayne spinning lariats him.

Zayne pump kicks Mike then is hurricanrana'd. Mike triangle moonsaults him on the outside and misses his moonsault double knee on the apron. Zayne powerbombs him then hits hia baja blast forward rolling sideslam. Zayne snap suplexes him. Mike is up top and Zayne pushes the ref into the ropes to crotch him. Zayne then uses the ref to hurricanrana Mike while Mike sits on the top. Mike spanish flies him as Zayne runs at him.

Mike hits a PK and a moonsault double knee. Mike corkscrew kicks him in the corner then high kicks an superkicks him. Mike 2nd rope moonsault double knees Zayne's back and wins it.

I didn't like this at all. It took a long time to get going and it went too long. The spots with the ref didn't really add anything and the crowd was either too quiet or mic'd poorly. 

The East West Express (Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne) (c) vs. The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

Oliver does an abdominal stretch to Henry then Henry armlocks him. Oliver headflips out of an armlock. Nick is overpowered by JD then Nick hits kicks. JD drops Nick with a chop twice then JD takes a kick combo from Oliver and Nick. JD chops Oliver down and sends him hard into the buckles. Henry hits kicks on Oliver then Henry takes kicks into a double hiptoss and kick. Oliver then powerbombs his partner onto Henry. Oliver and Nick then hit stereo plancha's.

Oliver and Nick try topes outside and get caught. JD then throws Oliver into the bottom rope and lariats him outside. Henry top rope double stomps Oliver. Henry hits kicks to the back of Nick then JD belly to belly suplexes Oliver.

The Workhorsemen are in control and JD slingshot sentons Oliver. JD throws up Oliver into a Henry powerbomb. Oliver gets out of a powerbomb with a headlock takeover and a headscissors then Oliver lariats JD. Oliver hits a dropkick on Henry.

Nick gets in and clears off the heels. Nick cutters JD then hits a code red. Nick standing spanish flies Henry. Nick and Oliver do a double team sitout hiptoss then Nick takes a sitout reverse slam. JD shining wizards Nick for 2. The faces hit a stereo corkscrew asai moonsault and a tope con hilo. Henry is cuttered into a german then takes a fisherman's suplex for 2. Nick and Oliver blind dive off the 2nd rope and are caught with a double backdrop. JD spinebusters Nick then catapults him into a superkick. Henry then top rope double stomps Nick as he is on JD's knees.

JD misses a top rope moonsault then Nick hits a 2nd rope cutter. Nick and Oliver do stereo 2nd rope cutters and finally win it.

The idea was there and they tried. Nick and Oliver are still green but kind of got what they were supposed to do here and the heels were solid heels. It went longer than it needed to and they did more than they needed to, but the general framework for it made sense.

Komander vs El Hijo de Vikingo

Komander does some stupid armlock and Komander flips over his back. They trade armdrags and Komander tope con hilos him. Komander springboard splashes Vik then gets on his back and does a neat abdominal stretch variation. Vik spin kicks Komander in the head then jumps between the ropes into an armdrag. Vik spinning headscissors him then hits a fosbury flop outside. Vik then hits a springboard frogsplash for 2.

Vik does a top rope double stomp for 2. Komander shotgun dropkicks him then does a top rpe ssp for 2. Vik is on the apron and Komander top rope dropkicks him. Komander then double jump corkscrew dives him. Komander goes up top and Vik hits a top rope spanish fly for 2. Komander sitout powerbombs him.

Vik gets on the 2nd rope then jumps to the other 2nd rope and does a blind poisonrana. Vik corkscrew kicks him then jumps off the stage rails with an SSP. Komander poisonrana's him. They hold hands and hit forearms and kicks then they high kick each other at the same time and hold each other up. They then lariat each other at the same time. Komander does a Toyota roll into a canadian destroyer then walks the top rope into an SSP that Vik blocks. Vik meteora's him in the corner then hits a 630 for the win.

This wasn't as bad as their other matches as they did a lot less. They still really did nothing but spots and the crowd didn't react to anything else.

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