Thursday, April 27, 2023

MLW Underground 4/26/2023 - Battle Riot V

MLW Underground 4/26/2023 - Battle Riot V

This is a one match show:

Battle Riot V

Alex Kane and Willie Mack start us off. Mack leg lariats him then flying kicks him. Kane takes a hiptoss and Jesus Rodriguez comes in, who used to be Alberto Del Rio's manager. He's wrestling in a tuxedo and holds Mack for a Kane splash. Lince Dorado is next in and he top rope crossbodies RR. He then hits a springboard amrdrag, headscissors and a dropkick.  Lince is thrown over the top but skins the cat.

Kane germans Mack then Calvin Tankman is next in. Tank hits shots on Kane and backdrops him. Tank suplexes RR then Lance Anoa'i comes in. Lance is not skinny anymore and he superkicks everyone. Microman gets in and crawls under everyone's legs to headbutt RR in the crotch. Los Azteca 33 comes in and stomps on Micro. Tank pounds on Lince then Juicy Finau is next in. He has a shopping cart full of plunder. Kane germans Lance then lariats him over the top.

Tank and Juicy stare down. Tank hits a cookie sheet off of him and it does nothing then Juicy breaks a whiteboard over his head. Juicy headbutts Tank and The Beastman is next in. He corner lariats RR and botches a butt drop on RR. Beast crossbodies Tank then Little Guido comes in. Guido goes face to face with Micro who is on the top. Guide tries to superplex him but is caught on Tank's shoulders. Lince picks up Micro and hits Guido with his feet. Beast stares down Micro and Lince has to protect Micro.

Sam Adonis gets in. He talks the top rope and hits a double blockbuster on RR and Kane. Beast hits a big lariat on Sam. Beast, Tank and Juicy all stare down then Micro comes in. He stares them all down and bites Beast in the leg. He hits Beast in the crotch with a kendo stick and Beast is thrown on the apron. Micro then baseball slides him and knocks him off.

Mance Warner is next in with a 2x4 and he starts nailing people. He pins Ricardo with a 2x4 shot. We go to break and Sam Adonis and Mance Warner have eliminated each other. Kane also submitted Microman. Mr. Thomas, TJ Crawford, Jimmy Lloyd and Ken Broadway entered during the break. Ken hits superkicks then Lloyd superkicks him.

A whole bunch of people from Raven's group come in at once. Akira sits on TJ Crawford's back and yanks his arms to eliminate him. Lloyd takes a ddt then Raven picks lloyd. Lince is thrown over the top and Delirious eliminates Mr. Thomas, who I think was one of the Devastation Corporation.

We go to break again and Los Azteca 39, gets in and is eliminated in the quickest elimination they have had. Jacob Fatu comes out and cleans house. Dr. Cornwallis and Delirious are eliminated by him, then he throws out a bunch of masked guys. Akira and Juicy are eliminated.

Ricky Shane Page suplexes Fatu over the top and goes with him, eliminating both. Kim Chee, yes that Kim Chee, comes out and is suplexed by Kane. Kane then grounded chokes him and eliminates him. Midas Black comes in off the top rope and is caught, suplexed and eliminated. Taya Valkyrie comes in for some reason. She hits shots on Kane then Kane fisherman suplexes her and eliminates her.

Jay Lyon, Midas Black's partner comes in. He hits forearms and chops on Kane then takes a sitff suplex on his neck. Kane then puts him in the tazzmission and eliminates him. Ray Jaz of the FBI comes in and hits a great dropkick on Kane. Ray rolls him and backdrops him then comes off top and takes a belly to belly. Kane then grounded dragon sleepers him and eliminates him.

Lio Rush comes in and cutters Kane by bouncing off the bottom rope. Kane release suplexes Lio then Tracy Williams comes in. Tracy is making his debut here and double arm ddt's Lio on the top rope. Tracy spinning forearms Kane then Rush spears Tracy. O'Shay Edwards comes in and he and Kane pound on Tracy. Shay spinebusters Tracy  and Duke "The Dumpster" Droese of WWF fame comes in. Duke has a trash can with him, of course, and stares down Shay. Duke hits punches then hits him with a trash can. Shay goes down then Kane trips Duke and ankle locks him. The feed goes out and Rickey Shane Page is in again somehow. Kane keeps ankle locking Duke and we see that Duke has a fake leg.

Fatu intercepts Page and they fight to the back. Matthew Justice missed his entrance and was eliminated and 1 Called Manders came in. John Hennigan then enters. John hits a springboard kick then spinesbuters Tracy. Davey Boy Smith Jr. comes out.  John running knees Manders as he hangs from the ropes then John double stomps him from the apron and eliminates him - John went through the middle rope, so he is still in it.

Tracy Williams gets eliminated then Shigehiro Irie comes in. Gene Snisky of WWE fame comes in with a braided beard. Gene hits a big lariat on Kane then chokeslams Lio. Lio does a great sell for it by doing a headstand. Gene corner lariats John. We go to break and return to seeing O'Shay, Gene and Lio being eliminated.

We are down to Irie, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Alex Kane and John Hennigan. John enzugiri's Kane then Kane chokes him as he's on the apron. John is choked out and eliminated. Irie cannonballs Davey on the ropes then Davey lariats him. Davey then throws Irie over the top. The final two are Alex Kane and Davey Boy Smith Jr. They trade forearms. Davey hits a knee to the gut and a german, then Kane germans him.

Kane germans him again then grounded chokes him. Kane turns it into a tazzmission and Kane taps out Davey Boy Smith Jr. to win Battle Riot V.

I liked this one. They had a bunch of heavyweights here. They kept the action moving and had some fun surprises which also kept things interesting. The gang warfare part was different and it ended up being a very good battle royal. This was easily one of the better ones I had seen and that's impressive since this went over 40 minutes.

Overall thoughts: They only had one match here, but it was a lot of fun and a great example of how to do a battle royale correctly. I definitely recommend this one.

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