Wednesday, April 26, 2023

AEW Dynamite 4/26/2023

AEW Dynamite 4/26/2023

Last week's show is here: 

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Bandido

OC goofs around early. They leg sweep each other and then do a stand off. OC puts Bandido's hands in his pockets then satelittle headscissors him and puts his hands in his pockets. OC hurricanrana's Bandido with his hands in his pockets. Bandido drops him on the rails then Bandido does a stretch muffler with the arm locked as well.

Bandido dropkicks OC then tope con hilos him. We go to PiP break and return. Bandido goes for a delayed suplex but OC gets out. Bandido suplexes him then OC goofs off. Bandido pump kicks him then has his head banged off the buckles. OC michinoku drivers Bandido for 2. OC topes Bandido into the rails then Bandido enzugiri's OC. Bandido one arm superplexes OC then pops him up into a cutter for 2.

OC comes off the top and is caught and one arm gorilla press slammed. Bandido then top rope frog splashes OC for 2. They roll each other up then Bandindo pops him up and gets punched. OC then hits a beach break and wins it.

As usual, I hated this. This is a big title match with big stakes and OC is goofing off. To make things worse, Bandido lost in his return here. They also did too much here and it went too long.

OC gives Bandido sunglasses after and hugs him. 

Renee interviews Adam Cole. The audio is messed up and we can't hear anything for a second. Cole said he's going to call out Jericho and says he will show him the mistake he made. He said he's going to find Jericho if he doesn't come out.

OC and Bandido then walks in and Renee said she doesn't want to interview them. They both just "oh" and leave.

Jeff Jarrett vs Dax Harwood

JJ armdrags him and poses. Dax headlock takeovers him and gets headscissored. JJ walks over his back then armdrags and hiptosses him. JJ hits a slam then Dax hits chops and bangs JJ's head off the buckles. Dax snap suplexes him and legdrops him for 2. We go to PIP break and return. They trade punches and Dax hits a top rope headbutt for 2. Dax fakes a punch and hits a piledriver for 2. They go outside and JJ is put into the barricades. Dax misses a top rope dropkick then is catapulted into the post. JJ rolls him up for 2. Dax lariats him and Sonjay Dutt comes out to cheat. He grabs Dax's legs then runs from him then JJ hits a stroke on Dax for the win.

JJ getting the win here was a surprise. This went on too long for me.

Tony Khan's big announcement was about the return of the Owen Hart tournament, which was disappointing. They said we'll have some matches at Forbidden Door for it and matches will take place in Canada. I was hoping for AEW Collision to be announced and/or an explanation for Elevation being cancelled.

Wardlow vs Jobber

Wardlow headbutts him in the chest then hitts a big windup lariat then hit powerbombs to win in a very quick squash.

Arn Anderson got on the mic after.

Arn talked about the NFL draft tomorrow and said you pick a player and form a dynasty in it. Arn said Warlow is AEW's dynasty and said he can take AEW into the next millenium. Arn said Wardlow will sometimes have to pull an eye out, bite a thumb off or hit someone with a chair. Christian's music then hit and he came down with Luchasaurus but didn't enter the ring.

Sammy Guevara was interviewed hten MJF came in and kissed him on the forehead. Sammy did the same thing then they had a gay segment where he said people were wrong about them and they deserved this. They argue about who is paying who and said they don't care in regards to what people say. Sammy said he got a fat check and said he will kick Darby's butt. Sammy said he has got MJF a present and gives him a Sammy Guevara style vest. MJF then gives Sammy his own scarf. MJF said friends don't shake hands then they hugged and kissed each other in a very gay segment.

RJ City was talking then thankfully Jon Moxley ambushed him. He, CC and Yuta said they have scars to leave tonight.

Pillars Tournament 2nd Round - Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara

Sammy backflips out of an armlock then Darby springboard armdrags him. Sammy hits a dropkick off a backflip. MJF is eating pickles at the commentary booth, with a custom jar that he says will go on sale soon. Sammy hits the ropes on a submission then knees him in the back and sends him out. Sammy low blows him from the apron then asai moonsaults him.

We go to PiP break and return. Darby tries to tope Sammy but takes a cutter on the floor. Darby is pushed into the rails then Sammy is laid on a table. Darby goes up top and Tay Melo interrupts Darby. Sammy hits a top rope spanish fly then does a 630 off the top through a table.

Darby immediately recovers and hits a shotgun dropkick. Tay gets on the apron and MJF throws Darby a skateboard. Sammy sells it like he got hit and the ref dq's Darby. MJF then nails Darby and Darby is beaten up by both. Jungle Boy comes out to make the save. JB tries to help him up and Darby slaps his hand away. MJF gets on the mic and tells them to beat each other up. MJf tells JB to grab a banana and shove it where the sun doesn't shine and tells Darby to cut himself to My Chemical Romance. He said both of them suck, as do the fans. Tony Schiavone then gets on the mic and calls MJF a prick. Tony said Darby and JB will fight MJF and Sammy in a tag match, but if Darby and JB win, the title match at the PPV will be a Pillars Four Way match.

I hated this match. Sammy's 630 was a huge spot and it meant diddly here. They also did a top rope spanish fly and a cutter on the floor that meant nothing.

I liked how they set up the possible Pillars match, but it would have been better if they just threw JB and Darby in it since both got cheated.

MJF and Sammy are yelling in the back. MJF said Tony Khan has been playing games since MJF won the belt. MJF said where he goes, the belt follows. MJF tries to leave with MJF and MJF tells him the car is full. MJF then jets off.

Adam Cole comes out and says he will hurt Chris Jericho bad. He tells him to come to the ring so he can beat him within an inch of his life. Jericho gets on the tron and says he doesn't want to get anywhere near him and said he is a coward for letting his wife get beat up. He said his JAS crew would love to get in the ring with him tonight and they jump him 1v4. Orange Cassidy and Bandido make the save. Roderick Strong then comes out and helps, fresh out of NXT. Strong hits backbreakers. Cole and Strong then hug.

We go to QTV. QTV says it has been a rough week after being attacked. Hobbs comes up to QTV and shoves him against the wall. Hobbs said it was going well before QT got involved. QT said he will make him a champ again and said his word is his bond. QT then says let's go to Plan B.

Taya Valkyrie vs Jade Cargill

Taya hits a slap and they hit each other at the same time. Taya lariats her then hits mounted punches. Jade goes over the top and tries to skin the cat but is superkicked. Taya has her legs swept and lands in a split. Jade then pulls her down and she lands on the floor.

We go to break and return. Jade misses a pump kick then takes a kick and a knee. Taya hits a blue thunder then takes a superplex. Jade hits a canadian destoryer for 2. Taya goes for a jade end but Jade gets out, pins her and holds the tights for the win. Taya pushes Jade's friends after and then picks up the ref but is stopped.

As usual with AEW wrestlers, Taya lost her first big match here. It wasn't that great or anything and where this Jade streak ends remains to be seen.

Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter do a promo. Britt has a black eye and Jamie's arm is in a sling. Jamie rips Toni, saying she couldn't injure them with their hands, but with weapons. She said this is far from over and they declared war.

Bullet Club and Starks/Spears talk about each other. They set up a match and Juice says they will kick their opponents in the balls. 

Konosuke Takeshita and Kenny Omega vs The Butcher and The Blade

Why is this in the main? Blade hits chops on KT then takes a forearm. KT leg lariats him. Kenny hits a forward Finlay roll into a 2nd rope moonsault then KT 2nd rope sentons Blade for 2. Omega hurricanrana's Blade and Kip trips Omega. Butcher then crossbodies Kenny and Kip seated moonsaults Kenny on the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Kenny hits an over the back legdrop in the neck then KT hits a top rope crossbody on Butcher. KT hits a flying clothesline then brainbusters Butcher for 2. KT takes offense from B&B that ends in a lariat. KT hurricanrana's Butcher off a powerbomb attempt then Butcher takes a blue thunder for 2. Omega snap dragon suplexes Blade then tope con hilos him and Kip. KT pumping knees B&B and wins it.

The result was never really in doubt here. It was fine for what it was, but certainly was not main event material.

Bryan Danielson gets on the mic after and said he sees one pro wrestler and one amateur whose best days are behind him. The BCC jumps Omega and KT. Bryan gets a screwdriver  and The Young Bucks come out to make a save. Kenny dragon suplexes Mox then the Bucks superkick Mox. The BCC comes back and Mox ddt's Kenny. The BCC holds up KT's arms and tries to invite him into the BCC. Yuta then low blows KT and Mox starts stabbing KT with the screw driver. KT bleeds and that ends the show.

Overall thoughts: We had a very weak card here and I didn't think it was a good one. The main was really the only thing I liked, and that had Kenny in it, so you know it must have been bad.

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