Friday, March 10, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/10/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/10/2023

Last week's show is here:

Indi Hartwell vs Jakara Jackson


I have very little expectations for this one.

They lock up and JJ takes an armdrag. Indi armdrags her again and JJ uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock. Indi shoulders her over for 2 and arm throws her. JJ pulls her head backwards and bangs it on the mat then slams her. Indi is whipped into the corner but rolls her up out of it then JJ kneels on her lower back and chinlocks her.

Indi hit some shots then running facekicked her from the side over the middle rope. Indi spinebusters her and wins it.

This was nothing special at all as expected. Indi is not the girl that someone like JJ should be in there with.

Odyssey Jones is interviewed. He said life is all about the journey. He says if Wes Lee keeps throwing up opportunities, he'll be there every time. OJ says he likes his chances against Von Wagner tonight. He says he's not focused and says if your head isn't in the game against OJ, it's light work.

Quincy Elliot vs SCRPYTS

No mopad for Quincy, but he has purple velvet sunglasses and make-ip.

Scrypts has a new mask and evades Quuincy early with a kip down. Quincy backs up into him and tries to kiss him. Quincy hits a big hiptoss and does some odd sliding headbutt or something.

Scrypts comes back with a kick and a nice froggy crossbody from the top. Scrypts hits a flipping legdrop on the back of his neck for 2. Scrypts does a twisting crossbody but is caught then takes a mean shoulderblock. Quincy does a running euro that hits Scrypts hard then  just bullies him around. Quincy hits him with his manboobs in the corner and gets flung off then Scrypts hits a flipping la silla off the top to win it.

This wasn't good at all and they had Quincy doing full on exotico stuff here with little else. This really could have been good if they just had a straight match and I was very disappointed by it.

Odyssey Jones vs Von Wagner

They shoulder battle then OJ runs him over. OJ hits a big suplex and Von dropkicks him in the back. Von hits shots in the corner, splashes him in the corner then hits a short arm clothesline for 2. Von hits a jumping elbow and a bad jumping legdrop. OJ back splashes him in the corner and Von pounds on him. Von hits a running facekick and OJ lariats him over. OJ hits more clotheslines and side slams him.

OJ misses a crossbody and Von and Mr. Stone argue. Von comes off the ropes and takes a black hole slam for the OJ win.

This was not Von's best work here. He threw some really bad strikes. It started off well but whether it be due to time or something else, they just didn't get what they could have out of it.

Mr. Stone and Von argue after.

Overall thoughts: The semi-main and main could have been better than they were. The opener didn't look good and it wasn't. This was not one of the better editions of Level Up.

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