Tuesday, March 14, 2023

AEW Dark Episode 186 3/7/2023

AEW Dark Episode 186 3/7/2023

Mylo vs Skye Blue

Mylo gets a wristlock then is armdragged. Mylo blocks an armdrag then takes an armdrag with the other arm. Mylo kicks Skye off the apron then bangs her head off the apron. Mylo barely hits a slingshot suplex for 2. They go up to the 2nd rope and Skye crossbodies her off of it. Skye step up knees her against the ropes then hits a spinning kick while on her knee. Mylo hits a big cutter for 2.

Mylo misses a top rope splash then is superkicked and takes a full-nelson slam for the win.

Mylo got more in than I expected here. Skye was sloppy and not particularly impressive.

Brian Cage vs Bad Dude Tito

Tito grabs a headscissors early then shoulders him over. Tito takes an enzugiri in the corner then a german suplex. Cage foot chokes him then is rolled up. Tito grabs an ankle lock out of it then hits a sliding lariat.

Tito takes a kick while on the apron and fights off a 2nd rope suplex. Tito then blockbusters him off the top for 2. Cage hits a big pumphandle driver and it's only for 2. The announcers are surprised by it then Tito hits a superkick and enzugiri. Tito then blue thunders him for 2. Tito fires up and Cage spinning lariats him. Cage then hits a powerbomb into a texas cloverleaf style lion tamer to win it.

Tito got more in here than Cage did, but I wasn't really a fan. They did too much for a 3 minute squash.

Lance Archer vs Cody Chhun and Guillermo Rosas 

Jake Roberts introduces Lance Archer and is using a knock-off version of his WWF theme.

Chhun and Rosas argue on the ramp then Lance nails both out there. Both are thrown in and the jobbers 2v1 Lance. Lance gets on the 2nd rope as the jobbers pose then crossbodies both guys. Lance hits running back elbows in seperate corners on both guys then hiptosses Rosas into Chhun. Lance then chokeslams Chhun onto Rosas, as Rosas is in the reverse ddt position then double chops Chhun as he sits on top. Lance hits a stiff lariat on Rosas and wins as expected.

We've seen Lance have one sided squashes for years now and that's mostly what this was. Not particularly interesting though I did kind of pop for Chhun doing breakdancing to celebrate getting the advantage on Lance.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Jack Cartwheel

Jack cartwheels out of a wristlock then is shouldered over. KT flying clotheslines him. Jack is pushed and does a cartwheel out of it then handsprings into on KT on the apron. Jack then does his corkscrew flying space tiger on KT outside. Jack does a handstand into a legsweep from the apron then uses the ropes to bounce off and elbow drop KT.

KT germans Jack and Jack backflips out of a lariat. Jack hits an enzugiri then gets elbowed and takes a big lariat. Jack hits a forward Finlay roll. Jack goes for a cartwheel handspring into a backflip but is caught with a blue thunder bomb and a high knee. Takeshita wins.

It was short and what you would expect. I thought it was entertaining. Jack did his cartwheels as he always does and had some highlights. Taz couldn't get Jack's name right, calling him Jake Something at one point.

Big Bill vs Julius Coleman

Coleman's actually of a decent size and has nipple rings and a lip ring. One of those is getting ripped out someday by accident.

Bill hits a big punch early and hits a nice corner splash. Bill pounds on him and steps on his head. Coleman hits a dropkick and is pushed off during corner punches. Bill throws him in the corner and Coleman takes a great bump over the top. bill then hits a big chokeslam and wins it.

This was a short but entertaining squash thanks for Coleman's nice corner bump.

Willow Nightingale vs Zoe Dubois

Zoe has very artistic eyebrows and takes a side headlock to start. Zoe takes a cheapshot on the ropes and Willow cartwheels out of an irish whip. Zoe gets put into a split then Willow superkicks her as she is split. Willow suplexes her. Zoe hits some bad kicks then takes a big lariat.

Willow his a back splash in the corner then a stiff facekick. Willow spinebusters her for 2. then hits a gutwrench bomb for the win.

it was a short and stiff squash that probably went less than 3 minutes.

Athena comes out after and tries to hit her with the ROH Women's title but is pounced and rolls out. Willow holds up the ROH Women's title as Athena leaves. Athena then decks Zoe with a forearm outside.

AR Fox vs Ryan Nemeth

This is going to be the 3rd AR Fox match I saw in the last week. That's about 3 too many for me. A fan, or probably a plant, is dressed up like Ryan Nemeth and he gives him the up yours gesture.

AR hits a lariat in the corner, goes over the top some and skins the cat back in. AR then moonsaults off the post on the apron. Ryan takes chops outside then Fox does the 10 punches spot on the outside. Somehow, neither one was counted out during this. AR superkicks him as he is seated on a chair outside then AR takes a hiptoss on the apron.

AR gets his head banged off the apron and kind of does a handstand out of it. Ryan beats up on him more and hits a nice dropkick for 2. Ryan hits punches and double throat thrusts him. AR hits an interesting fisherman's suplex. AR jumping back elbows him and rolls him into a cutter. Fox misses a 450 from the top then is slammed down. Ryan then jumps up and hits a ddt for 2.

Ryan poses on the 2nd rope and takes an iconoslam. AR then walks him into a cutter and hits a top rope 450 to win.

This wasn't bad. Not great or anything you would ever remember, but Ryan was a decent heel here and AR had some shine spots to put him over as the face.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't bad, but nothing I would really go to check out. The crowd was somewhat interested and everything was kept short, good or bad. Takeshita/Cartwheel was what you would think and the main was okay. Big Bill throwing Coleman over the top was a nice spot too.

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