Friday, February 17, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/17/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/17/2023

Last week's show is here:

The announcers are wearing identical outfits and mention it.

Dante Chen vs Eddy Thorpe

Eddy is Karl Fredericks from NJPW USA. I've never really seen him, but he doesn't seem like an obvious hire.

They trade headscissors and do a stand off. Chen gets a wrist lock, Eddy kips up iut of it and waistlocks him. Chen shoulders him over then Eddy crossbodies him. Eddy does a seated abdominal stretch. Chen hits a lariat and an atomic drop. Eddy then does a back enzugiri and running facekicks him. Dante criss-crosses him with a facekick then gets backdropped. Eddy then hits an impaler ddt and wins it.

I wasn't real impressed with Eddy. He doesn't have a good look and was not real crisp here. This wasn't anything special.

Valentina Feroz is interviewed. She said she doesn't know what Elektra Lopez wants to do with her. She said she has something to prove tonight. Feroz was hard to understand here.

Oba Femi vs Xyon Quinn

Oba backs him up. Xyon avoids his charge and does a silly slap to the back of the head. Oba shoulders him over then Xyon runs and makes him chase him. Oba picks him up and slams him down then swings his leg back and makes him do a header.

Oba corner splashes him then is dropkicked into the 2nd buckle. Xyon hits some elbows and punches then elbows him over the back of the head. Xyon puts him in a trapezius hold then jumps on his back for a sleeper. Oba hits some sledgehammer shots and spinebusters him. Oba running euros him and slams him.

Oba gets pulled into the 2nd buckle then Xyon hits a flying forearm and wins it.

Oba was good here for his experience level but Xyon didn't really protect himself enough here. He was bumping and stooging when he should have been standing tall and toe to toe with him.

Ivy Nile vs Valentina Feroz

Ivy does some nice rolls on the mat and hits a nice suplex. Feroz back rolls her into a guillotine then does a nice armbar. Feroz toe holds her then grabs both her arms and pulls them. Ivy catches her then does a nice fallaway slam. Feroz chinbreakers her then gets caught in a wheelbarrow german. Ivy chinlocks her and rolls with it.

Feroz does a nice rolling spear then some shoulder throws then Ivy does a waterwheel throw by Feroz slides out and turns it into a backslide. Ivy does a stiff flying kick in the corner then does a walking powerslam for 2. Feroz drops her on her knee then does a meteora for 2. Elektra Lopez comes out and Feroz yells at her then rolls her up. Ivy gets out of the pin attempt and puts her in the dragon sleeper variation to win it. The hold was really stiff and nasty at the end.

This was a good effort by both girls and I liked this more than I expected. Ivy's above this stuff right now and Feroz isn't, but she's a lot better than they used to be. Not a bad effort at all.

Overall thoughts: The main wasn't bad but Oba/Xyon was not the battle of the hosses that it should have been. Karl Fredericks didn't impress in his debut either.

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