Thursday, February 16, 2023

WWE NXT 2/14/2023

WWE NXT 2/14/2023

Last week's show is here:

Grayson Waller vs Tyler Bate

They showed Jacy Jayne arriving in PiP. I thought this was a fun match. It got a little indy at time with some of the cute movies, but they really meshed well together, far better than I had expected. Waller did his heeling, Bate was the face and Bate reversed Waller's cheating attempt on a pin to win.

Briggs and Jensen are in the back. Jensen is nervous about his date with Kiana James. Jensen said he never had been on a date or kissed a woman, which is wrong as Jensen had a date with Kayden Carter a year or two ago on the show. Briggs says he needs to learn the 90/10 rule where he goes 90% of the way on the kiss and Kiana goes the other 10% of the way. Briggs then got in his face like he was going to kiss him and told him to go the rest of the way. Fallon Henley came in and Briggs told her that Jensen never kissed a woman. Fallon tried to give him tips as well and Jensen said he was nervous but excited.

Grayson Waller was knocking stuff over and arguing with Shawn Michaels in the gorilla position. He called Shawn a stooge and Shawn said to cut to break.

Apollo Crews was outside under the street lights. He threw down his book and talked about the loss to Melo due to Dabba Kato. Crews asked why Kato did this. Crews said they shared the road and family time together. Crews said Kato had his reasons and now Crews said he has his. crews said he is focused on revenge.

Jacy Jayne came out with a shirt that showed her kicking Gigi through the door. She said last week was the end of the Toxic Attraction story but the beginning of the Jacy Jayne story. She said now it's all about her. She said she regretted not turning on her sooner and showed the video of her turning on her.

She said she had to kick her that hard. She called her Jannetty and said she was done protecting her. She then called her "Chucky" and said nobody cares about her anyway. She said the fans said she didn't belong and was called the third wheel and said she's the last one standing. This was a good promo.

We saw Meiko Satomura arrive and saw Roxanne Perez help her arrive.

 Chase U is in the back. They wanted to know what happened with Thea and Schism. She didn't say anything. she said she would not back out of her match tonight and said she would have to look fear in the face tonight.

We got a video on Sol Ruca. She said she goes to practice everyday and used to cut class in order to go to the beach. She said she's a free spirit. She plays guitar, does photography, snowboards and does gymnastics. She said her first attempt at the Sol snatcher was terrible. She said she wants another match with Zoey because she gets right back up and is ready to go.

Tiffany Stratton vs Thea Hail

Tiff takes her down by the arm to start then Thea armdrags her. Thea hits a Japanese armdrag and a dropkick. Schism are seen in the crowd and Thea is distracted. She tells Gacy to go away then gets nailed and goes off the apron. Tiff does a springboard swanton for 2 then gets tope'd outside. Thea rolls her up then takes a hip attack on the ropes. Tiff does a Finlay roll then does a triple jump moonsault for the win.

It was short, told a story with Thea being worried about Schism and it was decent.

We go to Diamond Mine. Javier Bernal offers Tatum Paxley the chance to be his Javi-tine and gives her chocolate with his face on the box. Tatum says he is taken. Javi then proposes to Ivy. Ivy interrupts him, says okay then puts him in a dragon sleeper. We then hear Isla Dawn talking through the speaker, but it was hard to figure out what she was saying.

Axiom vs Damon Kemp

Ax ran at Kemp with a dropkick to start then fired on him. He then tope'd him outside and Kemp hit a wheelbarrow suplex and a german when he got back in. Kemp hit more germans then forearmed him out. Kemp lariated him on the floor then pounded on him in the ring. Ax hit a dropkick then Kemp rolled back out of his crossbody. Ax then did a nice flip for a spinning clothesline and Kemp hit a cool electric chair into a german. Ax flipped out of a gemran and made his comeback then hit a flying kick to win.

They did a little too much here, but it was a short, explosive and fast paced match. Kemp looked really good here and Ax was good like usual. Kemp was writing love tweets to Kiana James on twitter.

We went to Briggs and Fallon in the locker room. Fallon said she has to tell him something and Briggs didn't know what.

Grayson Waller filmed himself getting kicked out of the building. He said he's the biggest star in NXT and said Shawn is a hypocrite. Waller said HBK doesn't exist and said Grayson Waller runs this.

Bron Breakker came out to talk. Jinder Mahal and Indus Sher came out to interrupt. Jinder said a great champion must always expect the unexpected. Jinder said he respects him and asks if he wanted to know if this is what he thought being a champ would be like. Jinder said some of the fans no longer liked him and Jinder said you either become the hero or live long enough and become the villain.

Bron called them 3MB and asked which one of them plays the guitar. Jinder said the fans don't like him and said fans still won't like him when he takes the title. He said the fans won't feel bad for him, but he will.

I didn't like this at all. Being a face like Bron is a tough act to pull off and you do not want to encourage people to start booing Bron, which is what he did. I could easily see a world where people start booing Bron and WWE should not want that with all the hopes they have for him.

Meiko Satomura, Roxanne Perez, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance were in the locker room. Kayden said they were a little aggressive due to losing the titles. She said it was their bad. Roxanne accepted the apology and asked if they still wanted the match. They said they did. Roxanne thanked Meiko for coming to help her and she said she had reasons.

Wes Lee was walking in the back and people appeared behind him as they asked who would answer the open challenge next.

Indi Hartwell said she liked seeing Gigi get her skull kicked in. Indi said Jacy Jayne thinks she will shoot up to the top of the card then said Jacy will end up behind her instead.

Wes Lee came out for the open challenge. He said he is ready for someone to step up. Tony D and Stacks came out then Dijak grabbed tony D. Stacks teased heading to the ring then he helped out Tony and all 3 were pulled out. Von Wagner then facekicked Wes.

NXT North American Title - Wes Lee vs Von Wagner

Von took a dropkick to the knee then beal threw him. We jumped at Von and was caught, then thrown over the top where he hit his face on the apron. Von banged Wes' head off the table as Mr. Stone complained, telling him he has to beat him in the ring. The lights went purple for a second and Von lariated him for 2.

Wes got offense in and was caught coming off the ropes. Wes was then pop up slammed and facekicked for 2. Wes gorilla pressed him then Wes got out. Wes hit superkicks, a pumping knee then backflips into a kick to win it.

It was short but they played their roles well here and it was a fun, action-packed match. I'd question Von losing, and maybe I still do, but we do know his losses are going somewhere.

Hank Walker walked up to Drew Gulak and had new gear on. Hank said his boots didn't come though and he has to wear cowboy boots. Drew then gave him wrestling boots and told him he is next.

Hank Walker vs Charlie Dempsey

Hank took shots early and they collided. They booted each other in the face at the same time. Hank did an armbar takedown then was tripped and put into an STF variation. Hank tapped and Charlie won in a quick one.

Dempsey put him back in it after the bell and Drew just watched on. Drew then walked off with Charlie as Hank was mad.

Von Wagner was flipping stuff over in the locker room. Mr. Stone said he didn't lose the match because of ability, but because he doesn't have a connection to anyone. He said he needs to break his walls down and help him help Von. Stone brought up the "cum Tuesday" meme and said he needs him to help Von help him.

Pretty Deadly went to the Gallus pub. They tried to hustle them into giving them a tag title shot through pool. They tried to get Gallus drunk to get a shot and Gallus then said all they had to do was ask.

Ilja Dragunov was interviewed. He said pain helps you feel alive while he was out. He said his retribution is coming and him costing JD the match is just the beginning. Trick Williams then got on the mic and said he wanted to meet him face to face in the ring. Trick said he wanted to find out if he was the baddest man period. Trick accused him of being scared.

Drag came out and said he was very entertaining. Trick went for a cheap shot and got nailed, then rolled out. JD Mcdonagh then came out with one of his eyes bandaged. JD said Drag tore his retina. JD said he would beat him so bad that he couldn't hold his son. Trick then hit Ilja from behind and kicked him in the ribs. Trick told him he said he would drop him then mocked his pose.

Trick and Melo talked in the back. Trick was hyped up and celebrating nailing Drag. Melo told him he waked up the mad dragon. Trick talked more trash and they did a handshake.

We went to Kiana and Brooks' date. They went to kiss and Fallon told Brooks that Kiana had someone else. That someone else turned out to be her brother. Kiana asked Fallon when she would start to trust him and Fallon was embarrassed. Brooks went off sad and Briggs was disappointed in her.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs Roxanne Perez and Meiko Satomura

Perez got the win over Carter pretty quickly here. The match was fast paced and short. They didn't blow anything and it was an okay effort, but definitely not a main event level match.

Meiko got on the mic after. She said she did something for her and now she wants Roxanne to do something for her and pointed at the title. Roxanne said it would be her honor. They then went face to face to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall with some short but fine matches in the ring and some other stuff going on. I didn't think they got anything out of the Jensen/Kiana date like they could have and NXT encouraging fans to boo Bron was weird. The Javier Bernal segment was fun as was the Gallus/PD segment. Jacy did a good promo here as well.

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