Friday, February 24, 2023

AEW Rampage 2/24/2023

AEW Rampage 2/24/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Young Bucks vs Aussie Open

Matt flipped out of stuff early then Nick crossbodied both opponents. He then walked up the buckles and armdragged + headscissored both. Mark slammed the Bucks one after the other then slammed both together. Matt then pushed Nick up into a dropkick and they lariated Mark over the top. The Bucks went for plancha's outside but were caught and banged into each other then dropped on the apron. The Bucks were then ran around the ring while being held and then had their backs rammed into each other.

We went to break and returned. One of the Bucks took a hard chest from Mark then did a springboard hurricanrana. Matt did a flying clothesline then flipped off of Mark for a sliced bread. Matt then did a dive off top onto Mark then returned for a top rope elbow on Kyle. Kyle took a bulldog + a dropkick then was bridged on the ropes for a top rope swanton.

Nick took a brainbuster on the floor then Matt took a lariat from Mark. Matt took a sliding D in the corner from Mark. Matt was thrown up in the air and caught Kyle with a cutter as he came off top then Nick was lariated by Mark. The Bucks hit superkicks on Kyle then knee'd each other on a failed BTE trigger attempt. We then got our 3rd and 4th flip sells on clotheslines. Matt and Nick then flip dived on their opponents. The House of Black took the lights out then Kyle hit a tombstone on Matt. Matt took a sandwich lariat then took a double team cradle suplex for 2.

Mark took a double superkick then the Bucks made Mark tombstone his partner before doing another double superkick. Kyle took a BTE trigger and the Bucks won it.

This sucked. There was little selling. There were tons of silly spots and endless moves. The match also went on so long that they had to repeat moves with 4 different flip sells off lariats. Aussie Open also lost again like they always do.

The lights went out again after and the House of Black appeared around the ring. They got on the apron, the lights went out and the HoB disappeared.

Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta were interviewed. They were asked a question then jumped by The Firm. Chuck took a steel pipe to the knee and Trent took it to the head. 

The Bucks were down in the back and Orange Cassidy walked in wanting to know who did it.

Willow Nightingale vs Toni Storm

Toni jumps her from behind and stomps on her. Willow hit short amr clotheslines and a senton for 2. Willow lariats her then takes a hip attack off the apron. Willo was then thrown int othe rails.

We went to break and returned. Saraya complained that Willow broke her nail. Toni hit mounted punches then hit a running hip attack and a tornado ddt. Willow hit a cannonball then a death valley driver for 2. Saraya got on the apron and Willow brought her in the ring then Toni clipped her and hit a storm zero to win.

It really wasn't anything special and I didn't see the need to protect Willow with a dirty finish. The heels went to spray paint Willow then Ruby Soho came down to make the save. Jamie Hayter then ran down and hit Toni and chased Saraya around before hitting her.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn were interviewed. Bowens said they aren't scared of anyone. Billy was talking smack then Jarrett and friends jumped all of them. Bowens was thrown into boxes, Billy got thrown into the door then Max got put in a figure four while Dutt stabbed him with a pencil.

Jade Cargill did a promo. She asked who is left? She said people are afraid and said people need to come see her. She said she welcomes all competition.

Lance Archer vs Bryce Saturn

Lance back body dropped his opponent on his way to the ring then threw him on a suplex. Lance hit chops in the corner and Bryce avoided a chokeslam. Bryce hit punches then was crossbodied. Lance hit a big lariat and won as expected in a short squash.

We got a promo for Swerve and Parker vs Keith Lee's grandfather and Dustin Rhodes. Keith was dressed in a robe like a priest for some reason.

Action Andretti and Sammy Guevara were interviewed with Daniel Garcia. Garcia complained about a lack of respect for Sammy and they hugged. Action said Sammy proved he was a punk coward for running away from him last week. Action said he isn't just an upset, he's the real deal and a site to see.

Stokeley Hathaway said Hook will face Matt Hardy next week. Matt was confused by this and Page reminded him that he's the boss. Matt said he's the legendary and iconic Matt Hardy then said if Hook beats him, he should have a match with Stokeley with none of The Firm at ringside and with no rules.

Action Andretti vs Sammy Guevara

AA goes for a quick roll up then flips out of a hurricanrana. Sammy gets lariated over the top and hits his face on the apron then is chopped outside. Sammy goes into the rails then AA jumps off the rails with a lariat on Sammy. Sammy hits a jumping knee then AA falcon arrows him. AA is thrown into the rails then is suplexed on the floor. AA gets pushed up to the apron then hits a 450 from the apron to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. AA jumps up top and hits a superplex and Jericho complains that he is show on camera every time AA does a move. AA hits flying uppercuts and forearms then does a backbreaker into a neckbreaker. AA topes him then arabian moonsaults him. AA moves on a Sammy SSP attempt then dropkicks him. AA then does a springboard enzugiri for 2. AA and Sammy hold each other's hands and forearm each other then Sammy jumping knees and superkicks him. Sammy hits another jumping knee then AA standing spanish flies him for 2. Garcia tries to interfere and is hit then AA springboard swanton's Sammy. JR says "aerial finishes just aren't working tonight" then Sammy takes a John Woo dropkick in the corner. AA goes for a split legged moonsault and is hit by Garcia then Sammy hits the GTH to win it.

This was all flippy stuff with a dirty finish. They did way too much here and it was a real indy style match.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a good one. Lots of dirty finishes and flippy matches.

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