Tuesday, January 10, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 1/6/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 1/6/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/wwe-nxt-level-up-12302022.html

Elektra Lopez and Amari Miller vs Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer

Dani thankfully dropped the headband and has new gear that looks much better.

Dani rolls up Amari early and Amari takes a double back elbow. Sol standing moonsaults her for 2 then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Sol flips out of a hiptoss and is put down. Sol is put in a chickenwing and Amari hits a pepsi twist on her for 2. Sol flips ouver Amari then Dani gets the hot tag.

Dani hits flying shoulders and a dropkick then is hit by Lopez. Sol is spin kicked off the apron then Dani then takes a sky high for the Lopez win.

This was too short for all of the people involved and there wasn't much to it.

Tank Ledger is interviewed. He puts over Xyon Quinn as a strong and fierce competitor. Tank says military tanks just keep moving forward and Tank says just like a tank, he will keep moving forward. The announcer then does his moving forward motion. Like I have said many times, Tank is experienced beyond his years and really probably is already past NXT.

Tank Ledger vs Xyon Quinn

Tank has new music and they do a test of strength early. Tank lifts him up by the arm and shoulders him over. Tank hits a nice slam and misses a corner splash. Xyon pushes him off into the buckles and hits corner punches and stomps on him. Xyon flying euros him for 2 then hits mounted punches to the back of his head.

Xyon pulls both his arm back and stretches them. Tank back body drops him then hits a fallaway slam. Tank cartwheels over him then splashes him. Tank hits a backdrop then Xyon hits the flying forearm and wins it.

This was short and it wasn't anything special. Xyon kind of won out of nowhere but Tank was fine as usual.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Myles Borne and Tavion Heights

Blade and Enofe have some new graphics and a light up graphic over the ring mat. Tavion also has new music that says "1, 2, 3, 4".

Tav waistlocks Blade and puts him down then does a trip. Blade hits a nice armdrag and dropkick. Tav is tripped into a boot and flying clothesline combo for 2. Tav drops down and Borne hits a great dropkick on Enofe for 2. Enofe hits forearms on Borne then does a nice bouncing sell on a ddt.

Enofe is on Tav's shoulder then Borne hits a doomsday device. Tav then puts Enofe in a crippler crossface. Borne backdrops Enofe for 2. Blade gets the hot tag in and cleans house then crossbodies Borne. Blade jumps over the top rope to the floor and pushes his neck on the ropes then top rope crossbodies him. Tav puts Blade on his shoulders then Borne does a cool jumping flatliner. The crowd chants, "this is awesome" and Blade superkicks Tav. Tav ten takes a samoan drop + flipping blockbuster combo for the Enofe/Blade win.

Good stuff here and this is something you have to love to see if you are an NXT trainer. This was a main roster level match and Borne/Heights showed up big here. I think this was Heights' 2nd or 3rd TV match and he looked real good for that level of experience.

Overall thoughts: The main was good but the rest wasn't anything special.

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