Friday, January 20, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 1/20/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 1/20/2023

Last week's show is here:

Matt Camp is new and is announcing with Byron.

Nikkita Lyons vs Jakara Jackson

Nikkita is on this show for the first time, though she did appear on 205 Live. Jakara has new silver and black gear here.

JJ avoids a back superkick early then Lyons kips up when taken down. Lyons armdrags her and trips her into a headlock. Lyons misses a kick and is brought down by her hair then JJ hits some knees to the body from the apron. JJ hits mounted punches then armbars her. Lyons lifts her from the position and I'm pretty sure some fan took a photo of her bent over. Lyons then hits a sloppy side slam. Lyons hits kicks and forearms then uraken's her. Lyons hits a big slam then superkicks her. Lyons then does her jumping split on her and wins it.

It was not good as I expected and JJ looked like she legit hurt Lyons during the armbar spot.

Damon Kemp was interviewed wearing a John Madden jersey. He asks who Tank LEdger is and then he remembers. He said he is a decorated athlete too and says he's got another thing coming if he tries to rock out on him. He said he's gonna stick him to the mat and walk out victorious. This was a good promo from Kemp and the best promo I've seen him do.

Damon Kemp vs Tank Ledger

This could be good. Tank is strutting and showing lots of energy here.

Kemp side headlocks him then does a nice headlock takedown. Tank drops down then Kemp walks over his back and struts over him. Kemp takes him down and poses more then Tank does a nice takedown into a shoulder. Tank side slams him and Kemp drops down and hits him. Kemp then neckbreakers him.

Kemp drops some elbows and the nneckbreakers Tank as he is seated on the middle rope. Kemp hits a nice overhead belly to belly for 2. Kemp does a grounded abdominal stretch then Tank makes his comeback. Tanke does a nice fallaway slam then cartwheels over him. Kemp gets his knees up on Tank's splash. Kemp drops down on a charge and hits a uranage backbreaker for the win.

This was fun. Nice little heavyweight battle here and Kemp showed some personality here for a change. 

Odyssey Jones vs Joe Gacy

I really want an Odyssey Jones vs Oba Femi match.

OJ knocks him over legit with a shoulder then shoulders him again. Joe gets picked up dropped into the buckles then slammed. OJ rolls on him then is tripped by Ava Rayne. Joe takes control and dropkicks him in the knee. Joe hits some shots while grabbing him by the hair and drops elbows on his back for 2.

Joe does a nice boot to the face and clubs him. Joe works over him on the ropes then is tripped into a chinlock. OJ comes back with shoulders then shoulder breakers him. OJ then does Mark Henry's slam for 2. Joe avoids a lariat and hits his handspring into a lariat to win.

This hsould have been better. It went a little long and the offense just wasn't as good as it could have been.

Overall thoughts: I did like Kemp/Tank but it wasn't one of the best editions of Level Up.

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