Tuesday, January 24, 2023

WWE NXT 1/24/2023

WWE NXT 1/24/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/wwe-nxt-1172023.html

Grayson Waller was at the Performance Center and said we were going to have some fun with Bron Breakker. GW got into an argument with him and threw a water battle at him. Bron then speared him and thy had a fight that had to be broken up. All of this was shot on cell phone, with the mysterious NXT Anonymous being one of the cameramen.

Indi Hartwell interrupted Booker and the other announcer, saying Tiffany Stratton was going to get a whooping.

Indi Hartwell vs Tiffany Stratton

Tiff has a new entrance with lots of camera flashes and has some nice new gear.

Tiff was hit on the apron during her entrance then was thrown and dropkicked. Tiff was thrown out and landed hard on the floor then Tiff kneeled on the top rope and senton'd her. Tiff hip attacked her as she was on the ropes. Toff hit a cartwheel backflip back elbow in the corner then did a weak la silla for 2.

Tiff put her in an armlock then was spinebustered for 2.  Tiff took a running side kick to the head then Indi running facekicked her. Tiff went down and held her leg and they called a med tech out. Tiff then nailed Indi. she then hit a Finlay roll into a double jump moonsault for the win.

It wasn't great and the fake injury spot was not done well. Tiff did good though otherwise and her new look is an upgrade.

Jacy Jayne was interviewed. She said she has been carrying Gigi since day one and refuses to let her stop her form becoming NXT champ. She basically said the team is broken up and said we will see something we haven't seen before tonight. I hope they aren't breaking Toxic Attraction up and if they are, I think they could have come up with something better.

We went ot the Diamond Mine dojo with Taxion Heights, Drew Gulak, Myles Borne, Ivy Nile and Duke Hudson. They practiced wrestling. Drew told Myles to finish someone when they had him down then drew wrestled with Juilus. Julius got the better of him and tripped him then Drew pushed him for using a cheap shot. Drew then said it was a cheap shot and this isn't over.

Thea Hail Award Ceremony

Chase and Thea had graduation outfits on. Chase put over Thea for having no fear and finally getting a win. He gave her a diploma and Thea got a "you deserve it" chant. JD McDonagh then interrupted and asked if this is how far the standard has slipped. He called it a participation award. He said when you hang around with losers, every win means alot. Chase said Chase U means the world to Thea and him and then JD asked if Duke was included since his name wasn't mentioned. JD said to end the charade and get the crap out of his ring. He said Chase was dressed as a moron and Chase said he teaches his students to always be prepared. Chase said if you stay ready, you don't have to be ready.He then said he would give him an Andre Chase U sized @ss whooping then punched him out of the ring.

Andre Chase vs JD McDonagh

We join the match in progress. Chase was sent into the steps during the break then Chase hits a backdrop out of a sleeper. Chase hits punches then does a spinning sledgehammer shot. Chase then hits a russian leg sweep and does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Chase then hits a side effect for 2.

Chase hits a backslide then takes a back body drop. JD then hits a nice lariat. JD pulls him and Chase hits a canadian destroyer for 2 as JD hit the ropes. Chase goes up top and gets crotched and falls over. Duke then walks out over it and Chase is pulled into a backdrop for the JD win.

Duke leaving didn't make much sense and you know how I feel about canadian destroyers not leading to a finish. This was short and there wasn't much to it.

Kiana James is with her assistant. She then meets up with Fallon and crew. They argue over who will start the match tonight.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley vs Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley)

No entrance for Diamond Mine.

Fallon hits Kiana in the head to tag herself in and they both try to go in/out in the same area and run into each other. Ivy does an arm roll takedown on Fallon then Fallon takes a double arm wringer. Tatum is on the middle rope and hits a nice dropkick for 2. Kiana hits a nice lariat on Tatum then Fallon does a rough looking side kick to the face of Fallon.

KJ beats up on Tatum then does a backflip into a nice corner spear. KJ puts her in the abdominal stretch and is hiptossed out of it. Ivy and Fallon get in and Ivy hits kicks and shoulder blocks. Ivy flying kicks Fallon then Fallon boots her in the face. Ivy has Fallon in the diamond lock but KJ distracts the ref and gets it broken up. KJ trips Ivy then Fallon does a bad shining wizard and wins it.

The match was short and certainly not the best it could have been, but I liked the storytelling with the Kiana/Fallon team here.

Fallon and Briggs complain about KJ's cheating after.

The New Day are goofing around in the locker room. Enofe and Blade then walk in and Blade does a dance. Edris asks for a title match then Schism walks in. TND asks if their tree is the tree in the locker room there. Woods then said they will have the New Day Tag Team Invitational. He said the winner of the match between Enofe/Blade and Schism gets in the tag title match at Vengeance Day.

Bron Breakker is arriving.

Apollo Crews is at Melo's Barber Shop. He is told Melo won't like him coming here. Melo and Trick then arrive and ask what he's doing here. Melo gets mad and said he is a better version of Apollo from 5 years ago. He said Apollo has the biggest, brightest star in his way. Crews says the N-A title looks good around Melo's waist, but looks better around his. Crews said they should have a 2/3 Falls Match at Vengeance Day and Melo agrees. 
Hank Walker and Drew Gulak vs The Creed Brothers

Julius throws Gulak around then trips him. Hank does some nice armdrags on Julius then Julius fireman's carries him. Brutus does the same to Hank  and Julius does it again. Hank does a big shoulderblock on Julius then does an airplane spin into a Drew lariat. We then go to PiP break.

We return and Drew is pounding on Brutus. Brutus does a nice release german on him then does his double hammerfist shots. Drew ddt's him and Julius hits a psinning heel kick on Hank. Julius does a release northern lights suplex on Drew then does a standing SSP on Hank. Brutus then standing moonsaults Hank for 2. Drew is lifted for a double underhook then Julius jumps over Brutus from behind and lands on Drew.

Julius and Drew trade shots. Drew is pounced by Brutus then Hank spinning drops Julius. Hank then does a neat wheelbarrow lift and slams him when he goes backwards. Hank armbars Julius then Brutus and Hank hit hard lariats at the same time. Charlie Dempsey comes to ringside to stare down Drew. Drew tells Hank to go get Julius. Julius hits a nice belly to belly on Hank then Brutus hits a cannonball elbow from the top and wins it.

It's good to see the Brutus cannonball back. This was a fun little match with some nice amateur wrestling and everyone looking.

The Creed's talk to Ivy in the ring. Julius said he's stubborn and hard headed. He says he takes this personal, but that's how he has to be. He said the last few months haven't been great and thanks Ivy for setting them straight. Brutus said she could have walked away then Indus Sher with Jinder come out. Jinder mocks them and said they are taking respect. Jinder says they are 100% and want to face them. This will be the 3rd time we were supposed to have this match.

Gigi Dolin is interviewed and is wearing new gear. she said she's not surprised Jacy had something to say and said Jacy is a bad person. Gig has a rose and asks McKenzie about the thorns on it. Gigi said like a thorn, she has nothing to hide and can't wait to give her a piece of her mind.

We see a Valentina Feroz/Elektra Lopez conversation. Lopez asks her to come see this first hand. 

Tony D and Stacks walk into a private room in a restaurant. tony D says the family is happy about the numbers and said the streets are talking about the new underboss. He said the first act is the best act. Stacks wants the biggest guy he can find and they namedrop AJ, who was the guy who was with Tony at Mania last year. They then toast over champagne.

Wendy Choo vs Elektra Lopez

Lopez pulls her down out of a lock up then side suplexes her. Feroz walks down and Lopez throws Choo's pillow at her. Choo ducks and Booker is hit with the pillow. Choo hits a Japanese armdrag then a running facekick. Choo then takes a swinging uranage. Feroz watches on then Choo takes a bodyscissors and is pulled by the hair. Choo does a sleeping crossbody off the 2nd rope for 2 thne Lopez pulls a weapon out of her tights. She knocks out Choo with it and wins it.

This was short and there wasn't a ton to it before the finish.

Feroz doesn't look happy about the cheating.

Briggs and Jensen congratulate Fallon. Jensen then said he went to Shawn Michaels' office and said Fallon and KJ will challenge for the NXT Women's Tag Titles. Fallon is mad, saying she wasn't even asked. Briggs tries to talk her into it and Fallon says she will have to think about it.

Fallon getting mad about getting a title shot was weird and I'm not a big fan of makeshift teams getting into the title scene.

Feroz and Lopez talk in the back. Lopez says it doesn't matter how you win. Feroz says she doesn't know if she could do this to Wendy. Lopez says she can keep her friends and she'll keep winning.

Stevie Turner isn't on the set for her interview but is live from her studio. She says she has a superchat with questions for her. Stevie says she debuts next week and wants to fight Roxanne, though she doesn't think she'll have her title past Vengeance Day. 

Grayson Waller talks in the ring. He said he proved he is tougher than him and everyone else in the building. Waller reveals an NXT title under his robe. He said Bron needs to win their match. Bron then comes down and spears him and a bunch of wrestlers follow to break it up. Bron is then sent head first through the rail and goes through it.

We go to the Gallus Pub. They said they are keeping their eyes on the prize and will show they are Gallus Boys on Top at Vengeance Day.

NXT Women's Tag Titles - Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Alba Fyre

Nope, that's not an error. This is a handicap match that Alba asked for.

Sol Ruca walks out as this starts and says she has Alba's back and becomes her partner.

Carter is lariated by Alba then Alba takes a sliding kick and a slingshot senton. Sol handstand walks over Carter's dropdown then flips out of a cutter and hits her own stunner. Chance is sent into the steps. We go to PiP break.

We return and Chance hits a step up enzugiri. Carter hits a combo dropkick + splash on both opponents then Chance does a top rope double stomp on Alba's back as she is bent over the 2nd rope. Chance gets on Carter's shoulders and is dropped down on Alba. Sol does a nice springboard splash on Carter then Chance slides through the ropes and headscissors Alba. Carter superkicks Sol then Sol takes the combo neckbreaker + 450 for the win.

Odd set-up and situation here. Chance and Sol did well and it still confuses me as to why Chance and Carter are not on the main roster.

Alba stares at Sol after then Alba kind of walks out with isla Dawn.

KJ and Fallon get on a riser and agree to a match with Chance and Carter at Vengeance Day.

Wes Lee goes up to Dijak in a room somewhere. Dijak says this is his last chance to hand him the title. Wes says becoming champ made him feel he can overcome anyone and he says he will keep his title. Wes says he will see him at Vengeance Day. Dijak says he doesn't deal in sob stories, he deals in justice.

Cora Jade is interviewed. She said Lyra needs to learn her place and she will be happy to teach her the lesson. She said Lyra will never be better than her. Cora then finds a feather in her locker. We are told something is going on in the parking lot and Nikkita Lyons is down holding her leg. Indi and someone else come to help.

We go to Chase U. Duke is asked what he did and said he did it because Chase doesn't trust him. Duke then said he demanded Chase and him be put in the New Day Invitational. Duke said he was told to talk to the New Day and said they invited him into the Invitational.

Well, this did little to explain the Duke thing earlier.

We then go to the Championship Summit for the women's title match. Gigi tells Jacy to tell everyone how great she is. Jacy said she carried her for the last year and said she wished the kick on her wasn't an accident. Jacy said she'd be living on the indies without her. Gigi says Jacy is insecure and says she pukes in a bucket before her matches. Jacy says she's a pathological liar.

Perez says she is enjoying this and said they made fun of everyone and made her life hard. She said this is karma and said it may be more of a real triple threat than a handicap match at Vengeance Day. Jacy says beating Gigi won't be hard and said there's Jacy Jayne then everyone else. Gigi said Jacy was a third wheel in T-A and it was the only thing that made her relevant. They argue then grab Perez and bang her head off the table. They then put her through the table in a fun swerve. T-A then holds the women's title together to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was mostly all women's matches and those were only going to be at a certain level. The Duke Hudson angle sucked and the Isla/Alba storyline doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I didn't like all of the random challengers being thrown into various matches and I don't think the PPV they are building to looks particularly interesting. I guess I'm glad we will finally get Indus Sher/The Creeds, but this is attempt #3 for that one and I still have doubts that it will happen. This wasn't one of my favorite episodes of NXT.

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