Wednesday, January 11, 2023

AEW Dynamite 1/11/2023

AEW Dynamite 1/11/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Jon Moxley vs Adam Page

They do running attacks in the corner to start then Page flurries on him with forearms in the corner. They trade chops and forearms and go up top. Mox rakes and bites his back then superplexes him. Mox germans him and then Page exploders him. Page is knocked off the apron into the rails and Page hits a stiff lariat outside. They go in and Mox hits a stiff lariat for 2.

Mox then hits mounted punches and forearms as we go to PiP break. We return with Mox putting him in a front facelock. Page backdrops him, Mox no sells it then Page lariats him. They trade forearms and Page hits a fallaway slam. Page flips out of a release german and does a spinning lariat. Page facekicks him off the apron then moonsaults off the top onto him outside.

Page goes for a buckshot lariat but takes a death rider ddt for 2. Mox then does a downward elbow flurry and bulldog chokes him. Mox piledrivers him for 1 and sleepers him. Page then hits a deadeye which Mox no sells for a curbstomp. They trade slaps and Page lariats then buckshot lariats him to win.

There was some no selling here, but it was mostly just two dudes lariating each other and hitting each other hard and I did like it. Good stuff.

Doc Sampson checks on Mox after and Page kind of watches on before leaving.They definitely teased Mox was concussed or something. We were then told Doc followed Mox out after and checked on him in the back.

Adam Cole returned. He talked about being happy to be back. He said he had a torn shoulder and 2 bad head injuries. He said he'd get dizzy and would throw up in cars. He said he is back and not going anywhere. I did not miss Cole.

The Acclaimed do a promo said they are getting stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The Firm (Lee Moriarty and Big Bill) vs Hook and Jungle Boy

Lee and JB trade corner chops then JB walks up the ropes, flips off them and armdrags him. He then dropkicks him and does a headflip. Lee takes a double back elbow then Hook does a neat trip into an armlock. Hook armthrows Lee and JB tries to tope Big Bill but gets caught. Big Bill punches JB and mocks him. Bill then facekicks JB off the apron and Lee drops a knee off the apron onto JB's neck.

We go to PiP break adn return with Lee putting JB in a triangle. JB powers out of it and powerbombs him down.  Hook gets the hot tag in and clears off the heels then northern lights suplexes Lee. Bill splashes Hook in the corner but gets kicked then JB dropkicks him in the back off the top. Hook release northern lights suplexes Bill and JB puts the snare trap on Lee to win it.

This was just kind of in the middle and nothing too special. Hook throwing Bill was cool but I think it hurts Bill to have that happen.

Orange Cassidy and Danhausen are interviewed. Someone named Walter Hauser has a gift box to give on Rampage. Chuck Taylor and Trent come in then they all put their hands in the middle. I have no idea who that guy was.

Renee says there hasn't been a best of 7 final match in this building since the Lakers and Pistons in 1988.

Konosuke Takeshita comes out then MJF comes out. MJF mocks him and says konnichiwa. He said he hasn't seen him at all and says his name is take-a-shit-a. He says try not to take one tonight in his pants because he needs to win one tonight. Takeshita says something in Japanese and said "and I thought Danielson was a bad public speaker". MJF told him we speak American and Takeshita said he told him to kiss his @ss. Takeshita pushes him and MJF tells him to get out of the ring. MJF says to ask your mom, sister and girlfriend if you think he can't last an hour with Danielson. He says Danielson and the fans are irrelevant then says Dr. Ken is here and mocks him for having his show cancelled. He then says he wished Freddie Prinze Jr. was cancelled as he is here. He mocked him for being in some Scooby Doo movie and said he's a Scooby Dooshbag.  he then said there will be no 1 hour ironman match then Danielson came out before he could finish his line. Danielson runs down to ringside and MJF runs away.
Bryan Danielson vs Konosuke Takeshita

KT shoulders over Bryan and they counter each other and do a stand off. Bryan surfboards him and they trade dragon sleepers and KT flying clotheslines him. Bryan hits kicks and a single butterfly suplex into an armbar. Bryan hits flying corner kicks then KT blue thunders him for 2.

KT hits chops and Bryan flips off the buckles over him and hits a flying elbow. Bryan has blood on his chest and we go to PiP break. KT hangs from the tree of woe and takes kicks. Bryan is lariated off the top and flips for it...of course only for 2. Bryan hurricanrana's him over the top rope to the outside then they botch a flying knee off the apron adn Bryan lands hard. KT then brainbusters him on the floor. KT springboard senton flips on his knees and Bryan golls him into a Lebell lock.

Bryan hits chest kicks They trade forearms and KT lariats him. Bryan goes for a victory roll but is caught an ddrivered then takes a german. Bryan flips out of a german and hits a flying knee. Bryan does a reverse curbstomp  and wins with an stf.

I didn't like this one at all. Just tons of no selling and people not caring at all about big moves. How do brainbusters on the floor and top rope lariats not finish a match?

Juice Robinson is interviewed after not being around for a while. He said he's here to kick @ss, take names and win titles. He makes an open challenge for Darby Allin's title on Rampage.

Toni Storm and Saraya vs Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter

Toni forearm flurries Jamie on the ropes then Toni shotgun dropkicks her. Toni hits a hip attack and knocks her off the apron then Saraya rolls off the apron onto her. Saraya hits knees over the middle rope and Jamie hits a double suplex on Toni and Saraya. Toni takes a spinning bridging neckbreaker to the floor and Saraya and Toni are thrown into the rails. Hikaru Shida comes out.

We go to PiP break and return. Saraya gets the hot tag in and beats up Britt. She hits Britt with a knee for 2. Toni tornado ddt's Britt and then takes a facekick from Jamie. Britt hits a 2nd rope air raid crash which doesn't finish Toni of course then Toni takes a sandwich forearm. Toni is then backbreakered by Jamie for 2. Toni germans and short piledrivers Jamie for 2. Britt hits some bad butterfly suplex variation then Toni and Jamie trade forearms.

Britt hits Toni with a kendo stick then Jamie hits a rainmaker on Toni and wins it.

I thought they did too much here and the last half was pretty much just a long finishing stretch.

Shida had a shocked face after all of this.

Eddie and Ortiz do a promo asking if they trust each other. Eddie said he is tired of the House of Black and tired of him not trusting him too. He tells him to be there Friday. 

The Jericho Appreciation Society come out. They namedropped PWG and said they appeared there this weekend. They said Anna and Tay will kick Ruby and Willow's butts in a streetfight on Rampage. Jericho said the Ricky Starks experiment is over then Starks came out.  Action Andretti is with him.

Starks says they couldn't get the job done last week. Jericho tells Action that he looks like an orphan and tells him to go back to the minor leagues. He tells Jericho he will shove the baseball bat up his @ss if he doesn't shut up. Garcia then tries to tell him to shut up and Action says he didn't think Sammy gave him permission to speak. He then says Tay Melo's hands wer between his legs last week. Starks tells Jericho to move to the side and says he is talking to Gilligan with the stupid hat - Hager. He says Hager is the village idiot and says he still has the dumb lisp. He then challenges him for next week. Jake says he likes the hat and calls him Little Ricky. He says he is twice his size and will slap his face off his face (no, really, he did say that). 

Best of 7 Series, Match 7 - AEW Trios Titles - Ladder Match - Death Triangle vs The Elite

They called this ladder match some stupid spanish name. It was what you would expect with lots of big spots. We had a one winged angle off a bridged ladder. We had Kenny do a tope con hilo onto a table. We had a Buck do a 450 off the top onto someone on a table outside and we had a package piledriver on top of the bridged ladder. It was a little tamer than I thought but it was still mostly all big moves and spots. The Elite won this to the surprise of no one.

Overall thoughts: Pretty wrestling heavy ep with them overdoing it in almost every match and not too much booking being done.

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