Tuesday, December 13, 2022

WWE NXT 12/13/2022

WWE NXT 12/13/2022

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/12/wwe-nxt-1262022.html

Roxanne Perez is in the ring to talk to start the show. Grayson Waller arrived in the parking lot beeping his horn and tells the camera man to keep the camera on him. He says the show doesn't start until he says it does. Waller then walks through the stands. He says he makes history and Perez tries to stop him. She tells him to shut his mouth and tells him he wasn't the only Iron Survivor, as she won the Iron Survivor Challenge too. GW says there is no way Perez will ever beat Mandy then Bron Breakker comes out.

Bron says Perez is the future's womens champ and GW says he is wrong. GW makes his case for why he did better in the Iron Survivor Challenge then GW says he will take Bron's NXT Title. GW says he is about making moments then Bron jumps the barrier and says he will make a moment now. Mandy then nails Perez from behind with the title belt.

I didn't really get this segment. I'm not real sure why Perez and Waller were used in it.

JD McDonagh is with a trainer in the back. He talks about his medical condition and gets it right before the doctor tells him. Julius Creed then comes in. He said he was good to go at Deadline and said JD tried to hurt his knee and the doctors won't let him wrestle. Brutus says he will hurt Jd tonight for trying to hurt Julius.

We then cut to Perez yelling at Mandy over the mic. She says she doesn't want to wait for her title shot and wants it tonight. Mandy holds up her title and seems to agree.

Wes Lee is walking in the back then Stacks jumps him. Tony D cheers him on and the camera is knocked down. They fight to the entrance ramp and the match starts.

Wes Lee vs Stacks

Wes hits kicks to the gut and bulldogs him. Stacks neckbreakers him and hits a stiff euro. Wes slides under him then headscissors and dropkicks him. Wes then tope con hilos him but mostly powerbombs himself on the floor. We go to PiP break.

We return and Stacks is in control. Stacks runs into the middle buckle then is pulled hard off the middle rope. He really bounces hard on his way down. Stacks hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker then does a single leg crab where he kneels on his neck. Wes chinbreakers him then pulls him into a backdrop. Wes hits a heel kick then a punch combo.  Wes germans him then double backflips into a pele kick for the win.

The match was fine. They matched up well but it wasn't super memorable. Wes's snap back on the top rope was brutal and his finisher here was cool.

Dijak comes out after. Wes stares at him then gets nailed by Tony D from behind. Tony then backdrops lifts him into a rock bottom. Tony tells Dijak that he just did his job and Dijak stares at him.

Thea Hail and Andre Chase are talking in the back and see Drew Gulak shake hands with Duke Hudson. Chase wants to know what's up and Thea flips at the idea of Duke entering the transfer portal. Chase says he is sorry for last week as he was wrong and Duke is right. Chase says Thea wasn't ready for Isla Dawn and said Duke had his best interests at heart. Chase asks Duke if he is ready for his match and Duke says he will give Kemp a Chase University sized @ss whooping and they celebrate.

Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne) vs Diamond Mine (Tatum Paxley and Ivy Nile)

All 4 girls fight to start and T-A hits superkicks. Jacy rolls off the apron onto Ivy outside. Ivy takes a lariat for 2 then Gigi sto's her for 2. Ivy avoids a double kick then does a kick and punch combo at the same time. She goes outside and is thrown over the commentator's table onto Chance and Carter who are outside. Chance and Carter when grab T-A. Tatum topes T-A, Ivy throws Chance into the post and the match is called off.

What we got of this was fine but there wasn't too much to it before the finish.

Briggs, Jensen and Fallon are in the locker room. Fallon says her dad told her it will be a tough week for their bar. Briggs says they got her back. Jensen says 2023 is going to be their year.

We see Von Wagner walking with Stone in the back and then see Odyssey Jones, Blade and Enofe walking in.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes talk in the back. Trick says people are saying Melo missed on Saturday. Melo said he didn't miss, he just didn't win. Trick shows Melo a pick of Axiom jumping off the top at the PPV and we see Melo with a funny face. Melo tells Trick to delete the pic because he's going to delete Axiom's @ss.

Odyssey Jones vs Von Wagner

They shoulder battle early and Von challenges him for a football tackle. Von is flipped over then slammed. Von jumps off the top and nails him with a club then running facekicks him. Von lariats him in the back of the neck then sleepers Jones.

Jones comes back with lariats then hits a big slam. Stone steals Enofe's vest then Blade gets a cheapshot on Von. Jones then splashes Von and wins it.

It was pretty short and the finish was dirty, so it wasn't anything special.

Javier Bernal is interviewed by McKenzie. He talks about being 1 of 100 and said he will prove it to his "Big Body Bandits". He then tries, "Big Body Ballers" and "Big Body Bulldogs". Mckenzie asks about the Georgia Bulldogs and Javi says it's because of him that they went undefeated this year. Javi then comes up with "Big Body Believers" for his fans and seems to stick with it. Javi's comfortable on the mic and is developing a character here that the NXT heads seem to like.

We see a Tiktok video of Nikkita Lyons reacting to pinfalls in the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Ikemen Jiro vs Javier Bernal

They waste no time to get started here. Jiro flaps his wings and is knocked over then Jiro kips up and poses. Jiro shoulders Javi and jacket punches him. Javi holds him and lariats him then criss crosses for a bulldog then a lariat. Javi mounts and pounds him then Javi euros him out of the ring. Javi tells the fans to move outside then throws Jiro back in. Jiro then flips over the top and lands on Javi. Jiro hits jacket punches then hurricanrana's him as he sits on the top. Jiro hits his step up kick and then wins it.

It was short and probably too short but I thought it was entertaining. Javi did a good job with his character here.

Jiro poses on the ropes and out of nowhere Scrypts flips over the top and beats him up. Scrypts puts on Jiro's jacket then hits a 450 la silla and does Jiro's pose. Scrypt's fly-in on Jiro was awesome.

Wendy Choo talks about the Iron Survivor Challenge and said she was rleieved that Cora Jade didn't win it. Wendy said she was taken to a dark place then Cora threw a drink in her face and pinned her. Wendy said she had done it too but there's a method to it - she had only done it to people who deserved it. Wendy tells some tale of being at a slumber party and having a drink thrown at her and said that reminded her of it. Wendy said it made her feel invisible and she never wants to feel that way again. This was really horrible material that nobody could have made work.

The New Day come out and talk about being triple crown tag champs. Kofi talks about being a 15x tag champ. Woods said he had the first NXT match ever against Big E. Woods said it had bothered him that hen ever held NXT gold, but now he has it. Kofi wants to celebrate and Pretty Deadly come out. Elton says they ruined everything and said they ruins his Christmas. They then say Santa is in attendance, pointing to a fan in the crowd and said they wouldn't do it to him. PD says they want a rematch but the New Day say they have to recite the pledge of allegiance. Briggs and Jensen then come down with a flag.  Jensen offers to do the pledge for a title shot and they lead the crowd into the pledge. TND then offer to give Briggs and Jensen a title shot. This was a bad segment that was silly and didn't make much sense.

We see Jakara Jackson, Elektra Lopez and other girls. Elektra talks trash about Indi Hartwell then Indi runs in and attacks her and it has to be broken up.

JD McDoangh vs Brutus Creed

JD headlock takedowns him early and Jd hits some shots. Jd hits a nice dropkick and Creed no sells it. Creed bolo punches him in the corner then does clubbing shots from the mount. Creed is thrown through the ropes then JD dropkicks him in the back off the apron. Jd works on creed's arm and bangs it off the apron. JD is catapulted over the top to the floor and does a big release suplex.

JD kicks Julius from the apron and Brutus goes over the top. JD kicks him from the apron. He goes to chair Brutus but Sanga and Veer stop him. JD backdrops Creed on the floor then pulls him into a suplex for the win in the ring.

This was another short one here. They made what they could of it and I liked Sanga/Veer popping in to continue the storyline about wanting the Creed's at 100% for thier match.

Zoey Stark is asked about Nikkita Lyons' TikTok video. Stark said Lyons is a waste of roster space. She said let her bring her reactions and dances to the ring and she will bring her talent.

We got another video on Lyra Valkyria. It was the same one we saw and she is debuting next.

Isla Dawn does a promo on Alba Fyre. She said her suffering has ended but the longest night of the year is coming. She does some kind of magic spell and talks aout her black mist. She said the unholy enchanted will rise during winter.

Lyra Valkyria vs Amari Miller

Lyra has a graphic of a rainstorm for her entrance.

Lyra shoulder throws her early and hits a step up enzugiri. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes and holds on. Lyra has her head banged off the top buckle then she hits various kicks. She hits a nice northern lights suplex for 2. Amari sentons her off a legsweep attempt then Lyra spinning high kicks her. Lyra hits a top rope splash and wins it.

Lyra looked decent here hitting some decent moves but I thought the match could have been a little lceaner and Lyra didn't get enough time to show off.

Axiom is interviewed. He says Melo isn't as great as he thinks he is, so he isn't afraid of him. He asks Mckenzie to look into his eyes even though he is wearing a mask. He said he will beat Melo then have a smile on his fac,e but again we couldn't see it. It was a weird promo.

Jensen is walking around in the back and Kiana James comes up to him. KJ says he has been shlepping around like a lost dog and he should be happy he has a tag title match. Jensen says he's worried about Fallon. KJ has her assistant bring a Christmas gift and it's a dress shirt that fits. KJ says if he's gonna become a champ, he needs to look like one. KJ says everything will work itself out if he wins the tag titles.

We get a brawl with Diamond Mine/Toxic Attraction/Chance and Carter that is broken up.
Duke Hudson vs Damon Kemp

Kemp has been forgotten about since turning heel. I think he has new music here.

Kemp grabs his leg and takes him down. Duke reverses a wristlock then shoulders and slams Kemp. Kemp rolls out and pulls Duke's throat down on the rope. Kemp comes off the side rope and neckbreakers Duke then presses on his face with his forearm. Duke makes a comeback with gut punches then Kemp does a sweet gutwrench suplex. Kemp spears Duke for 2.

Kemp slaps a chinlock on and Drew Gulak comes down. Chase and Grew exchange words then Duke fires up. Duke hits punches and a back elbow then sideslams him. Dukes a does a nice overhead suplex then does a punch combo with a Chase U hand sign. Duke bangs his foot on the mat and they call it warming up the marching band then Duke facekicks him for the win.

Again, I don't know whether Duke is purposely doing hokey bad offense on purpose or on accident. Duke did some new offense here and it was a short one. There was someone in the Chase U section who looked like Bodhi Hayward to the point that it may have been him. I don't know where the Drew Gulak stuff is going.

NXT Women's Title - Mandy Rose vs Roxanne Perez

Perez shoulders her over then cartwheels over her. Mandy then cartwheels and dropkicks her. Perez hits armdrags then rolls her into a pin attempt. Mandy shoulders the post then Perez topes her. Perez is thrown into the steps and we go to PiP break.

We return with Perez getting her arm worked on and armdragging out of it. Perez makes her comeback and hits a dropkick. Mandy goes up top and is kicked then takes a hurricanrana. Mandy suplexes Perez out of the sideslam and Mandy pumping knees her for 2. Perez superkicks her in the gut then hits a pop rocks and shockingly wins the title in an upset.

Booker goes nuts and Perez cries in the ring.

This match wasn't anything too special and I don't really understand why they did this here. Mandy's been champ for so long and the big win should have happened on a big show with some build. That didn't happen here.  
Overall thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this at all. Mandy lost her title in a bad way and the show had tons of short matches with interference and other shenanigans.

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