Wednesday, December 14, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/14/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/14/2022

Last week's show is here:

AEW Trios Titles, Best of Seven Series - Death Triangle vs The Elite

Pretty much the usual fare with these guys. Lots of flips and big moves and they incorporated the hammer in this one again and one of the bucks had his knee hit with it. The Eliete are now down 3-1 in this series. I'm not a big fan of long matches opening the show and you guys know I'm not real interested in this pairing.

Kenny got on the mic after. He talked in his usual stupid tone where he said all weapons should be legal in their next match. DT just screwed his team over and he didn't seem the least bit phased about losing here when he should be fuming.

MJF was interviewed on Ricky Starks. He called him Richard. MJF mocked his life story and said all that matters is whether you are the champ or not. MJF bragged about himself and said veeryone wants Starks to win the big one.

The Acclaimed came out and got beaten up by Jarrett and friends. Max ended up getting hit with the guitar. JJ asked if they had his attention now and then told him to scissor that, slapnuts.

The JAS were interviewed. Jericho talked about how bad the giant swing is, playing off his trying to defend it online this weekend. He said Claudio is a flash in the pan.Jericho told Daniel Garcia he should have never lost to Wheeler Yuta and Jericho said Garcia needs to do what Sammy tells him to. Sammy said he was going to knock on Mox on Rampage.

Jungle Boy vs Bryan Cage

JB tries to flip off the ropes for an armdrag but is blocked. Cage then shoulders him over. JB hurricanrana's him from the top then dropkicks him. Cage deadlift suplexes JB in from the 2nd rope then Cage release slams him. We went to PiP break and returned to JB avoiding Cage. JB flies at him and doesn't move him and lariats him to no response. JB reverses a powerbomb into a ddt. Cage release germans hi mthen does a swinging full nelson slam for 2. Cage goes for a driver and is rolled up then Cage flips him with a lariat. Cage throws him up and takes a canadian destroyer...of course for only 2. JB goes for the snare trap and Prince Nana distracts the ref. Cage ends up lariating NAna then is rolled up and pinned.

I wasn't a fan of this. They did too much here as usual and the dirty finish wasn't needed.

JB calls out W. Morrissey after, calling him Big Bill. Stokeley Hathaway comes out and threatens him if he keeps messing around. JB goes after Stokeley then Morrissey and Lee Moriarty jump him. The two beat up JB and Morrissey chokeslams JB. Hook comes out for the save with no weapon then Morrissey and crew look like total idiots. Hook could be Morrissey's teenage son and Morrissey runs from him. Hook shakes hands with JB after. This was bad.

Mox is interviewed with Claudio and Yuta without Danielson. They said everyone is on notice in 2023 and Claudio said they know they are better. Mox said he will stomp Sammy's face in until he is a bloody mess on Rampage then said Adam Page knows where to find him and can bring his Dark Order buddies with him. 

Swerve said he gave Lee everything and said Lee threw it in his face. Swerve said they will meet face to face. He said he has no friends or family.

The House of Black vs The Factory

Comoroto throws a sucker at Julia Hart then is misted. The Hog beat up on The Factory and someone takes a nasty driver onto Cole Karter on the table that was botched. Black then high kicks QT and the HoB win.

I didn't like Comoroto getting misted by Julia Hart since he's a hoss.

Shida and Hayter cut promos on each other. Hayter says she's not fun to be in the ring with and Shida says she will take her title.

Britt Baker did a promo with Rebel then Skye Blue walked in. Skye said let's see if Brit can wrestle as well as she talks and challenged her to Rampage. Britt says that's insane and accepted it.

Chris Jericho vs Action Andretti

They put Jericho's graphic up for Action Andretti. Chris slaps AA then hits punches and chops. AA comes back with chops and is booted down. Chris hits bad corner lariats and then more chops. AA headscissors Chris then tornillo's off the bottom rope. AA then is lariated. Jericho hits an F-U then codebreakers him for 2. Oh God, they are even kicking out of stuff in squashes now.

We go to PiP break and return. AA got blood on him somehow and came back with chops. Chris eyepokes him then AA hits a flying forearm and lariats. AA does a backbreaker into a neckbreaker and chris gets his knees up on his split legged moonsault. AA avoids a judas effect and rolls Chris up. AA springboard enzugiri's him, lariats him over the top then does a split legged moonsault to the outside. AA goes for a springboard and is caught in a lion tamer but then rolled up. AA is popped up and dropkicks him. They botch something then AA running ssp's him for the win in a total shocker.

I don't know why this was done but was pretty interesting. This guy came out of nowhere and beat Jericho and got a big pop for it. Regardless of what comes out of it, it was a neat little moment that the crowd loved. AA hopped in the crowd after to celebrate.

Ricky Starks was interviewed. He said he finally gets his shot tonight at the title in his own backyard.

FTR and the Gunns talked about each other. FTR said the Gunns are desperate for attention and said now they got theirs. They said if building a legacy goes through them, that's what they need to do.

Jericho is throwing a fit and throwing stuff backstage. Jericho then screams going into his locker.

Tay Melo vs Ruby Soho

Ruby sits on the apron for her entrance nad is pump kicked off. They hockey fight on the floor and throw some hard shots. Ruby is thrown into the rails and the steps. Ruby gets back in and hits backdrops. Ruby holds her amr and enzugiri's her then Tay walks up the ramp. Ruby grabs her and Tay ddt's her on the ramp. We go to break and return with Ruby pounding on Tay. Ruby running boots her and STO's her. Tay hits a pump kick and they trade chops. Ruby hits a blade runner on her and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of the ddt on the ramp. That should finish things and was treated as nothing here. They actually did good otherwise though and showed a lot of hate over Tay breaking Ruby's nose before.

Anna Jay comes out after and beats up Ruby. She hits a goril special drop on Ruby as that's how she broke her nose and got injured.

Adam Page is interviewed. Page talks about getting concussed by Mox and siad he didn't know his son's name in the ambulance. He said it was hell and if Mox takes him to hell again, he will take him with him.

Best Friends and Dustin Rhodes do a promo. Dustin threatens to lay out his opponents as they are in their backyard. They showed who they were fighting but it was too fast for me to even see.

They played the NBA on NBC theme when they were running down the card, which is one of my favorite themes ever.

AEW Title - MJF vs Ricky Starks

They go face to face and talk to each other. MJF knocks Starks over with a botched move and MJF does the Fargo strut. Starks flying shoulders MJF and knocks him out of the ring. MJF goes into the crowd and knocks over popcorn then takes some guys hat and throws it. Starks hits hiptosses and a back body drop. MJF eye pokes him and throws Starks into the buckles chest first. Starks is dropped on the top rope then rolls outside.

We go to PiP break and return. MJF abdominal stretches him and bites him. Starks lariats him out of the corner and flying lariats him. Starks hits a tornado ddt off the ropes and ligerbombs him. Starks runs into the buckle head first then has his arm double stomped. Starks goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed on the knee. They slap each other and Starks spears him. MJF fujiwara armbars him then hooks the other arm with his leg. MJF then grabs his leg and Starks ropebreaks.

It wasn't a classic match or anything but it was a decent main with MJF being a good heel.

They take each oher off and both bridge up together then Starks superkicks him. MJF grabs the ref hten kicks Starks low when the ref wasn't looking and wins it.

MJF walks up the ramp and Bryan Danielson comes out and chases him. MJF runs away through the stands.

Overall thoughts: The second half of the show was pretty good but the first half of the show had issues.

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