Friday, November 25, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/25/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/25/2022

Last week's show is here:

Xyon Quinn vs Tank Ledger

Tank has the worst tron ever. It's just his name in some goofy comic sans font. I think Tank has new gear here with caution signs and tape. He has one full pant leg and shorts on the other.

Tank armthrows Xyon and they do a test of strength. Tank is shouldered over and blocks a hiptoss to hit one of his own. Xyon flurries on him in the corner and pulls on his mouth on the ropes. Xyon backdrops him then pounds on him. Xyon chinlocks him then hits a nice lariat.

Tank picks him up and drives him hard into the buckles, knocking him down then runs him over with a lariat. Tank hits a fallaway slam and splashes him. I'm pretty sure we heard them call a spot then Xyon death valley drivers him. Xyon does a flying forearm and wins it.

Nothing wrong with this. It wasn't long and they kept it action packed. I liked Xyon's flurry in the corner and they were a little stiff. Tank Ledger is seriously the real deal. This guy is in his 3rd or 4th match on TV and he looks like a guy who has been at this for years. 

Amari Miller is interviewed. She said Elektra Lopez has been gone but is back with a vengeance. she said she's not the only woman with an attitude. She said she can get serious too and said she needs to go through women like her to get to the top.

Elektra Lopez vs Amari Miller

I have zero faith in this one. Amari got bubbles for her entrance and Lopez's entrance has an elevator with an elevator arrival sound effect.

Lopez full nelsons her then cravates her. Amari has her arm and brings her down by pushing it into her. Amari goes to slingshot but is swept. She lands on the apron then is hammered on. Lopez slams and elbows her for 2. Lopez puts her in a chin and arm hold thgen grabs her nose.

Amari makes her comeback and takes hard chest forearms. Amari spin kicks her in the corner and knees her there. Amari walks up the buckles and moonsauls but Lopez gets her feet up. Lopez hits a sick looking sky high and wins it.

As expected, this wasn't anything too special. Lopez wasn't bad being a bit more aggressive, but whatever they see in her, I'm not really seeing it. This had some of the usual divas flailing around.

Dante Chen vs Damon Kemp

Kemp has a new singlet that kind of looks like a Transformers design.

Kemp takes him down and shoulders him over. Kemp takes him down and paintbrushes him. Chen works the arm then goes up and over and paintbrushes him. Chen hits armdrags then takes a stun gun and abrunning euro. Kemp stomps him in the corner and hits a big belly to belly. Kemp stretches him over the post then hits a neckbreaker.

Kemp mounts and forearms Chen then misses a 2nd attempt at the neckbreaker on the side rope. Chen hits punches then atomic drops him into a side pump kick. Chen springboards and takes a release german hard on his head. Kemp gives him a stiff uranage and wins it.

This went about 6 minutes and was solid. Kemp was pretty stiff with him and did some new moves here. As far as in-ring goes, there's nothing wrong with these two and I didn't expect any issues. The talking and personality skills are what these two are missing though and they aren't really getting a ton of time to work on it.

Overall thoughts: This didn't look like a great one on paper and it wasn't. There isn't anything worth going to check out here though it wasn't an awful show.

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