Wednesday, November 30, 2022

WWE NXT 11/29/2022

WWE NXT 11/29/2022

Last week's show is here: 

Roxanne Perez vs Indi Hartwell

Indi slaps away her hand early then Perez headflips out of her wristlock. Perez does a satellite headscissors then gets stuck on the top. Indi airplane spins her and hits snakeyes. Indi misses an elbow then Perez rolls her into a pin attempt. Perez gets on her back for a sleeper and is brought in throat first to the top rope. Perez is then pushed off the top while seated and rolls to the floor.

Indi slams her and elbow drops her. Perez is put through the ropes and takes a running facekick to the side. Indi slams her and rolls her up then takes a chinbreaker. Indi lariats her and hits short arm clotheslines. Indi sideslams her for 2. Perez hits some hard forearms and running euros her. Perez hits running sledgehammer shots then Indi backdrops her. Indi is thrown out then tope'd. Perez tries to top rope crossbody her but is caught. Indi facekicks her and takes an upkick. Perez hits a code red and wins it.

This went on way too long, had multiple sloppy moments and just wasn't good.

We see the panel for the Iron Survivor match.

Andre Chase is in the back then the rest of Chase U walks in. Duke said he booted him in the face last week and tries to explain it. Duke said he got a list of signatures from the Chase U students to try and get a petition for Chase to be in the Iron Survivor match. Grayson Waller walks in. He says Duke is just playing Chase and says Chase will never be a champ. Thea then goes to attack him and has to be held back. Chase wants to beat up GW but Duke says he will take care of it. 
Dijak vs Dante Chen

Dijak clubs him over the chest and pushes him over the top to the floor. Dijak is pushed into the apron and hits a big chokeslam on the inside. Dijak hits mounted punches and clubs then slams him off the suplex. Chen running facekicks him on the side of the face. His lip is busted open then he takes a facekick. Dijak puts him in a chicken-wing variation then does a GTH for the win.

Dijak's new look is cool, but it wasn't the most impressive squash ever. Just wasn't clean enough, short enough and it didn't have anything super impressive about it. It wasn't awful, just not a smash hit at all.

Dijak gets on the mic after. He says that's an example of hard justice. He says look into his eyes and you will only see the infliction of suffering. He says he didn't come here to re-invent himself. He came to destroy a soft society and anyone who gets in his way. He names some names and says they are nameless, faceless men who will be brought to justice.

JD McDonagh is at the Diamond Mine Dojo with Tatum Paxley and Ivy Nile. He said the Creed's bit off more than they can chew with Veer and Sanga. The Creed's walk in and JD tells him it's silly they are taking them on. Julius says they aren't backing down and Brutus says they will win the fight fair. JD says there is no fair fight with them and it's a matter of bone density. He talks about the math behind breaking a skull and says Veer and Sanga have double the amount to do that. JD says he thinks it is impossible and Julius tells him to get out. I kind of liked this and this was the best use of JD's character so far.
We get a discussion on the Iron Survivor Challenge with Alunda Blayze, Molly Holly, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Shawn Michaels. They talk about how young the talent is and how they have improved. Road Dogg puts over Carmelo Hayes and they say he looks like a star that passes the airport test. X-Pac calls him a heat magnet.

Alundra puts over Tony D'Angelo, but Shawn says Tony is injured. Pac says JD McDonagh can go, but is small. Molly said JD has had banger after banger. Molly brings up Joe Gacy. Dogg mentions Von Wagner and Pac says he is jealous about big guys. Dogg and Pac talk about Axiom but they say he can't be cleared. Molly says Von has improved and Alundra says he hasn't won a big match yet. Dogg mentions Grayson Waller. Pac says he's not popular, but he can win it. They then have everyone write names down for the match.

Duke Hudson vs Grayson Waller

GW taunts him early then is shouldered over. Duke then does dips to mock GW while he has him in a side headlock.  They pull each other by the hair then GW hits punches. Duke running lariats him and jumping side slams him for 2. Duke goes to hold the ropes on a pin attempt and Chase yells at him not to cheat. Duke then is nailed from behind.

GW puts on Duke's headband then hits knees from the cravate position. GW misses his 2nd rope elbow and Duke makes his comeback. He does a big belly to belly then does a punch and elbow combo. GW rolls out of the ring and Duke nearly facekicks Thea outside. Duke talks to Chase outside then Waller does his roll into a cutter to win it. GW tells Chase he was right about Duke after.

Waller was good as usual here and it's still hard to determine whether Duke is intentionally trying to do corny babyface offense or if he is just that bad at it.

Javier Bernal is interviewed. He asks Mckenzie to put their issues in the past since it is the holidays. He said tonight is Big Body Tuesday and says he has merch to sell ala Black Friday and Cyber Monday. He has a Big Body Baseball Bat, a Big Body Pillow with his face on it and says he has Big Body Cologne as well. Mckenzie says it smells like rotten eggs. A little silly, but I liked the segment. Bernal is really looking like he could be a player in the future.

Axiom comes in. He said he heard Javi wanted to fight him. Javi said he doesn't think he is cleared but Axiom says he is. Axiom challenges him for tonight.

Kiana James vs Fallon Henley

KJ face shoves her then Fallon shoulders her over. We go to PiP break soon after. We return and Fallon drops her on her butt then does kick to the back of the head. Fallon gets her arm dropped over the middle rope then KJ bangs Fallon's arm off the ropes. Fallon's arm is thrown into the buckle then is wrapped around the rope. KJ slams her and bangs her arm off the mat.

KJ slams her down and ties up both arms. Fallon hits some punches then does a swinging facebuster. Fallon hits a lariat and more shots then takes a boot to the gut. Fallon hits a short arm lariat then slides out and punches her. Fallon is thrown shoulder first into the post then KJ wins it with her spinning flatliner.

I thought they did a good job working the arm but the match went on too long, which hurt it.

Odyssey, Blade and Enofe are in the back. Blade is clutching his ripped vest and says it was his dad's. He says he has anger in him and Enofe tells him to use the aggression on him. Enofe tells him to get in the Mailk the Freak mode and Malik says he wants to handle this himself. 

We got more discussion on which women should go into the the multi-person match at Deadline. They put over Perez for her skill at her age. Dogg puts over Zoey Stark and Pac says she is ready for the main roster.. They said Indi is missing something. Road Dogg says Kiana James has "it". Pac puts over Cora Jade and Alundra talks about Cora throwing her title in the trash and asked who does that, despite her doing it. Dogg says Fallon Henley is his darkhorse.

Cora Jade makes fun of Wendy Choo on tiktok.

Kayden Carter, Katana Chance and Nikkita Lyons vs Toxic Attraction

Zoey Stark jumps Nikkita on her entrance and Nikkita holds her knee. T-A makes fun of her and I guess the match is cancelled.

We cut to an Aoife Valkyrie/Lyra Valkyria video. She's running around in the forest near the water. She says as her old feathers fall to the ground, new ones come back.

Elektra Lopez is interviewed. She said attacking Indi was the biggest impact and lowest amount of risk. She said it's trendy to like Indi, but she sets trends and doesn't follow them. She says Indi can bet on herself, but don't bet against Lopez or you will go broke.

Javier Bernal vs Axiom

Ax side headlocks JB then JB armdrags him from the second rope and dropkicks him. JB rolls out and back in as we go to break. We come back, and I missed a minute, but JB is working the knee. JB slams him then triangles him. JB lifts him up out of it and powerbombs him. JB figure fours him and Ax reverses it. Ax dropkicks him then springboard lariats him. JB ddt's him for 2.

Ax hits a 2nd rope butterfly suplex then a jumping spin kick for the win.

Nothing wrong with this, but it was short and nothing too special. JB worked the knee for a bit before Ax made his comeback and won.

Nikkita is getting worked on in the back and says she is fine. The doc clears her to wrestle.

Pretty Deadly are interviewed. They said there hasn't been enough Pretty Deadly talk and said too many people are talking about the World Cup over them. They say they will tell people a christmas story next week.

We go to the diner with Apollo Crews. He says his vision is clear then Bron breakker walks in. Bron asks what's good here and Apollo says the breakfast of future chamions. Bron said he doesn't see that on the menu. Bron said he believed him when he said they'd meet down the line. Bron says he goes to the gym at 6:15 and Apollo says he goes there before anyone else. Bron says he puts the most pressure on himself and Apollo says that will change in 2 weeks. They agree that something has to give at Deadline. Bron comments on Apollo's journal and asks if there has veer been a time when his vision didn't come true. Apollo says no, and Bron says there's a first time for everything.

JD McDonagh vs Julius Creed

They matwrestle to start and JD side headlock takedowns him. Creed backdrops him and JD holds on with the headlock. Creed just backflips him out of the hold then throws him across the ring. Creed lariats him over the top then JD pulls him out and chops him. JD runs for it and dropkicks him off the apron as he is kneeling on it.

We go to PiP break and return with JD putting himin a bodyscissors. Veer and Sanga come out to watch. Creed mounts a comeback with punches, lariats and a neat powerslam. Creed has him up for a suplex, Jd tries to hit kneees and then Creed goes down and comes back up to suplex him. Creed does his takedown with the cartwheel move then lariats him hard on the floor. Creed hits a great belly to belly and ends up going over the top to the floor. JD kicks him from the apron and Creed goes for a german off the apron but JD holds on. JD asai moonsaults him outside. JD tries to bend Creed's knee.

JD tries to chair Creed against the post but Sanga runs in the way and gets chaired. The ref DQ's JD for hitting Sanga, who wasn't even in the match, in a nonsensical and stupid finish.

Veer and Sanga go up to the Creed's and say they want them at nothing than less than 100%.

Alba Fyre talks about Isla Dawn. She says Isla keeping her from delivering her promises will lead to her demise. Alba says Isla wants fun, but this will be anything but fun.

Dijak leaves the building. Stacks goes up to him and says Tony D wants a word with him. Tony says thanks for softening up Wes Lee. Dijak says he didn't do it for him.  Tony said Dijak used to be a big deal around here and says he will be in the ring next week. Tony says he will see to it that Wes' days as North American champ are numbered. Tony asks if we have an understanding and Dijak says, "something like that". I'm glad he does, because I don't. Are they going to be in a tag match against Wes or something?

Von Wagner vs Malik Blade

Blade rushes in the ring and hits punches. Blade hits corner punches and is slammed. Von misses a knee drop then Blade lariats and dropkicks him. Blade bangs Von's head off the announcer's table then Von hits a jumping knee. Blade escapes out of a powerbomb but slips and does a header. Von clearly misses a kick but Blade sells it anyway. Blade slams him and goes for a frogsplash but lands on Von's knees. Von then hits his F-U and wins it.

Blade was just really off here especially after the header and this ended up not being good.

Von gorilla presses Blade then Enofe comes in to stop it. Odyssey Jones then comes in and hits punches then body blocks Von. Von is lariated over the top but lands on his feet. Odyssey then wants more of Von.

The Iron Survivor Challenge participants are announced. We have Carmelo, JD, Waller, Gacy and then someone else next week who wins the wildcard match. Zoey, Cora, Perez, Kiana and a wildcard winner make up the women's match.

It will be Chase vs Von vs Axiom and Wendy vs Fallon vs Indi in the wildcard matches for the Iron Survivor Challenges next week. 
Toxic Attraction vs Kayden Carter, Katana Chance and Nikkita Lyons

Jacy pounds on Chance early and sentons her. Chance dropkicks her and all 6 girls fight at the same time. T-A is all knocked out of the ring. Carter and Chance dive on their opponents outside. Jacy drops Chance with a forearm then Chance chinbreakers Mandy. Mandy is tripped into an indian deathlock and a baseball slide. Carter superkicks her in the face then takes a double knee from Jacy and Gigi off a blindside.

Gigi and Carter fight then Carter is beat up by all of T-A. Mandy spinebusters Carter. Chance gets the hot tag in and beats up Gigi then corner lariats her. Chance 2nd rope crossbodies her but is caught with a backbreaker. Gigi step up enzugiri's Lyons then takes a superkick from Carter. Gigi STO's Chance for 2 then Chance is flipped by Carter onto Gigi.

Chance is pulled off the top by Gigi then Mandy Chance out of the backdrop. Lyons gets the tag in and beats up everyone. She does a nice snap suplex on Jacy and jumping splits on her. Carter is sent into the steps then Chance jumps off the steps onto gigi. Mandy pump knees Chance the Nikkita germans Jacy. Nikkita tries for a spin kick but her knee gives out then she takes a forearm from Jacy. Nikkita takes a high/low double team kick and T-A wins it.

This was a decent main event. It was fast paced and I didn't really have any issues with. It's not something I think I'll remember, but they did a decent job here. Zoey Stark is seen on the riser after gesturing at Nikkita.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this show. The matches weren't good and went too long.

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