Sunday, September 1, 2013

DDT 8/18/2013 - Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi

DDT 8/18/2013 - Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi

Kazuchika Okada beat Kota Ibushi with the Rainmaker. This was good but not great and probably a mild disappointment. Look, for Okada, this was a match. For Ibushi, it should have been one of the biggest matches of his career. In a way, I'm glad they didn't do too much here but I would have liked to have seen a little more. They didn't have that many nearfalls and they didn't really deviate from what they usually do for the most part. There was a botch here where Ibushi tried to do a springboard hurracanrana and Okada thought it was a dropkick and didn't go with him. Kota basically ended up doing a flip to the canvas and busting his nose, while Okada spilled to the outside. They covered it fine but it's worth mentioning. I didn't think it was a big deal. Near the end, Ibushi did a backflip and Okada caught him for a tombstone, but they also kind of botched this a bit and Okada had to hold up Ibushi to save the spot. Other than that, this was mostly one of the mid-level G1 Climax matches we saw and not the super main event it should have been. Rating:***1/2


  1. lol sometimes I think that you put high standars for japanese wrestling .. if this happened on raw, smackdown, impact or somewhere like that, it would've been seen as a really awesome match.

  2. One thing that should be noted is that this was theoretically DDT's biggest match of 2013. It's their biggest show, with it's biggest star against one of the biggest stars in Japanese wrestling. I expected stiffness, false finishes, nearfalls, big moves and 110% effort. I don't think we got that here and I think both guys performed better in the G1.

    I do have higher expectations for Japanese wrestling, no questions about it. Their style is basically to have good matches and they are allowed to do whatever they want without having to worry as much about the entertainment aspects and rules.

    I do think that the average WWE wrestler would do better in Japan than the average Japanese wrestler would in WWE.
