Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Oz Academy 11/11/2012 - ELBOW SMASH Review

Oz Academy 11/11/2012 - ELBOW SMASH Review

The previous Oz Academy show is here:

There may be limited pictures on this one. The frame rate is pretty bad and anytime I pause it, there's a huge blur. I'd also like to note that there is a ton of talking on this show that I skipped through.

Mio Shirai vs Sareee
Sorry for the quality there.
Mio Shirai beat Sareee with a HEADSCISSORS in 7:29. They showed less than 2 minutes of this. Sareee was your typical weak opening girl wrestler here and Mio wasn't that impressive in squashing her. This was basically a waste of time for everyone involved.

Tomoka Nakagawa vs Manami Toyota
Toyota spits water for some reason
The pin
Tomoka Nakagawa pinned Manami Toyota at 16:36. Not that much was shown here however. I'd say we got maybe 7 minutes of it. The work was good but there was some storyline going on with Carlos Amano that I didn't understand. She seemed to maybe be helping Toyota and hoping Nakagawa didn't get killed. Tomoka got the upset here for sure as I didn't think she'd win. Both girls were fine and Toyota seemed rather inspired. Rating:**1/4

Mayumi Ozaki, Chikayo Nagashima and Nao Komatsu vs Aja Kong, AKINO and Ayumi Kurihara
Some different storylines going on here. Komatsu is under Nagashima and has been getting the crap slapped out of her for her poor performances. Nagashima turned heel a few shows ago, so she teams with Oz. Oz and Kurihara had either my runner up or my winner for the Worst Match of the Year in 2012. There was interference during their match with Aja and AKINO making the saves, which lead to this. You can read all about it from the last show which I reviewed here:

I figured the interference would be limited since there was 6 people in the match. I was wrong.
Mayumi Ozaki pinned Ayumi Kurihara with a shining wizard. Yep, you heard that right. The person who needed the win less than anyone else pinned the person who could have used the win most! Does it mean anything in the long term? No, but its still stupid. This was your typical Oz Academy trios match with the usual interference from Oz's crew. Would have been decent without the interference but instead, it brought the match down and lead to a stupid finish
Yumi Ohka and Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Tsubasa Kuragaki and Sonoko Kato
None of the pairings make sense though from a kayfabe stance. Tsubasa and Kato were fighting each other last show and Hiroyo is a face while Ohka is a heel.
Hiroyo Matsumoto got the pin on Tsubasa after a powerbomb. Typical Oz Academy crap here with blatant interference ruining an otherwise decent match. Hiroyo

Ran Yu-Yu vs Carlos Amano
Hey! There may not be any interference here! Could it be?
This ended in a draw at 30:00. Oz Academy never fails to disappoint. Seriously, Ran Yu-Yu can't drop a fall even though she's going to retire? Azumi Hyuga dropped falls to everyone on her retirement road and so have a host of others. Good match but the draw finish was pointless and not needed.  They really both gave it a good effort here from what was shown, though they did clip atleast 14:00 out of this. Rating:***

Overall thoughts: 3 out of the 5 matches weren't very good and and there was the usual Oz Academy crap all around. This isn't worth going out of your way to see, but there has been worse Oz Academy shows.

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