Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WWE Main Event 12/19/2012 Review

WWE Main Event 12/19/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

WWE Tag Team Titles - Team Hell No vs Rhodes Scholars
"Remember the days when you used to like my humor?" - Cole
"Remember the days when you used to stand up and clap when I entered?" - Miz
"I went to Miami of Ohio, the Harvard of the Midwest." - Miz
Team Hell No got the win in about 30 minutes with top rope headbutt. Pretty good match here. They gave this a ton of time and gave everyone a chance to work. There was good heat throughout but aside from the finish, it wasn't super special. Still a very nice 30 minute match though and no complaints here. Rating:***
They aired a Raw Rebound and cut out Big Show's remark about Sheamus being a potato eater.

Santino Marella & Zack Ryder vs The Prime Time Players - Titus O'Neil & Darren Young

Cole mentioned that his favorite tag team was The Beverly Brothers here when Miz talked about his being The Rockers and Demolition.

Titus O'Neil got the win for his team with a low-down. Good match here and the crowd was into it. I really enjoy both teams and they all did a decent job here. Nothing too out of the ordinary though minus the low-down. Rating:**1/2

Overall thoughts: Good show. The main event was good and long and the other tag wasn't bad either. Not must see, but not a bad way to spend an hour.

Stay tuned for Tribute to the Troops!

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