Wednesday, February 5, 2025

WWE Speed 2/5/2025

WWE Speed 2/5/2025

The last show is here:

#1 Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals - Zoey Stark vs Kayden Carter

KC misses a shot and Zoey headflips out of a throw. KC uses the ropes and dropkicks her. KC then boots her in the side of the head. Zoey superkicks her then hits ataxia on KC for 2. Zoey hits mounted shots on KC. KC crucifix bombs her for 2. KC running facekicks her through the ropes. Zoey springboard dropkicks her in the knee for 2.

KC flatliners her then springboard legdrops her for 2. KC comes off the top and takes a half-nelson suplex. Zoey knees her in the jaw and wins at 2:23.

Thoughts: It was short and they kept it moving. It wasn't anything too great though. KC didn't get to do a lot of her usual flying in this one and it was forgettable.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual here. It went 2:23 and was totally forgettable. There's just only so much you can do in that amount of time. I wouldn't recommend this one, but it is only a 2 minute time investment.

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