WWE NXT 2/18/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-2112025.html
Vic Joseph, Corey Graves and Booker T are on commentary.
We see clips from Vengeance Day.
Oba Femi comes out. He says the people who came after him at Vengeance Day made a mistake - they didn't finish the job. Oba tells the people who attacked him to come down and finish what they started.
The lights go out and Moose of TNA appears. They stare down. Oba says he's inevitable here. Moose says this has to happen and challenges him. Oba says it will.
Thoughts: I didn't see this one coming but I'm up for it. It should be a good one.
We see Jordynne Grace and Ricky Starks arrive.
Ava and Eddy Thorpe talk in the back. Eddy says he's done with Trick Williams after winning a strap match. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors come in and invite Ava to their party. Eddy asks if they think this is really a good idea. Kale says every good party needs music and they ask him to DJ. Eddy says they should be in class. Kale says Mr. Chase keeps turning them down. Eddy says Chase will ruin their lives and bring them down just like Chase U. Uriah and Kale say Chase would have whooped him in a strap match. Kale and Uriah then challenge Eddy to a match.
Women's North American Title #1 Contenders Match - Kelani Jordan vs Karmen Petrovic vs Jaida Parker
KJ and JP trade punches. KP kicks both and bangs their heads together. KP rolls up KJ. JP shoulders over KJ then KJ dropkicks her. KJ asai moonsaults both opponents outside. JP's head is banged off the apron and KP is sent into the rail.
JP and KJ trade forearms. JP knocks her down then chokes her on the ropes. JP suplexes KJ twice. We go to break and return. KJ and JP trade. JP reverse suplexes her. JP is bent over the middle rope and KP headscissors her down. KP is put on the 2nd rope and KJ vader bomb style twisting legdrops her. KJ leg slices JP.
JP fallaway slams KP for 2. The girls trade forearms on their knees. KP and JP do something that I don't even know what to call it. KP handstand hurricanrana's JP in the corner then does the same to KP onto JP. JP hip attacks KJ off the apron. JP rams KP's back into the apron edge.
KP is laid on the 2nd rope and JP buttpresses her down. KJ goes for a top rope move by Ashante Adonis pulls KP out. JP 2nd rope superplexes KJ. KJ is put on the 2nd rope then takes a buttpress. Ashante rolls KP in and she pins KJ while JP isn't looking.
Thoughts: I liked the finish. That was clever. They all tried some new things here and some of those new things worked better than others. The new moves weren't as clean as they hoped they were I'm sure. It wasn't the worst effort for their experience level but it wasn't that good.
The girls keep fighting after. KJ and JP roll out and fight outside.
Fatal Influence then jump KP after. Ashante just watches instead of doing anything in a really stupid moment. We then go to PiP break as Fatal Influence beats up KP. Ashante finally tries to stand up to them and is chaired. KP takes a spinning forearm outside.
Stephanie Vaquer eventually comes out after KP gets beaten up for several minutes. She stares down Fatal Influence. Giulia then comes out and the 5 girls fight. We return from break and Jordynne Grace comes down and beats up Fatal Influence.
The heels are sent out. Grace gets on the mic. She says she came to NXT to be part of the best women's division in wrestling. She says she doesn't want to waste a second. She says they all want a fight and asks for a trios match later tonight.
The D'Angelo Family talk in the back. Stacks says he hasn't heard from Tony but says business must continue on. Stacks says he has to get taped up and says let's go.
Meta-Four (Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson) vs Zaria and Sol Ruca
Lash and Sol lock up. They evade moves. Sol side headlocks her then is tripped into an elbow drop on the back. JJ low dropkicks Sol for 2. Sol suplexes JJ then backflips into a pin attempt on her.
JJ takes a double suplex for 2. The four girls get in and trade shots. Zar and LAsh have opponents on their shoulders and both gorilla press them. Lash and Zar talk trash then Zar headbutts her. Lash catches Sol's headscissors off the buckles then Sol headscissors her over the top. JJ top rope dropkicks Zar. JJ topes Zar and Sol outside.
We go to break and return. Lash and Sol trade shots. Sol 2nd rope twisting forearms Lash. Zar gets in and gets shots in on both opponents. Zar corner splashes both. Lash splashes JJ on accident then is speared by Zar. Zar suplexes JJ for 2. JJ takes a superkick into a german for 2.
Sol flying headscissors Lash. Lash catches Sol off the 2nd rope. Sol armdrags and dropkicks her. JJ hits shots on both opponents then does a high kick + tornado ddt combo. Zar and Lash pump kick each other at the same time. They headbutt each other at the same time.
Zar pops up JJ into Lash then hits a hard spear on JJ. Zar F-5's JJ. Sol hits a sol snatcher on JJ and wins.
Thoughts: It had a bad moment or two but I liked it. Sol and Zaria are a fun odd couple team and Lash and JJ continue to show that they can be trusted to put out decent matches. This shouldn't have worked but it did.
Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe are interviewed in the back. Wes says NXT is unpredictable. Sarah then stops talking to him to talk to Ricky Starks. Starks says it feels good to sign an NXT contract and says she will find out all in a few minutes.
We see clips from WWE LFG.
Ricky Starks comes out to sign his NXT contract with Ava. Ricky says NXT is amazing. Ricky says making it to NXT isn't a dream but reality. He says he's the man in NXT and will show up and show off. He says the revolution begins.
Ethan Page comes out. He says he's impressed and said Ricky shocked the world. Page accuses Ricky of asking for a title match in his contract. Page says there's only one Ethan Page. Ricky asks if Page thinks that Ricky showed up and the spotlight isn't big enough for the both of them. Ricky says he's here to take the place to another level. Page says Ricky can't reach the bar that he set for people on NXT.
Ricky says it's a night for celebration and they shouldn't do this now. He mocks him for beating Je'Von Evans. Ricky says Evans showed he had that dog in him and says people like Evans come back to whoop that @ss.
Page says it's another star who is coming to bat for Evans. He says he doesn't think Evans could walk out Saturday on his own. Evans then comes out and beats up Page. They fight in the stands. Ricky goes to sign his contract then Wes Lee comes out.
Wes says he will give Ricky a pass for earlier. He says Ricky needs to understand there's rules around here and the first rule is not to disrespect him. Wes says he wants to welcome him to NXT. Ricky challenges Wes for next week. Wes tells him to sign the contract and says it'll be a one and done. He says Wes will be welcomed to the revolution next week. Wes goes to hit him and is knocked out of the ring. Security then stop Wes. We then see that Ricky Starks' new name is "Ricky Saints".
Thoughts: I'm not sure about the Ricky Saints name. I thought Ricky did okay here though and it was a decent segment to set up some stuff for him.
Fraxiom are interviewed and are asked about being attacked after their match. Axiom says they are trying to figure out what that was all about. The NQCC comes in. Fraxiom says they know why they are here and just because they want a tag title shot, doesn't mean they get it. Borne says they want gold, but they want to face the best tag team of all time. Tavion says they want The Hardy Boys. Borne asks about a match with them next week.
Thoughts: Man, the TNA/NXT thing is really in full effect. I figured The Hardy's were coming, I'm just surprised it's so quickly.
We see various NXT tag teams down in the back as Ricky Saints walks in. Ricky says this place is crazy.
Stacks vs Shawn Spears
Both wrestlers have their crews with them. Stacks goes after him and they fight outside. Shawn's head is banged off the apron. Shawn chops Stacks. Stacks hits chops and boots him out of the corner. Stacks slides between his legs and hits him.
Shawn superkicks him then hits a bridging ddt. Shawn hits knees to the head. Shawn neckbreakers him for 2. Shawn hits mounted punches on Stacks then stomps his neck into the mat. Stacks boots him form the apron then hits a slingshot codebreaker.
Rizzo and Izzi want to fight outside but security stops them. Stack enzugiri's Shawn then corner euros him. Stacks hits a spinebuster. Stacks top rope dropkicks Shawn. Shawn hits oblivion on him. Shawn then running death valley drivers him for the win.
Thoughts: It was fine with Stacks putting some extra effort in here. I didn't really care about this going in but they did a decent job with it.
Lexis King and Moose talk in the back. King says The System has big balls. King says he'd love to trust The System but he doesn't since they are challenging for titles and not putting theirs on the line. Moose says King just has to ask if he wants an x-division title shot. Moose says he will destroy him next week like everyone else. King says he's on.
Andre Chase, Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon talk. Chase asks why they are sticking up for him and getting him into trouble. UC and Kale explain themselves and try to get Chase fired up. They say that's the old Mr. Chase.
Andre Chase vs Eddy Thorpe
They lock up. Chase hits chops. Eddye stomps on him in the corner. Chase goes up and order then crossbodies him. Chase hurricanrana's him then cannonballs him off the apron.
Eddy back elbows him for 2. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors come out in the Chase-U section with Chase U shirts. Eddy hits kicks on Chase in the corner. Eddy PK's him for 2. Chase suplexes him. Connors and Kale come out to rally Chase. Chase hits shots on Eddy then side effects him for 2.
Chase hits a spinning punch then russian legsweeps him. Chase rips his shirt open, almost does CHASE U stomps but gives up on it. Eddy clips Chase from behind and throws him backwards. Eddy germans him then hits a lifting ddt on Chase for the win.
Thoughts: This world. They did a good job of making us care about Chase and wanting to see him get the win. It wasn't a match with a lot of moves or workrate but it worked.
Trick Williams gets on the tron after. He says it's not over until he says it's over. He says if he's going down, he's bringing Eddy with him.
Ricky Saints talks to Ava in the back. He says he doesn't know how she deals with the chaos. She says it comes with the job. Ethan Page comes in. He says he thought he was done with Evans. Wes Lee then comes in and they argue. Evans then has to be held back from attacking Wes. Ava sets up a Page/Wes vs Saints/Evans tag match.
The Hardy Boyz do a video via twitter. Matt says he didn't accept this. Matt asks if they should accept the challenge from NQCC and Jeff says of course they should. The Hardy's then tell Fraxiom to get a front row seat and realize why they are the GOATS. Jeff says maybe there will be a Hardy Party at NXT.
Jordynne Grace, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer vs Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx)
G = Giulia, SV = Stephanie Vaquer, JG = Jordynne Grace
SV bangs Fallon's head off the buckles. She tries a bridge pin. SV chops her and Fallon hits a double shot to the thraot. Fallon hits corner spears on SV. Jacy foot chokes SV.
SV hits soul foot on Nyx. G and Nyx trade. G overhead suplexes Nyx for 2. JG hits a reverse alabama slam on Nyx then germans her hard. Jacy rolls up JG for 2. The 6 girls get in the ring and fight. SV suplexes Ny. Jacy takes a double heabutt then is thrown out onto her partners. The ropes are held open and JG dives out.
Jacy pulls SV down by the hair and misses a senton. SV bangs Jacy's head off the mat with the headscissors. We go to PiP break and return. Jacy chinlocks SV. SV pulls Jacy's head into the buckles then running dropkicks her. SV rolls up Jacy for 2. Jacy back splashes SV. Nyx legsweeps SV into a superkick and PK. Fallon swinging facebusters SV for 2. SV and Fallon slap each other down at the same time.
JG gets in and shoulders the heels over. JG slams all three of them. JG hits a double northern lights suplex then atomic drops and lariats Fallon. JG muscle busters Jacy while lariating Nyx for 2.
JG hits knees to Jacy's gut. JG slams her. JG misses a vader bomb then Jacy pumping knees her for 2. Fallon 2nd rope blockbusters JG and Nyx bicycle kicks JG for 2.
Fallon suplexes SV. G does a bad drop on Fallon. G backdrops Jacy. G is tripped on the apron and sent into the steps. SB top rope plancha's Jacy and Fallon outside. JG uraken's and hits a made in Japan on Nyx to win.
Thoughts: It wasn't perfect but it was a decent trios match. They kept it moving and JG had a good night. JG was obviously winning this one when she was in the ring with Nyx by the end.
The winning team poses together and JG stares at SV and G.
We go to the back/outside and chaos has erupted. The new group destroyed an office and has left Mr. Stone laying. They spray paint "no one is safe' on the wall.
Overall thoughts: It was a good episode with a lot happening. Ricky Saints got his new name and is already set up for storylines. The new group continues to attack. The NXT-TNA partnership is in full-swing and we had a good night of action. I enjoyed this one and would give it a 7 out of 10.
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